-- | -- Module : Graphics.WaveFront.Parse.Common -- Description : -- Copyright : (c) Jonatan H Sundqvist, October 2 2016 -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : Jonatan H Sundqvist -- Stability : experimental|stable -- Portability : POSIX (not sure) -- TODO | - Fully polymorphic (even in the string and list types) (?) -- - -- SPEC | - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GHC Extensions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.WaveFront.Parse.Common where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We'll need these -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Text (Text, pack) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto import Control.Applicative (pure, liftA2, (<$>), (<*>), (<*), (*>), (<|>)) import Linear (V2(..), V3(..),V4(..)) import Graphics.WaveFront.Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions (pure) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Jon's little helpers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Consumes all input, including any leading or trailing comments and whitespace -- TODO | - Rename (?) wholeFile :: Atto.Parser a -> Atto.Parser a wholeFile p = cutToTheChase *> p <* cutToTheChase <* Atto.endOfInput -- | Skips any leading comments, line breaks and empty lines -- TODO | - Rename (?) -- - Skip whitespace cutToTheChase :: Atto.Parser () cutToTheChase = Atto.skipMany ((comment *> pure ()) <|> (Atto.satisfy isLinearSpace *> pure ()) <|> Atto.endOfLine) -- | OBJ rows may be separated by one or more lines of comments and whitespace, or empty lines. -- TODO | - Make sure this is right lineSeparator :: Atto.Parser () lineSeparator = Atto.skipMany1 $ ignore space *> ignore comment *> Atto.endOfLine -- | Parses a comment (from the '#' to end of the line), possibly preceded by whitespace -- TODO | - Break out the whitespace part (?) comment :: Atto.Parser Text comment = Atto.skipSpace *> Atto.char '#' *> Atto.takeTill (\c -> (c == '\r') || (c == '\n')) -- TODO: Is the newline consumed (?) -- | Tries the given parser, falls back to 'Nothing' if it fails -- TODO | - Use 'try' to enforce backtracking (?) optional :: Atto.Parser a -> Atto.Parser (Maybe a) optional p = Atto.option Nothing (Just <$> p) -- | Like Atto.skipMany, except it skips one match at the most ignore :: Atto.Parser a -> Atto.Parser () ignore p = optional p *> pure () -- | atleast :: Int -> Atto.Parser a -> Atto.Parser [a] atleast n p = liftA2 (++) (Atto.count n p) (Atto.many' p) -- | Skips atleast one white space character (not including newlines and carriage returns) space :: Atto.Parser () space = Atto.skipMany1 (Atto.satisfy isLinearSpace) -- | Predicate for linear space (eg. whitespace besides newlines) -- TODO | - Unicode awareness (cf. Data.Char.isSpace) -- - Come up with a better name (?) isLinearSpace :: Char -> Bool isLinearSpace c = (c == ' ') || (c == '\t') -- | One or more letters (cf. 'Atto.letter' for details) word :: Atto.Parser Text word = pack <$> Atto.many1 Atto.letter -- | Used for texture, material, object and group names (and maybe others that I have yet to think of) -- TODO | - Use Unicode groups, make more robust (?) name :: Atto.Parser Text name = pack <$> Atto.many1 (Atto.satisfy $ \c -> (c /= ' ') && (c /= '\t') && (c /= '\r') && (c /= '\n')) -- | Parses the strings "off" (False) and "on" (True) toggle :: Atto.Parser Bool toggle = (Atto.string "off" *> pure False) <|> (Atto.string "on" *> pure True) -- | Wraps a parser in a '(' and a ')', with no whitespace in between parenthesised :: Atto.Parser a -> Atto.Parser a parenthesised p = Atto.char '(' *> p <* Atto.char ')' -- TODO | - Allow scientific notation (?) -- | coord :: Fractional f => Atto.Parser f coord = space *> (parenthesised Atto.rational <|> Atto.rational) -- | A single colour channel -- TODO | - Clamp to [0,1] (cf. partial from monadplus) (?) -- - Can channels be parenthesised (?) channel :: Fractional f => Atto.Parser f channel = space *> (parenthesised Atto.rational <|> Atto.rational) -- | A colour with three or four channels (RGB[A]) colour :: Fractional f => Atto.Parser (Colour f) colour = Colour <$> channel <*> channel <*> channel <*> Atto.option 1 channel -- | A point in 3D space point3D :: Fractional f => Atto.Parser (V3 f) point3D = V3 <$> coord <*> coord <*> coord -- | A point in 2D space point2D :: Fractional f => Atto.Parser (V2 f) point2D = V2 <$> coord <*> coord pointTo3 :: Fractional f => Int -> f -> Atto.Parser (V3 f) pointTo3 3 def = V3 <$> coord <*> coord <*> coord pointTo3 2 def = V3 <$> coord <*> coord <*> (fromMaybe def <$> optional coord) pointTo3 1 def = (\x m -> case m of { Just (y,z) -> V3 x y z; Nothing -> V3 x def def }) <$> coord <*> optional ( do y <- coord z <- fromMaybe def <$> optional coord return (y,z) ) pointTo3 0 def = fromMaybe (V3 def def def) <$> optional (pointTo3 1 def) pointTo4 :: Fractional f => Int -> f -> Atto.Parser (V4 f) pointTo4 4 def = V4 <$> coord <*> coord <*> coord <*> coord pointTo4 n def = (\(V3 x y z) mw -> V4 x y z $ fromMaybe def mw) <$> pointTo3 n def <*> optional coord -- | clamp :: Ord n => n -> n -> n -> Atto.Parser n clamp lower upper n | between lower upper n = pure n | otherwise = fail "Number not in range" where between lw up n = (lower <= n) && (n <= upper) -- between 0 <. n <. 5 -- | -- TODO | - Clean up and generalise clamped :: Integral i => i -> i -> Atto.Parser i clamped lower upper = Atto.decimal >>= clamp lower upper