path: root/src/countdown.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/countdown.hs')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/countdown.hs b/src/countdown.hs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1910bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/countdown.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
1#!/usr/bin/env stack
2{- stack script --resolver lts-19.23 --install-ghc -}
4 -Wall
5 -Wno-unused-imports
6 -Wno-unused-top-binds
7 -Wno-name-shadowing
9{-# language NoImplicitPrelude #-}
10{-# language RecordWildCards #-}
11{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
12{-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
13{-# language ViewPatterns #-}
14{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
15import Rebase.Prelude hiding (toList, on, (<+>), Max)
16import qualified Rebase.Prelude as Prelude
17import Control.Lens hiding ((<|))
18import Data.Foldable (toList)
19import Data.Ratio
20import Text.Printf
21import Graphics.Vty
22import Data.Time.LocalTime
23import Control.Monad.RWS
24import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate
25import qualified Data.Text as Text
26import Data.Text.Format.Numbers
27import Rebase.Data.Map.Strict (Map)
28import qualified Rebase.Data.Map.Strict as Map
30import Brick
31import Brick.Types
32import Data.Text (unpack)
33import Control.Lens
34import Control.Monad (void, forever)
35import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO)
36import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
37import Brick.Widgets.ProgressBar as P
38import Brick.BChan
39import Brick.Widgets.Center
40import Brick.Widgets.Border
41import Brick.Main
42 ( App(..)
43 , showFirstCursor
44 , customMain
45 , continue
46 , halt
47 )
48import Brick.AttrMap
49 ( attrMap
50 )
51import Brick.Types
52 ( Widget
53 , Next
54 , EventM
55 , BrickEvent(..)
56 )
57import Brick.Widgets.Core
58 ( (<=>)
59 , str
60 )
61import Brick.AttrMap as A
62import Brick.Util (fg, bg, on, clamp)
63import Brick.Widgets.Core
64import Brick.Widgets.Table
66import CosmicCalendar
67import CosmicCalendarEvents
69data CustomEvent = TimeChanged ZonedTime deriving Show
71data St =
72 St { _stLastBrickEvent :: Maybe (BrickEvent () CustomEvent)
73 , _stClockTime :: LocalTime
74 , _stDisplayTime :: LocalTime
75 , _stNextEvent :: Maybe UTCTime
76 , _stPaused :: Bool
77 , _stShowConversion :: Bool
78 }
80makeLenses ''St
82yearNumber :: LocalTime -> Integer
83yearNumber (LocalTime t _) = y
84 where
85 (y, _, _) = toGregorian t
87yearEnd :: LocalTime -> LocalTime
88yearEnd (LocalTime d _) = LocalTime d' t'
89 where
90 d' = fromGregorian (y + 1) 1 1
91 t' = TimeOfDay 0 0 0
92 (y, _, _) = toGregorian d
95dayNumOfYear :: LocalTime -> Int
96dayNumOfYear = snd . toOrdinalDate . localDay
98pluralize :: (Num n, Eq n) => n -> String
99pluralize 1 = ""
100pluralize _ = "s"
102pluralizeVerb :: (Num n, Eq n) => n -> String
103pluralizeVerb 1 = "s"
104pluralizeVerb _ = ""
106drawUI :: St -> [Widget ()]
107drawUI st = [a]
108 where
109 a = vBox [
110 -- (str $ "Last event: " <> (show $ st ^. stLastBrickEvent)),
111 -- (str "\n"),
112 (str "\n"),
113 (countdownWidget (st ^. stShowConversion) (isSimulatedTime st) $ st ^. stDisplayTime)
114 ]
116showTime' :: Bool -> NominalDiffTime -> String
117showTime' True 1 = printf "%-3s second" ("1" :: Text)
118showTime' True t | t < 60 = printf "%.1f seconds" (realToFrac t :: Float)
119showTime' _ t = showTime t
121showTime :: NominalDiffTime -> String
122showTime t | t < 1 = printf "%.3f seconds" (realToFrac t :: Float)
123showTime t | t == 1 = "1 second"
124-- showTime t | t < 10 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%2Es seconds" t -- BUG! Doesn't respect <width> parameter at all!
