#include "main.h" #include "tox_bootstrap.h" static Tox_Options tox_options; static Tox *tox; int client_socket = 0; /** CONFIGURATION OPTIONS **/ /* Whether we're a client */ int client_mode = 0; /* Just send a ping and exit */ int ping_mode = 0; /* Remote Tox ID in client mode */ char *remote_tox_id = NULL; /* Ports and hostname for port forwarding */ int remote_port = 0; char *remote_host = NULL; int local_port = 0; /* The state machine */ int state = CLIENT_STATE_INITIAL; /* Used in ping mode */ struct timespec ping_sent_time; /* Client mode tunnel */ tunnel client_tunnel; /* We keep two hash tables: one indexed by sockfd and another by "connection id" */ tunnel *by_id = NULL; tunnel *by_fd = NULL; /* Generate an unique tunnel ID. To be used in a server. */ uint16_t get_random_tunnel_id() { while(1) { int key; uint16_t tunnel_id; tunnel *tun; tunnel_id = (uint16_t)rand(); key = tunnel_id; HASH_FIND_INT(by_id, &key, tun); if(!tun) { return tunnel_id; } fprintf(stderr, "[i] Found duplicated tunnel ID %d\n", key); } } /* Constructor. Returns NULL on failure. */ static tunnel *tunnel_create(int sockfd, int connid, uint32_t friendnumber) { tunnel *t = NULL; t = calloc(1, sizeof(tunnel)); if(!t) { return NULL; } t->sockfd = sockfd; t->connid = connid; t->friendnumber = friendnumber; HASH_ADD_INT( by_id, connid, t ); HASH_ADD_INT( by_fd, sockfd, t ); return t; } static void tunnel_delete(tunnel *t) { HASH_DEL( by_id, t ); HASH_DEL( by_fd, t ); free(t); } static void writechecksum(uint8_t *address) { uint8_t *checksum = address + 36; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 36; ++i) checksum[i % 2] ^= address[i]; } /* From utox/util.c */ static void to_hex(char_t *a, const char_t *p, int size) { char_t b, c; const char_t *end = p + size; while(p != end) { b = *p++; c = (b & 0xF); b = (b >> 4); if(b < 10) { *a++ = b + '0'; } else { *a++ = b - 10 + 'A'; } if(c < 10) { *a++ = c + '0'; } else { *a++ = c - 10 + 'A'; } } } /* From utox/util.c */ void id_to_string(char_t *dest, const char_t *src) { to_hex(dest, src, TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE); } /* From utox/util.c */ int string_to_id(char_t *w, char_t *a) { char_t *end = w + TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; while(w != end) { char_t c, v; c = *a++; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { v = (c - '0') << 4; } else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { v = (c - 'A' + 10) << 4; } else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { v = (c - 'a' + 10) << 4; } else { return 0; } c = *a++; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { v |= (c - '0'); } else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { v |= (c - 'A' + 10); } else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { v |= (c - 'a' + 10); } else { return 0; } *w++ = v; } return 1; } /* bootstrap to dht with bootstrap_nodes */ /* From uTox/tox.c */ static void do_bootstrap(Tox *tox) { static unsigned int j = 0; if (j == 0) j = rand(); int i = 0; while(i < 4) { struct bootstrap_node *d = &bootstrap_nodes[j % countof(bootstrap_nodes)]; tox_bootstrap_from_address(tox, d->address, d->port, d->key); i++; j++; } } /* Set username to the machine's FQDN */ void set_tox_username(Tox *tox) { unsigned char hostname[1024]; struct addrinfo hints, *info, *p; int gai_result; gethostname(hostname, 1024); hostname[1023] = '\0'; # if 0 memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /*either IPV4 or IPV6*/ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; if ((gai_result = getaddrinfo(hostname, "ftp", &hints, &info)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(gai_result)); exit(1); } for(p = info; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) { printf("hostname: %s\n", p->ai_canonname); } # endif tox_set_name(tox, hostname, strlen(hostname)); // freeaddrinfo(info); } // get sockaddr, IPv4 or IPv6: /* From Beej */ void *get_in_addr(struct sockaddr *sa) { if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) { return &(((struct sockaddr_in*)sa)->sin_addr); } return &(((struct sockaddr_in6*)sa)->sin6_addr); } /* From Beej */ int get_client_socket(char *hostname, int port) { int sockfd, numbytes; char buf[READ_BUFFER_SIZE]; struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p; int rv; char s[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; char port_str[6]; snprintf(port_str, 