path: root/Data
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authorjoe <>2013-06-15 15:09:14 -0400
committerjoe <>2013-06-15 15:09:14 -0400
commit3fdaa99ca55942c8747c7226ea1a1bfb7d28deda (patch)
tree5e91b25e756db00b411c574a3e00f46a4a1ae3f3 /Data
parentf50599354cf3355bb13fc7adc671ad3e02a4c223 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Data')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Data/BitSyntax.hs b/Data/BitSyntax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aebdd522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/BitSyntax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
1{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fth #-}
2-- | This module contains fuctions and templates for building up and breaking
3-- down packed bit structures. It's something like Erlang's bit-syntax (or,
4-- actually, more like Python's struct module).
6-- This code uses Data.ByteString which is included in GHC 6.5 and you can
7-- get it for 6.4 at <>
8module Data.BitSyntax (
9 -- * Building bit structures
10 -- | The core function here is makeBits, which is a perfectly normal function.
11 -- Here's an example which makes a SOCKS4a request header:
12 -- @
13 -- makeBits [U8 4, U8 1, U16 80, U32 10, NullTerminated \"username\",
14 -- NullTerminated \"\"]
15 -- @
16 BitBlock(..),
17 makeBits,
18 -- * Breaking up bit structures
19 -- | The main function for this is bitSyn, which is a template function and
20 -- so you'll need to run with @-fth@ to enable template haskell
21 -- <>.
22 --
23 -- To expand the function you use the splice command:
24 -- @
25 -- $(bitSyn [...])
26 -- @
27 --
28 -- The expanded function has type @ByteString -> (...)@ where the elements of
29 -- the tuple depend of the argument to bitSyn (that's why it has to be a template
30 -- function).
31 --
32 -- Heres an example, translated from the Erlang manual, which parses an IP header:
33 --
34 -- @
35 -- decodeOptions bs ([_, hlen], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)
36 -- | hlen > 5 = return $ BS.splitAt (fromIntegral ((hlen - 5) * 4)) bs
37 -- | otherwise = return (BS.empty, bs)
38 -- @
39 --
40 -- @
41 -- ipDecode = $(bitSyn [PackedBits [4, 4], Unsigned 1, Unsigned 2, Unsigned 2,
42 -- PackedBits [3, 13], Unsigned 1, Unsigned 1, Unsigned 2,
43 -- Fixed 4, Fixed 4, Context \'decodeOptions, Rest])
44 -- @
45 --
46 -- @
47 -- ipPacket = BS.pack [0x45, 0, 0, 0x34, 0xd8, 0xd2, 0x40, 0, 0x40, 0x06,
48 -- 0xa0, 0xca, 0xac, 0x12, 0x68, 0x4d, 0xac, 0x18,
49 -- 0x00, 0xaf]
50 -- @
51 --
52 -- This function has several weaknesses compared to the Erlang version: The
53 -- elements of the bit structure are not named in place, instead you have to
54 -- do a pattern match on the resulting tuple and match up the indexes. The
55 -- type system helps in this, but it's still not quite as nice.
57 ReadType(..), bitSyn,
59 -- I get errors if these aren't exported (Can't find interface-file
60 -- declaration for Data.BitSyntax.decodeU16)
61 decodeU8, decodeU16, decodeU32, decodeU16LE, decodeU32LE) where
63import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
64import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
66import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
67import Data.Char (ord)
68import Control.Monad
69import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(), arbitrary, Gen())
71import Foreign
73foreign import ccall unsafe "htonl" htonl :: Word32 -> Word32
74foreign import ccall unsafe "htons" htons :: Word16 -> Word16
76-- There's no good way to convert to little-endian. The htons functions only
77-- convert to big endian and they don't have any little endian friends. So we
78-- need to detect which kind of system we are on and act accordingly. We can
79-- detect the type of system by seeing if htonl actaully doesn't anything (it's
80-- the identity function on big-endian systems, of course). If it doesn't we're
81-- on a big-endian system and so need to do the byte-swapping in Haskell because
82-- the C functions are no-ops
84-- | A native Haskell version of htonl for the case where we need to convert
85-- to little-endian on a big-endian system
86endianSwitch32 :: Word32 -> Word32
87endianSwitch32 a = ((a .&. 0xff) `shiftL` 24) .|.
88 ((a .&. 0xff00) `shiftL` 8) .|.
89 ((a .&. 0xff0000) `shiftR` 8) .|.
90 (a `shiftR` 24)
92-- | A native Haskell version of htons for the case where we need to convert
93-- to little-endian on a big-endian system
94endianSwitch16 :: Word16 -> Word16
95endianSwitch16 a = ((a .&. 0xff) `shiftL` 8) .|.