125showTime t | t < 60 = printf "%.1f seconds" (realToFrac t :: Float)
126showTime t | t == 60 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%M minute" t
127showTime t | t < 60*2 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%M minute %Ss" t
128showTime t | t < 60*10 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%M minutes %Ss" t
129showTime t | t < 60*60 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%M minutes" t
130showTime t | t == 60*60 = "1 hour"
131showTime t | t < 60*60*2 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H hour %Mm" t
132showTime t | t < 60*60*24 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H hours %Mm" t
133showTime t | t == 60*60*24 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%d day" t
134showTime t | t < 60*60*24*2 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%d day %Hh" t
135showTime t | t == 60*60*24*7 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%d days" t
136showTime t | t < 60*60*24*10 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%d days %Hh" t
137showTime t = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%d days" t
138-- showTime _ t = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%w weeks %D days" t
140yearsToCosmicTime :: Integral i => i -> NominalDiffTime
141yearsToCosmicTime = (/ (realToFrac ageOfUniverseInYears)) . (* lengthOfYear) . realToFrac
143showCosmicYears :: Integer -> Widget n
144showCosmicYears = str . showTime . yearsToCosmicTime
146toCosmicTime :: NominalDiffTime -> Rational
147toCosmicTime t = realToFrac ageOfUniverseInYears * (realToFrac $ t // yearLength) :: Rational
148 where
149 yearLength = daysPerYear * nominalDay
150 x // y = fromRational $ toRational x / toRational y :: Double
152showCosmicTime :: NominalDiffTime -> String
153showCosmicTime n = showLarge (fromRational $ toCosmicTime n) ++ " years"
155conversionTableRowFromCosmicSeconds :: NominalDiffTime -> [Widget n]
156conversionTableRowFromCosmicSeconds n = [cosmicTime, realTime]
157 where
158 realTime = str $ showCosmicTime n
159 cosmicTime = str $ showTime n
161cosmicConversion' :: Widget n
162cosmicConversion' = renderTable $
163 table
164 [
165 conversionTableRowFromCosmicSeconds $ 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
166 conversionTableRowFromCosmicSeconds $ 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
167 conversionTableRowFromCosmicSeconds $ 24 * 60 * 60,
168 conversionTableRowFromCosmicSeconds $ 60 * 60,
169 conversionTableRowFromCosmicSeconds $ 60,
170 conversionTableRowFromCosmicSeconds $ 1
171 ]
173cosmicConversion :: Widget n
174cosmicConversion = renderTable $
175 table
176 [
177 [str "1 billion years" , showCosmicYears $ 1000 * 1000 * 1000],
178 [str "100 million years" , showCosmicYears $ 100 * 1000 * 1000],
179 [str "10 million years" , showCosmicYears $ 10 * 1000 * 1000],
180 [str "1 million years" , showCosmicYears $ 1000 * 1000],
181 [str "100 thousand years" , showCosmicYears $ 100 * 1000],
182 [str "10 thousand years" , showCosmicYears $ 10 * 1000],
183 [str "1 thousand years" , showCosmicYears 1000],
184 [str "100 years" , showCosmicYears 100],
185 [str "10 years" , showCosmicYears 10],
186 [str "1 year" , showCosmicYears 1]
187 ]
189showLarge :: Double -> String
190showLarge n | n >= 10 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 = printf "%.0f billion" (n / (1000 * 1000 * 1000))
191showLarge n | n >= 1000 * 1000 * 1000 = printf "%.1f billion" (n / (1000 * 1000 * 1000))
192showLarge n | n >= 10 * 1000 * 1000 = printf "%.0f million" (n / (1000 * 1000))
193showLarge n | n >= 1000 * 1000 = printf "%.1f million" (n / (1000 * 1000))
194showLarge n | n >= 10 * 1000 = printf "%.0f thousand" (n / 1000)
195showLarge n | n >= 10 = unpack $ commasF 0 n
196showLarge n = printf "%.3f" n
198countdownWidget :: Bool -> Bool -> LocalTime -> Widget n
199countdownWidget showConversion isSimulated t =
200 (border $ vBox [
201 (hCenter $ hBox
202 [ countdownBox
203 , currentTimeBox
204 , cosmicTimeBox
205 ])
206 ,
207 str "\n"
208 ,
209 (borderWithLabel (str progressLabel) $
210 updateAttrMap
211 (A.mapAttrName yDoneAttr P.progressCompleteAttr .