6, "%d", port); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if ((rv = getaddrinfo(hostname, port_str, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv)); return -1; } // loop through all the results and connect to the first we can for(p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) { if ((sockfd = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol)) == -1) { perror("client: socket"); continue; } if (connect(sockfd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) { close(sockfd); perror("client: connect"); continue; } break; } if (p == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to connect to %s:%d\n", hostname, port); exit(1); } inet_ntop(p->ai_family, get_in_addr((struct sockaddr *)p->ai_addr), s, sizeof s); fprintf(stderr, "connecting to %s\n", s); freeaddrinfo(servinfo); // all done with this structure fprintf(stderr, "Connected to %s:%d\n", hostname, port); return sockfd; } /* Proto - our protocol handling */ /* * send_frame: (almost) zero-copy. Overwrites first PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET bytes of data * so actual data should start at position PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET */ int send_frame(protocol_frame *frame, uint8_t *data) { int rv; data[0] = PROTOCOL_MAGIC_HIGH; data[1] = PROTOCOL_MAGIC_LOW; data[2] = BYTE2(frame->packet_type); data[3] = BYTE1(frame->packet_type); data[4] = BYTE2(frame->connid); data[5] = BYTE1(frame->connid); data[6] = BYTE2(frame->data_length); data[7] = BYTE1(frame->data_length); rv = tox_send_lossless_packet( tox, frame->friendnumber, data, frame->data_length + PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET ); if(rv < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to send packet to friend %d\n", frame->friendnumber); } return rv; } int handle_ping_frame(protocol_frame *rcvd_frame) { uint8_t data[TOX_MAX_CUSTOM_PACKET_SIZE]; protocol_frame frame_s; protocol_frame *frame = &frame_s; frame->data = data + PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET; memcpy(frame->data, rcvd_frame->data, rcvd_frame->data_length); frame->friendnumber = rcvd_frame->friendnumber; frame->packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_PONG; frame->data_length = rcvd_frame->data_length; send_frame(frame, data); } int handle_pong_frame(protocol_frame *rcvd_frame) { struct timespec pong_rcvd_time; double secs1, secs2; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &pong_rcvd_time); secs1 = (1.0 * ping_sent_time.tv_sec) + (1e-9 * ping_sent_time.tv_nsec); secs2 = (1.0 * pong_rcvd_time.tv_sec) + (1e-9 * pong_rcvd_time.tv_nsec); printf("GOT PONG! Time = %.3fs\n", secs2-secs1); if(ping_mode) { // state = CLIENT_STATE_PONG_RECEIVED; state = CLIENT_STATE_SEND_PING; } } int handle_request_tunnel_frame(protocol_frame *rcvd_frame) { char *hostname = NULL; tunnel *tun; int port = -1; int sockfd = 0; uint16_t tunnel_id; if(client_mode) { fprintf(stderr, "Got tunnel request frame from friend #%d when in client mode\n", rcvd_frame->friendnumber); return -1; } port = rcvd_frame->connid; hostname = calloc(1, rcvd_frame->data_length + 1); if(!hostname) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for tunnel request hostname\n"); return -1; } strncpy(hostname, rcvd_frame->data, rcvd_frame->data_length); hostname[rcvd_frame->data_length] = '\0'; printf("Got a request to forward data from %s:%d\n", hostname, port); tunnel_id = get_random_tunnel_id(); printf("Tunnel ID: %d\n", tunnel_id); /* TODO make connection */ sockfd = get_client_socket(hostname, port); if(sockfd > 0) { tun = tunnel_create(sockfd, tunnel_id, rcvd_frame->friendnumber); if(tun) { fprintf(stderr, "Created tunnel, yay!\n"); /* TODO send ack */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for tunnel\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to %s:%d\n", hostname, port); /* TODO send reject */ } } /* This is a dispatcher for our encapsulated protocol */ int handle_frame(protocol_frame *frame) { switch(frame->packet_type) { case PACKET_TYPE_PING: return handle_ping_frame(frame); break; case PACKET_TYPE_PONG: return handle_pong_frame(frame); break; case PACKET_TYPE_TCP: break; case PACKET_TYPE_REQUESTTUNNEL: handle_request_tunnel_frame(frame); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Got unknown packet type 0x%x from friend %d\n", frame->packet_type, frame->friendnumber ); } return 0; } /* * This is a callback which gets a packet from Tox core. * It checks for basic inconsistiencies and allocates the * protocol_frame structure. */ int parse_lossless_packet(void *sender_uc, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t len) { protocol_frame *frame = NULL; if(len < PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET) { fprintf(stderr, "Received too short data frame - only %d bytes, at least %d expected\n", len, PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET); return -1; } if(data[0] != PROTOCOL_MAGIC_HIGH || data[1] != PROTOCOL_MAGIC_LOW) { fprintf(stderr, "Received data frame with invalid protocol magic number 0x%x%x\n", data[0], data[1]); return -1; } frame = calloc(1, sizeof(protocol_frame)); if(!frame) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for protocol_frame_t\n"); return -1; } /* TODO check if friendnumber is the same in sender and connid tunnel*/ frame->magic = INT16_AT(data, 0); frame->packet_type = INT16_AT(data, 2); frame->connid = INT16_AT(data, 4); frame->data_length = INT16_AT(data, 6); frame->data = data + PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET; frame->friendnumber = *((uint32_t*)sender_uc); printf("Got protocol frame magic 0x%x type 0x%x from friend %d\n", frame->magic, frame->packet_type, frame->friendnumber); if(len < frame->data_length + PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET) { fprintf(stderr, "Received frame too small (attempted buffer overflow?): %d bytes, excepted at least %d bytes\n", len, frame->data_length + PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET); return -1; } if(frame->data_length > (TOX_MAX_CUSTOM_PACKET_SIZE - PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET)) { fprintf(stderr, "Declared data length too big (attempted buffer overflow?): %d bytes, excepted at most %d bytes\n", frame->data_length, (TOX_MAX_CUSTOM_PACKET_SIZE - PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET)); return -1; } handle_frame(frame); } int send_tunnel_request_packet(char *remote_host, int remote_port, int friend_number) { int packet_length = 0; protocol_frame frame_i, *frame; char *data = NULL; fprintf(stderr, "Sending packet to friend #%d to forward %s:%d\n", friend_number, remote_host, remote_port); packet_length = PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET + strlen(remote_host); frame = &frame_i; data = calloc(1, packet_length); if(!data) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for tunnel request packet\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(data+PROTOCOL_BUFFER_OFFSET, remote_host); frame->friendnumber = friend_number; frame->packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_REQUESTTUNNEL; frame->connid = remote_port; frame->data_length = strlen(remote_host); send_frame(frame, data); free(data); return 0; } /* End proto */ void accept_friend_request(Tox *tox, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata) { unsigned char tox_printable_id[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE * 2 + 1]; int32_t friendnumber; int32_t *friendnumber_ptr = NULL; printf("Got friend request\n"); friendnumber = tox_add_friend_norequest(tox, public_key); id_to_string(tox_printable_id, public_key); printf("Accepted friend request from %s as %d\n", tox_printable_id, friendnumber); /* TODO: this is not freed right now, we're leaking 4 bytes per contact (OMG!) */ friendnumber_ptr = malloc(sizeof(int32_t)); if(!friendnumber_ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for friendnumber_ptr\n"); return; } *friendnumber_ptr = friendnumber; tox_lossless_packet_registerhandler(tox, friendnumber, (PROTOCOL_MAGIC_V1)>>8, parse_lossless_packet, (void*)friendnumber_ptr); } void cleanup(int status, void *tmp) { printf("kthxbye\n"); fflush(stdout); tox_kill(tox); if(client_socket) { close(client_socket); } } int do_server_loop() { struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; fd_set master; unsigned char read_buf[READ_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; unsigned char tox_packet_buf[PROTOCOL_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 20000; FD_ZERO(&fds); // FD_SET(client_socket, &fds); master = fds; while(1) { /* Let tox do its stuff */ tox_do(tox); /* Poll for data from our client connection */ select(client_socket+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(FD_ISSET(client_socket, &fds)) { int nbytes = recv(client_socket, read_buf, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); /* Check if connection closed */ if(nbytes == 0) { printf("conn closed!