-- | -- Module : Graphics.WaveFront.Parse.OBJ -- Description : -- Copyright : (c) Jonatan H Sundqvist, October 2 2016 -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : Jonatan H Sundqvist -- Stability : experimental|stable -- Portability : POSIX (not sure) -- TODO | - Fully polymorphic (even in the string and list types) (?) -- - -- SPEC | - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GHC Extensions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.WaveFront.Parse.OBJ ( obj, row, face, normal, texcoord, vertex, object, group, lib, use, vertexIndices, ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We'll need these -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Text (Text) -- import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*), (*>), (<|>)) -- import Linear (V2(..), V3(..)) import Graphics.WaveFront.Parse.Common import Graphics.WaveFront.Types hiding (texture) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OBJ parsing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This function creates an OBJToken or error for each line in the input data obj :: (Fractional f, Integral i) => Atto.Parser (OBJ f Text i []) obj = Atto.sepBy row lineSeparator -- <* Atto.endOfInput -- | Parses a token given a single valid OBJ row -- -- TODO | - Correctness (total function, no runtime exceptions) -- - Handle invalid rows (how to deal with mangled definitions w.r.t indices?) -- - Use ListLike or Monoid (or maybe Indexable, since that's the real requirement) (?) row :: (Fractional f, Integral i) => Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i []) row = token <* ignore comment -- TODO: Let the separator handle comments (?) -- | -- Parses an OBJ token token :: (Fractional f, Integral i) => Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i []) token = (Atto.string "f" *> face) <|> (Atto.string "l" *> line) <|> -- TODO: How to deal with common prefix (v, vn, vt) (backtrack?) (doesn't seem to be a problem) (Atto.string "vn" *> normal) <|> (Atto.string "vt" *> texcoord) <|> (Atto.string "v" *> vertex) <|> (Atto.string "o" *> object) <|> (Atto.string "g" *> group) <|> (Atto.string "s" *> smooth) <|> (Atto.string "mtllib" *> lib) <|> (Atto.string "usemtl" *> use) -- TODO: Expose these parsers for testing purposes (?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Three or more vertex definitions (cf. 'vertexIndices' for details) face :: Integral i => Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i []) face = OBJFace <$> vertexIndices -- | A single vertex definition with indices for vertex position, normal, and texture coordinates -- -- TODO: | - Should the slashes be optional? -- - Allowed trailing slashes (I'll have to check the spec again) (?) -- -- f Int[/((Int[/Int])|(/Int))] vertexIndices :: Integral i => Atto.Parser [VertexIndices i] vertexIndices = atleast 3 (space *> (ivertex <*> index <*> index)) <|> -- vi/ti/ni atleast 3 (space *> (ivertex <*> nothing <*> skipIndex)) <|> -- vi//ni atleast 3 (space *> (ivertex <*> index <*> nothing)) <|> -- vi/ti atleast 3 (space *> (ivertex <*> nothing <*> nothing)) -- vi where ivertex :: Integral i => Atto.Parser (Maybe i -> Maybe i -> VertexIndices i) ivertex = VertexIndices <$> Atto.decimal index :: Integral i => Atto.Parser (Maybe i) index = Just <$> (Atto.char '/' *> Atto.decimal) skipIndex :: Integral i => Atto.Parser (Maybe i) skipIndex = Atto.char '/' *> index nothing :: Atto.Parser (Maybe i) nothing = pure Nothing -- Geometry primitives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Two integers, separated by whitespace line :: Integral i => Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i m) line = Line <$> (space *> Atto.decimal) <*> (space *> Atto.decimal) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Three cordinates, separated by whitespace normal :: (Fractional f) => Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i m) normal = OBJNormal <$> point3D -- | Two coordinates, separated by whitespace texcoord :: (Fractional f) => Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i m) texcoord = OBJTexCoord <$> pointTo3 1 0.0 -- | Three coordinates, separated by whitespace vertex :: (Fractional f) => Atto.Parser (OBJToken f s i m) vertex = OBJVertex <$> pointTo4 3 1.0 -- | Object names, separated by whitespace object :: Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i m) object = Object . S.fromList <$> atleast 1 (space *> name) -- | Group names, separated by whitespace group :: Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i m) group = Group . S.fromList <$> atleast 1 (space *> name) -- | Smoothing group -- TODO: Refactor smooth :: Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i m) smooth = SmoothGroup <$> (((Atto.string "off" <|> Atto.string "0") *> pure Nothing) <|> (space *> (Just <$> name))) -- | An MTL library name lib :: Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i m) lib = LibMTL <$> (space *> name) -- | An MTL material name use :: Atto.Parser (OBJToken f Text i m) use = UseMTL <$> (space *> name)