path: root/testing/nTox.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-08-27Make nTox work on MinGW/Win32jin-eld
2013-08-24Rename core directory because of autoconf name clashjin-eld
2013-08-23New API done and tested.irungentoo
2013-08-12Messenger refactor - redid work from pull request 79Chris Hall
2013-08-02changed some formatting, fixed the removal of x and ycharmlesscoin
2013-07-31Clean up/format codeStuart Banks
2013-07-20Updated nToxMaxim Biro
2013-07-20Make nTox resolve DNS addresses.Sebastian Stal
2013-07-13Added doMessenger() to the loop and connecting to the bootstrap nodeOliver Hunt
2013-07-13Added ncurses tox clientOliver Hunt