\n"); } else { unsigned int tox_packet_length = 0; read_buf[nbytes] = '\0'; printf("READ: %s\n", read_buf); } } fds = master; } } int do_client_loop(char *tox_id_str) { unsigned char tox_packet_buf[PROTOCOL_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char tox_id[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; uint32_t friendnumber; if(!string_to_id(tox_id, tox_id_str)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Tox ID"); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to Tox...\n"); while(1) { /* Let tox do its stuff */ tox_do(tox); switch(state) { /* * Send friend request */ case CLIENT_STATE_INITIAL: if(tox_isconnected(tox)) { state = CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED; } break; case CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED: { uint8_t data[] = "Hi, fellow tuntox instance!"; uint16_t length = sizeof(data); fprintf(stderr, "Connected. Sending friend request.\n"); friendnumber = tox_add_friend( tox, tox_id, data, length ); if(friendnumber < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d adding friend %s\n", friendnumber, tox_id); exit(-1); } tox_lossless_packet_registerhandler(tox, friendnumber, (PROTOCOL_MAGIC_V1)>>8, parse_lossless_packet, (void*)&friendnumber); state = CLIENT_STATE_SENTREQUEST; fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for friend to accept us...\n"); } break; case CLIENT_STATE_SENTREQUEST: if(tox_get_friend_connection_status(tox, friendnumber) == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Friend request accepted!\n"); state = CLIENT_STATE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED; } else { } break; case CLIENT_STATE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: if(ping_mode) { state = CLIENT_STATE_SEND_PING; } else { state = CLIENT_STATE_REQUEST_TUNNEL; } break; case CLIENT_STATE_SEND_PING: /* Send the ping packet */ { uint8_t data[] = { 0xa2, 0x6a, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f }; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ping_sent_time); tox_send_lossless_packet( tox, friendnumber, data, sizeof(data) ); } state = CLIENT_STATE_PING_SENT; break; case CLIENT_STATE_PING_SENT: /* Just sit there and wait for pong */ break; case CLIENT_STATE_REQUEST_TUNNEL: send_tunnel_request_packet( "", remote_port, friendnumber ); state = CLIENT_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ACKTUNNEL; break; case CLIENT_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ACKTUNNEL: break; } usleep(tox_do_interval(tox) * 1000); } } void help() { fprintf(stderr, "tuntox - Forward ports over the Tox protocol\n"); fprintf(stderr, "USAGE:\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-i - remote point Tox ID\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-L :: - forward : to\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-p - ping the server from -i and exit\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char tox_id[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; unsigned char tox_printable_id[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE * 2 + 1]; int oc; while ((oc = getopt(argc, argv, "L:pi:")) != -1) { switch(oc) { case 'L': /* Local port forwarding */ client_mode = 1; remote_port = atoi(optarg); fprintf(stderr, "Forwarding remote port %d\n", remote_port); break; case 'p': /* Ping */ client_mode = 1; ping_mode = 1; break; case 'i': remote_tox_id = optarg; break; case '?': default: help(); exit(1); } } on_exit(cleanup, NULL); /* Bootstrap tox */ tox_options.ipv6enabled = TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT; tox_options.udp_disabled = 0; tox_options.proxy_enabled = 0; tox = tox_new(&tox_options); set_tox_username(tox); tox_get_address(tox, tox_id); id_to_string(tox_printable_id, tox_id); tox_printable_id[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE * 2] = '\0'; printf("Generated Tox ID: %s\n", tox_printable_id); do_bootstrap(tox); /* TODO use proper argparse */ if(client_mode) { do_client_loop(remote_tox_id); } else { /* Connect to the forwarded service */ // client_socket = get_client_socket(); tox_callback_friend_request(tox, accept_friend_request, NULL); do_server_loop(); } return 0; }