212 A.mapAttrName yToDoAttr P.progressIncompleteAttr) $
213 progressBar Nothing (realToFrac $ yearElapsed // yearLength))
214 ])
215 <=>
216 str "\n"
217 <=>
218 hCenter (hBox [
219 -- TODO: accumulate all entries on today's date into one vBox
220 if currentEntryIsCurrent then
221 (borderWithLabel (txt "Now on the Cosmic Calendar") currentEntry) <=>
222 (fromMaybe (str "") $ fmap (borderWithLabel (txt "Next on the Cosmic Calendar")) nextEntryShort)
223 else
224 borderWithLabel (txt "Next on the Cosmic Calendar") nextEntry,
225 -- vBox [ cosmicCalendarCurrent, txt "\n", cosmicCalendarNext ],
226 if showConversion
227 then
228 str " " <=> borderWithLabel (str "Cosmic Conversion") (hBox [cosmicConversion, cosmicConversion'])
229 else
230 str ""
231 ])
232 where
233 -- TODO: We want to display "today" or "now" on the cosmic calendar;
234 -- We want to display what happened previously on the cosmic calendar
235 -- We want to say how long ago the previous happening was relative to today's date and today's place on the cosmic calendar
236 -- (E.g., if it's 1AM Jan 1, then we say the big bang was 1 hour ago and 1.6 million years ago)
237 -- We want to say similar for how long until the next happening
238 -- We also _may_ want to say the same thing for the current happening, depending on if it's an instant or a stage
239 -- If it's a stage, we want to say how long it lasts; how long since it started, and how long until it ends
241 currentEntryIsCurrent = fromMaybe True $ do
242 (LocalTime entryDay _) <- (`addLocalTime` yearStart t) . calBeginTime <$> getCurrentCalendarEntry theCalendar t
243 let (LocalTime nowDay _) = t
244 return $ entryDay == nowDay
245 currentEntry = fromMaybe (str "none") $ calendarWidget False <$> getCurrentCalendarEntry theCalendar t
246 nextEntry = fromMaybe (str "none") $ calendarWidget False <$> getNextCalendarEntry theCalendar t
247 nextEntryShort = fmap (str "\n" <=>) (calendarWidget True <$> getNextCalendarEntry theCalendar t)
249 calendarWidget short CalendarEntry{..} = box -- vBox [eventCountdown, str "\n", box]
250 where
251 timeUntilActive = (calBeginTime `addLocalTime` yearStart t) `diffLocalTime` t
252 eventCountdown = if timeUntilActive >= 0 then
253 hBox [str $ "in " ++ showTime timeUntilActive,
254 padLeft Max $ str $ "in " ++ showCosmicTime timeUntilActive]
255 else
256 hBox [str $ showTime (-timeUntilActive) ++ " ago",
257 padLeft Max $ str $ showCosmicTime (-timeUntilActive) ++ " ago"]
258 years = fromRational $ toCosmicTime calBeginTime
259 box = vBox [
260 if currentEntryIsCurrent && not short
261 then str "\n"
262 else eventCountdown <=> str "\n",
263 hCenter $ txt calTitle,
264 hCenter $ txt calSubtitle,
265 str "\n",
266 hBox [
267 let cosmicSecondsAgo = nominalDiffTimeToSeconds (yearEnd cosmicCalendarT `diffLocalTime` cosmicCalendarT)
268 cosmicCalendarT = calBeginTime `addLocalTime` yearStart t
269 in vBox [
270 str $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%A, %B %e%n%Y-%m-%d %r" $ cosmicCalendarT,
271 -- TODO: Choose correct cosmic unit
272 str $ printf "%s cosmic second%s ago" (commasF' 1 cosmicSecondsAgo) (pluralize cosmicSecondsAgo)
273 ],
274 padLeft Max $ vBox [
275 str $ showLarge years ++ " years",
276 str $ printf "%s years ago" $ showLarge $ realToFrac (ageOfUniverseInYears - floor years)
277 ]
278 ],
279 -- str $ printf "%s years ago" (commas $ ageOfUniverseInYears - floor years),
280 if not short
281 then
282 str "\n" <=>
283 txtWrap calDescription
