## How to report crash issues? * [Learn to use GDB](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace#Generation) (or see [Arch Wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Debug_-_Getting_Traces#Getting_the_trace) if you can't stand seeing the Ubuntu logo) * Preferably, [build tuntox and c-toxcore from source](BUILD.md) * run tuntox with `-d -d -d` switch (yes, three times) on both sides (client and server) * Try reproducing the problem * Type `backtrace full` in gdb console when it crashes * Paste full debug output including gdb output in your issue. Don't forget to paste log from the other side (eg. from a client when you're reporting a server crash). * Describe exactly how you reproduced the problem. Preferably try reproducing it again. ## How to report non-crash issues? * Make sure you're running the latest version * run tuntox with `-d -d -d` switch (yes, three times): ``` tuntox -d -d -d -i ABDE4CF4541C27DBE36A812FF6752F71A9F44D1CF917CE489B30CC3D742500039B86C14F85F9 ``` * Try reproducing the problem and note approximate date/time of the problem, so that logs can be cross-referenced * Depending on the nature of the problem, logs from both server and client may be needed * Describe exactly how you reproduced the problem. Preferably try reproducing it again. ## Why is my connection slow? The actual p2p connection is made by the [c-toxcore](https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore) library. The way it works is: it tries to establish a direct connection between peers and falls back to [TCP relays](https://nodes.tox.chat/) if that's impossible. The direct connection code doesn't see much work and c-toxcore sometimes uses a TCP relay even when both peers have a public IP address and can reach each other directly. Also please note that sometimes the connection improves after a few minutes as the peers discover each other. You're going to get the best connection if you see the following message on the client: ``` 2018-03-24 08:59:21: [INFO] Friend request accepted (An UDP connection has been established)! ``` The connection is likely to have worse latency when you see the following: ``` 2018-03-24 08:57:21: [INFO] Friend request accepted (A TCP connection has been established (via TCP relay))! ``` ## I have a direct UDP connection. Why isn't my connection faster? Wait until https://github.com/gjedeer/tuntox/issues/41 is implemented. This change should improve speed and latency in the 10 Mbit/s+ range.