-- some of the Types are from http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GPipe-Collada -- adopted for possible future combination module Graphics.Formats.Collada.ColladaTypes ( Scene(..), SceneNode(..), NodeType(..), Transform(..), Camera(..), ViewSize(..), Z(..), Light(..), Attenuation(..), Controller(..), Geometry(..), Mesh(..), Vertices(..), LinePrimitive(..), Polygon(..), -- Polylist(..), Spline(..), TriangleMesh(..), TriFan(..), TriStrip(..), AnimChannel(..), ID, SID, Semantic, Profile(..), NewParam(..), TechniqueCommon(..), Material, Effect, C(..), Color(..), Animation(..), TextureObject(..), Fx_common_color_type(..), Fx_common_texture_type(..), Texture(..), Interpolation(..), ) where import Data.Tree import Data.Vector import Data.Word import Graphics.Formats.Collada.Vector2D3D (V3(..), V4(..)) -- Coercible to Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.TextureObject newtype TextureObject = TextureObject { textureID :: Word32 } deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show ) type Mat44 = ((Float,Float,Float,Float), (Float,Float,Float,Float), (Float,Float,Float,Float), (Float,Float,Float,Float)) type Scene = Tree SceneNode data SceneNode = SceneNode { nodeId :: ID, nodeType :: NodeType, nodeLayers :: [String], nodeTransformations :: [(SID, Transform)], nodeCameras :: [Camera], nodeController :: [Controller], nodeGeometries :: [Geometry], nodeLights :: [Light] } | EmptyRoot deriving (Show, Eq) data NodeType = JOINT | NODE | NOTYPE deriving (Show, Eq) data Transform = LookAt { lookAtEye:: V3, lookAtInterest :: V3, lookAtUp :: V3 } | Matrix Mat44 | Rotate V3 Float V3 Float V3 Float | Scale V3 | Skew { skewAngle :: Float, skewRotation :: V3, skewTranslation :: V3 } | Translate V3 deriving (Show, Eq) data Camera = Perspective { perspectiveID :: ID, perspectiveFov :: ViewSize, perspectiveZ :: Z } | Orthographic { orthographicID :: ID, orthographicViewSize :: ViewSize, orthographicZ :: Z } deriving (Show, Eq) data ViewSize = ViewSizeX Float | ViewSizeY Float | ViewSizeXY (Float,Float) deriving (Show, Eq) data Z = Z { zNear :: Float, zFar :: Float } deriving (Show, Eq) data Light = Ambient { ambientID :: ID, ambientColor :: Color } | Directional { directionalID :: ID, directionalColor :: Color } | Point { pointID :: ID, pointColor :: Color, pointAttenuation :: Attenuation } | Spot { spotID :: ID, spotColor :: Color, spotAttenuation :: Attenuation, spotFallOffAngle :: Float, spotFallOffExponent :: Float } deriving (Show, Eq) data Attenuation = Attenuation { attenuationConstant :: Float, attenuationLinear :: Float, attenuationQuadratic :: Float } deriving (Show, Eq) data Controller = Controller { contrId :: ID, skin :: [Skin], morph :: [Morph] } deriving (Show, Eq) data Skin = Skin { bindShapeMatrix :: [Mat44], source :: [String], joint :: [Joint], vertexWeights :: String } deriving (Show, Eq) data Morph = Morph { geometrySource :: String, method :: MorphMethod, morphSource :: String, morphTargets :: [Input] } deriving (Show, Eq) data MorphMethod = Normalized | Relative deriving (Show, Eq) data Joint = Joint { jointID :: String, prismatic :: Prismatic, revolute :: Revolute } deriving (Show, Eq) type Prismatic = String type Revolute = String data Input = Input { offset :: Int, semantic :: Semantic, inputSource :: String, set :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) data Semantic = BINORMAL | COLOR | CONTINUITY | IMAGE | INPUT | IN_TANGENT | INTERPOLATION | INV_BIND_MATRIX | ISJOINT | LINEAR_STEPS | MORPH_TARGET | MORPH_WEIGHT | NORMAL | OUTPUT | OUT_TANGENT | POSITION | TANGENT | TEXBINORMAL | TEXCOORD | TEXTANGENT | UV | VERTEX | WEIGHT deriving (Show, Eq) data Geometry = Geometry { meshID :: ID, mesh :: [Mesh], vertices :: Vertices -- convexMesh :: [Mesh], -- splines :: [Spline], -- breps :: [Brep] } deriving (Show) instance Eq Geometry where (Geometry mid1 _ _) == (Geometry mid2 _ _) = mid1 == mid2 data Mesh = LP LinePrimitive | -- ^Lines LS LinePrimitive | -- ^LineStrips P Polygon | -- ^Polygon: Contains polygon primitives which may contain holes. PL LinePrimitive | -- ^PolyList: Contains polygon primitives that cannot contain holes. Tr LinePrimitive | -- ^Triangles Trf LinePrimitive | -- ^TriFans Trs LinePrimitive | -- ^TriStrips S LinePrimitive -- ^Splines deriving (Show, Eq) data Vertices = Vertices { name :: ID, verts :: Vector V3, normals :: Vector V3 } deriving (Show, Eq) data LinePrimitive = LinePrimitive { lineP :: Vector (Vector Int), -- point indices lineN :: Vector (Vector Int), -- normal indices lineT :: Vector (Vector Int), -- texture indices ms :: [Material] } deriving (Show, Eq) data Polygon = Polygon { poylgonP :: Vector (Vector Int), poylgonN :: Vector (Vector Int), polygonPh :: (Vector Int, Vector Int), -- (indices, indices of a hole) polygonMs :: [Material] } deriving (Show, Eq) type Material = (SID,Effect) type Effect = Profile type Animation = Tree (SID, AnimChannel) data AnimChannel = AnimChannel { input :: (ID,[Float],Accessor) , -- Accessor: i.e. "TIME" output :: (ID,[Float],Accessor), interp :: [Interpolation], -- target channels in Collada targets :: [(TargetID,AccessorName)] -- transfer values to several objects } | EmptyAnim deriving (Show, Eq) data Interpolation = Step | Linear | Bezier [Float] [Float] deriving (Show, Eq) type TargetID = String type Accessor = [[(AccessorName, AccessorType)]] type AccessorName = String type AccessorType = String data Profile = BRIDGE Asset Extra | CG Asset Code Include NewParam TechniqueCG Extra | COMMON Asset NewParam TechniqueCommon String | GLES Asset NewParam TechniqueCG Extra | GLES2 Asset Code Include NewParam TechniqueCG Extra | GLSL Asset Code Include NewParam TechniqueCG Extra deriving (Show, Eq) type Asset = String type Code = String type Include = String data NewParam = Annotat | Semantic | Modifier | NoParam deriving (Show, Eq) data TechniqueCommon = Constant | LambertCol [Fx_common_color_type] | LambertTex [Fx_common_texture_type] [[Float]] | PhongCol [Fx_common_color_type] | PhongTex [Fx_common_texture_type] [[Float]] | Blinn deriving (Show, Eq) data TechniqueCG = IsAsset | IsAnnotate | Pass | Extra deriving (Show, Eq) data Extra = String deriving (Show, Eq) -- Asset | Technique data Technique = Profile deriving (Show, Eq) -- XML -- | Xmlns Schema data Fx_common_color_type = CEmission C | CAmbient C | CDiffuse C | CSpecular C | CShininess Float | CReflective C | CReflectivity Float | CTransparent C | CTransparency Float | CIndex_of_refraction Float deriving (Show, Eq) data Fx_common_texture_type = TEmission Texture | TAmbient Texture | TDiffuse Texture | TSpecular Texture | TShininess Float | TReflective Texture | TReflectivity Float | TTransparent Texture | TTransparency Float | TIndex_of_refraction Float deriving (Show, Eq) data C = Color V4 deriving (Show, Eq) data Texture = Texture { imageSID :: ID, path :: String, -- ToDo: better type texObj :: Maybe TextureObject -- force evalaution to generate a font cache } deriving (Show, Eq) type ID = String type SID = String -- Maybe data Color = RGB Float Float Float deriving (Eq, Show)