284 else
285 str ""
286 ]
288 strWhen b s = str $ if b then s else ""
289 countdownBox =
290 (borderWithLabel (str $ printf "Countdown %d" currentYear) $
291 vBox $
292 let secondsNow = 1 + toSeconds yearElapsed :: Int
293 secondsTotal = toSeconds yearLength
294 in
295 (str $ printf "Day %d of %d\nSecond %s of %s\n%s seconds remain"
296 dayNum
297 numDays
298 (commas secondsNow)
299 (commas secondsTotal)
300 (commas $ secondsTotal - secondsNow)
301 ) : remains
302 )
303 remains =
304 [
305 strWhen (hoursLeft >= 24) $
306 printf "%d day%s remain%s"
307 daysLeft
308 (pluralize daysLeft)
309 (pluralizeVerb daysLeft),
311 strWhen (hoursLeft < 24 && hoursLeft > 1) $
312 printf "%s hour%s remain%s"
313 (commasF 2 hoursLeft)
314 (pluralize $ (floor hoursLeft :: Integer))
315 (pluralizeVerb $ (floor hoursLeft :: Integer)),
317 strWhen (hoursLeft <= 1 && minutesLeft > 1) $
318 printf "%s minute%s remain%s"
319 (commasF 2 minutesLeft)
320 (pluralize $ (floor minutesLeft :: Integer))
321 (pluralizeVerb $ (floor minutesLeft :: Integer)),
323 strWhen (minutesLeft <= 1) $
324 printf "%s second%s remain%s"
325 (commasF' 1 secondsLeft)
326 (pluralize secondsLeft)
327 (pluralizeVerb secondsLeft)
328 ]
330 cosmicTimeBox =
331 (borderWithLabel (str "Cosmic Time") $
332 vBox [(str $ printf "%s years" (commas $ (floor cosmicYears :: Integer))),
333 str "\n",
334 (str $ printf "%s years ago" (commas $ (floor cosmicYearsAgo :: Integer)))
335 -- , (str $ printf "%s years ago" (showLarge $ (realToFrac cosmicYearsAgo)))
336 -- , (str $ printf "%s billion years ago" (commasF 9 $ cosmicYearsAgo / (1000*1000*1000)))
337 -- , (str $ printf "%s million years ago" (commasF 6 $ cosmicYearsAgo / (1000*1000)))
338 -- , (str $ printf "%s thousand years ago" (commasF 3 $ cosmicYearsAgo / 1000))
339 -- , (str $ printf "%s days ago" (commas $ (floor $ realToFrac cosmicYearsAgo * daysPerYear :: Integer)))
340 ])
341 currentTimeBox = (hCenter (borderWithLabel (str $ printf "Current time%s" (if isSimulated then " (SIMULATED)" else "" :: String)) $
342 padLeftRight 3 $ (str (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%A, %B %e%n%Y-%m-%d %r" t))))
343 cosmicYears = realToFrac ageOfUniverseInYears * (realToFrac $ (yearElapsed // yearLength)) :: Rational
344 cosmicYearsAgo = realToFrac ageOfUniverseInYears * (realToFrac $ 1 - (yearElapsed // yearLength)) :: Rational
345 -- cosmicYearsAgo = if yearElapsed == yearLength
346 -- then 0
347 -- else realToFrac ageOfUniverseInYears * (realToFrac $ 1 - (yearElapsed // yearLength)) :: Rational
348 currentYear = yearNumber t
349 dayNum = dayNumOfYear t
350 numDays = daysInYear t
351 -- yearLength = fromIntegral numDays * nominalDay
352 yearLength = yearEnd t `diffLocalTime` yearStart t
353 yearElapsed = t `diffLocalTime` yearStart t
355 daysLeft = numDays - dayNum
356 hoursLeft = minutesLeft / 60
357 minutesLeft = fromRational $ toRational secondsLeft / 60 :: Double
358 toSeconds = floor . nominalDiffTimeToSeconds
359 secondsLeft = nominalDiffTimeToSeconds (yearLength - yearElapsed)
360 x // y = fromRational $ toRational x / toRational y :: Double
361 progressLabel = printf "%.6F%%" (100 * (yearElapsed // yearLength))
363commasF' 1 n = if (floor (n * 10) `mod` 10 :: Int) == 0 then commasF 0 n `Text.append` " " else commasF 1 n
364commasF' p n = commasF p n
366commasF', commasF :: RealFrac x => Int -> x -> Text
367commasF precision = prettyF cfg
368 where
369 cfg = PrettyCfg precision (Just ',') '.'
