AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-07-20Support for renumbering vertices.Joe Crayne
2019-07-16Refactor Wavefront.parse.Joe Crayne
2019-06-17Ord instances + more exports.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14Defaulting for vertex coordinates.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14Removed nullBuilder agument (obsoleted by Rank2.fmap).Joe Crayne
2019-06-14Reorganizing.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14Simplified package, includes only the crayne parser.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14crayne parser: add full-parse benchmark.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14crayne parser: higher level interface.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14crayne parser: l command and Rank2.Functor instance.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14Renamed low-level crayne parser to Wavefront.Lex.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14Removed hidden duplicated file.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14More file format docs.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14nullBuilder accepts custom default action.Joe Crayne
2019-06-14crayne parser: csh commandJoe Crayne
2019-06-14crayne parser: call command.Joe Crayne
2019-06-13crayne parser: bsp,bevel,lod,res,cdp keywords.Joe Crayne
2019-06-13crayne parser: shadow_obj and trace_objJoe Crayne
2019-06-13crayne parser: maplib,c_interp,d_interp keywordsJoe Crayne
2019-06-13crayne parser: usemap supportJoe Crayne
2019-06-13crayne parser: variable substition in g,o,mtlib commands.Joe Crayne
2019-06-13crayne parser: step and pJoe Crayne
2019-06-13crayne parser: bmatJoe Crayne
2019-06-12crayne: Support scientific notation.Joe Crayne
2019-06-12Optmizations, disabled weigh benchmarking.Joe Crayne
2019-06-12benchmarksJoe Crayne
2019-06-12Started bytestring-lexing based parser.Joe Crayne
2019-06-12Removed some tabs from OBJ.specJoe Crayne
2019-06-12More free-form wip.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Sabadie: Started free-form geometry support.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11OBJ.spec: Added some mathematical formulas.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Sabadie parser: relative vertex references in faces.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Accept test file as command-line argument.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Add parameter coords to WavefrontOBJ.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Sabadie parser: support trailing blanks.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Sundqvist parser: support vp token.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Sabadie parser: support vp token.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Sundqvist: Allow leading spaces.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Fixed Sundqvist v and vt parsing.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Added failing tests.Joe Crayne
2019-06-11Script to extract test data from OBJ spec.Joe Crayne
2019-06-10Added Wavefront OBJ format specification.Joe Crayne
2019-06-10Drop dependency on OpenGL.Joe Crayne
2019-06-10Cosmetic changes to cabal file.Joe Crayne
2019-06-10OverloadedStrings pragma to fix build.Joe Crayne
2019-06-10cabal init generated build files.Joe Crayne
2019-06-10Initial commit.Joe Crayne