371commas :: Integral i => i -> Text
372commas = prettyI (Just ',') . fromIntegral
374nextTenthOfSecond :: ZonedTime -> ZonedTime
375nextTenthOfSecond (ZonedTime (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h m s)) z) = (ZonedTime (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h m s')) z)
376 where
377 s' = fromRational $ toRational (floor (s * 10) + 1 :: Integer) / 10
379nextWholeSecond :: ZonedTime -> ZonedTime
380nextWholeSecond (ZonedTime (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h m s)) z) = (ZonedTime (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h m s')) z)
381 where
382 s' = fromIntegral $ (floor s + 1 :: Int)
384diffZonedTime :: ZonedTime -> ZonedTime -> NominalDiffTime
385diffZonedTime = diffLocalTime `Prelude.on` zonedTimeToLocalTime
387isNewYearsEve :: LocalTime -> Bool
388isNewYearsEve t = dayNumOfYear t == daysInYear t
390queueNextEvent :: MonadIO m => Bool -> BChan CustomEvent -> m ZonedTime
391queueNextEvent hyper chan = liftIO $ do
392 now <- getZonedTime
393 void . forkIO $ do
395 let getNext = if hyper then nextTenthOfSecond else nextWholeSecond
396 next = getNext now
397 delay = next `diffZonedTime` now
398 threadDelay $ floor $ delay * 1000 * 1000
399 writeBChan chan $ TimeChanged next
400 return now
402isSimulatedTime :: St -> Bool
403isSimulatedTime st = st ^. stDisplayTime /= st ^. stClockTime
405nextCalendarEntryTime :: LocalTime -> LocalTime
406nextCalendarEntryTime t = fromMaybe t $ getNextCalendarEntry theCalendar t <&> (`addLocalTime` yearStart t) . calBeginTime
408previousCalendarEntryTime :: LocalTime -> LocalTime
409previousCalendarEntryTime t = fromMaybe t $ goBack t
410 where
411 goBack t = getPreviousCalendarEntry theCalendar t <&> (`addLocalTime` yearStart t) . calBeginTime
413handleEvent :: BChan CustomEvent -> St -> BrickEvent () CustomEvent -> EventM () (Next St)
414handleEvent chan st e =
415 case e of
416 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc []) -> halt st
417 VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'p') []) -> cont $ st & stPaused %~ not
418 VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KFun 1) []) -> cont $ st & stPaused %~ not
420 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KRight [MShift]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ (addLocalTime (1))
421 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KLeft [MShift]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ (addLocalTime (-1))
423 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KRight [MCtrl]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ (addLocalTime (60))
424 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KLeft [MCtrl]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ (addLocalTime (-60))
426 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageDown [MCtrl]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ (addLocalTime (60 * 60))
427 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageUp [MCtrl]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ (addLocalTime (-60 * 60))
428 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageDown []) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ (addLocalTime lengthOfDay)
429 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageUp []) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ (addLocalTime (-lengthOfDay))
431 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KHome []) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime .~ (st ^. stClockTime)
432 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KHome [MShift]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime .~ (yearStart $ st ^. stClockTime)
433 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnd []) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime .~ (newYearsEveLast10 $ st ^. stClockTime)
434 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnd [MShift]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime .~ (yearEnd $ st ^. stClockTime)
435 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnd [MCtrl]) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime .~ (newYearsEveNoon $ st ^. stClockTime)
437 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KRight []) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ nextCalendarEntryTime
438 VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KLeft []) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ previousCalendarEntryTime
439 VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '.') []) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ nextCalendarEntryTime
440 VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar ',') []) -> cont $ st & stDisplayTime %~ previousCalendarEntryTime
442 VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'c') []) -> cont $ st & stShowConversion %~ not
443 VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KFun 2) []) -> cont $ st & stShowConversion %~ not
445 VtyEvent _ -> cont st
446 AppEvent (TimeChanged now) -> do
447 let hyper = isNewYearsEve $ st ^. stDisplayTime
448 void $ queueNextEvent hyper chan
449 let oldTime = st ^. stClockTime
450 cont $ st & stClockTime .~ (zonedTimeToLocalTime now)
451 & stDisplayTime %~ if st ^. stPaused then id else addLocalTime $ zonedTimeToLocalTime now `diffLocalTime` oldTime
452 _ -> cont st
453 where
454 cont s = do
455 continue $ s & stLastBrickEvent .~ (Just e)
457newYearsEveLast10 :: LocalTime -> LocalTime
458newYearsEveLast10 = addLocalTime (-11) . yearEnd
460newYearsEveNoon :: LocalTime -> LocalTime
461newYearsEveNoon (LocalTime d (TimeOfDay _ _ s)) = LocalTime d' t
462 where
463 (y, _) = toOrdinalDate d
464 d' = fromOrdinalDate y 366
465 t = TimeOfDay 12 0 s'
466 s' = s `mod'` 1 -- keep the fractional part so we still tick the display on the same schedule
468initialState :: LocalTime -> St
469initialState t =
470 St { _stLastBrickEvent = Nothing
471 , _stClockTime = t
472 , _stDisplayTime = t
473 , _stNextEvent = Nothing
474 , _stPaused = False
475 , _stShowConversion = False
476 }
478daysInYear :: LocalTime -> Int
479daysInYear (toGregorian . localDay -> (y, _, _)) = if isLeapYear y then 366 else 365
481theBaseAttr :: A.AttrName
482theBaseAttr = A.attrName "theBase"
484xDoneAttr, xToDoAttr :: A.AttrName
485xDoneAttr = theBaseAttr <> A.attrName "X:done"
486xToDoAttr = theBaseAttr <> A.attrName "X:remaining"
488yDoneAttr, yToDoAttr :: A.AttrName
489yDoneAttr = theBaseAttr <> A.attrName "Y:done"
490yToDoAttr = theBaseAttr <> A.attrName "Y:remaining"
492zDoneAttr, zToDoAttr :: A.AttrName
493zDoneAttr = theBaseAttr <> A.attrName "Z:done"
494zToDoAttr = theBaseAttr <> A.attrName "Z:remaining"
496theMap :: A.AttrMap
497theMap = A.attrMap V.defAttr
498 [ (theBaseAttr, bg V.brightBlack)
499 , (xDoneAttr, `on` V.white)
500 , (xToDoAttr, V.white `on`
501 , (yDoneAttr, V.magenta `on` V.yellow)
502 , (zDoneAttr, `on`
503 , (zToDoAttr, `on`
504 , (P.progressIncompleteAttr, fg V.yellow)
505 ]
507theApp :: BChan CustomEvent -> App St CustomEvent ()
508theApp chan =
509 App { appDraw = drawUI
510 , appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor
511 , appHandleEvent = handleEvent chan
512 , appStartEvent = return
513 , appAttrMap = const theMap
514 }
516main :: IO ()
517main = do
518 chan <- newBChan 10
520 let buildVty = V.mkVty V.defaultConfig
521 initialVty <- buildVty
522 now <- queueNextEvent False chan
523 void $ customMain initialVty buildVty (Just chan) (theApp chan) (initialState $ zonedTimeToLocalTime now)