96 (a `shiftR` 8)
98littleEndian32 :: Word32 -> Word32
99littleEndian32 a = if htonl 1 == 1
100 then endianSwitch32 a
101 else a
103littleEndian16 :: Word16 -> Word16
104littleEndian16 a = if htonl 1 == 1
105 then endianSwitch16 a
106 else a
108data BitBlock = -- | Unsigned 8-bit int
109 U8 Int |
110 -- | Unsigned 16-bit int
111 U16 Int |
112 -- | Unsigned 32-bit int
113 U32 Int |
114 -- | Little-endian, unsigned 16-bit int
115 U16LE Int |
116 -- | Little-endian, unsigned 32-bit int
117 U32LE Int |
118 -- | Appends the string with a trailing NUL byte
119 NullTerminated String |
120 -- | Appends the string without any terminator
121 RawString String |
122 -- | Appends a ByteString
123 RawByteString BS.ByteString |
124 -- | Packs a series of bit fields together. The argument is
125 -- a list of pairs where the first element is the size
126 -- (in bits) and the second is the value. The sum of the
127 -- sizes for a given PackBits must be a multiple of 8
128 PackBits [(Int, Int)]
129 deriving (Show)
131-- Encodes a member of the Bits class as a series of bytes and returns the
132-- ByteString of those bytes.
133getBytes :: (Integral a, Bounded a, Bits a) => a -> BS.ByteString
134getBytes input =
135 let getByte _ 0 = []
136 getByte x remaining = (fromIntegral $ (x .&. 0xff)) :
137 getByte (shiftR x 8) (remaining - 1)
138 in
139 if (bitSize input `mod` 8) /= 0
140 then error "Input data bit size must be a multiple of 8"
141 else BS.pack $ getByte input (bitSize input `div` 8)
143-- Performs the work behind PackBits
144packBits :: (Word8, Int, [Word8]) -- ^ The current byte, the number of bits
145 -- used in that byte and the (reverse)
146 -- list of produced bytes
147 -> (Int, Int) -- ^ The size (in bits) of the value, and the value
148 -> (Word8, Int, [Word8]) -- See first argument
149packBits (current, used, bytes) (size, value) =
150 if bitsWritten < size
151 then packBits (0, 0, current' : bytes) (size - bitsWritten, value)
152 else if used' == 8
153 then (0, 0, current' : bytes)
154 else (current', used', bytes)
155 where
156 top = size - 1
157 topOfByte = 7 - used
158 aligned = value `shift` (topOfByte - top)
159 newBits = (fromIntegral aligned) :: Word8
160 current' = current .|. newBits
161 bitsWritten = min (8 - used) size
162 used' = used + bitsWritten
164bits :: BitBlock -> BS.ByteString
165bits (U8 v) = BS.pack [((fromIntegral v) :: Word8)]
166bits (U16 v) = getBytes ((htons $ fromIntegral v) :: Word16)
167bits (U32 v) = getBytes ((htonl $ fromIntegral v) :: Word32)
168bits (U16LE v) = getBytes (littleEndian16 $ fromIntegral v)
169bits (U32LE v) = getBytes (littleEndian32 $ fromIntegral v)
170bits (NullTerminated str) = BS.pack $ (map (fromIntegral . ord) str) ++ [0]
171bits (RawString str) = BS.pack $ map (fromIntegral . ord) str
172bits (RawByteString bs) = bs
173bits (PackBits bitspec) =
174 if (sum $ map fst bitspec) `mod` 8 /= 0
175 then error "Sum of sizes of a bit spec must == 0 mod 8"
176 else (\(_, _, a) -> BS.pack $ reverse a) $ foldl packBits (0, 0, []) bitspec
178-- | Make a binary string from the list of elements given
179makeBits :: [BitBlock] -> BS.ByteString
180makeBits = BS.concat . (map bits)
182data ReadType = -- | An unsigned number of some number of bytes. Valid
183 -- arguments are 1, 2 and 4
184 Unsigned Integer |
185 -- | An unsigned, little-endian integer of some number of
186 -- bytes. Valid arguments are 2 and 4
187 UnsignedLE Integer |
188 -- | A variable length element to be decoded by a custom
189 -- function. The function's name is given as the single
190 -- argument and should have type
191 -- @Monad m => ByteString -> m (v, ByteString)@
192 Variable Name |
193 -- | Skip some number of bytes
194 Skip Integer |
195 -- | A fixed size field, the result of which is a ByteString
196 -- of that length.
197 Fixed Integer |
198 -- | Decode a value and ignore it (the result will not be part
199 -- of the returned tuple)
200 Ignore ReadType |
201 -- | Like variable, but the decoding function is passed the
202 -- entire result tuple so far. Thus the function whose name
203 -- passed has type
204 -- @Monad m => ByteString -> (...) -> m (v, ByteString)@
205 Context Name |
206 -- | Takes the most recent element of the result tuple and
207 -- interprets it as the length of this field. Results in
208 -- a ByteString
209 LengthPrefixed |
210 -- | Decode a series of bit fields, results in a list of
211 -- Integers. Each element of the argument is the length of
212 -- the bit field. The sums of the lengths must be a multiple
213 -- of 8
214 PackedBits [Integer] |
215 -- | Results in a ByteString containing the undecoded bytes so
216 -- far. Generally used at the end to return the trailing body
217 -- of a structure, it can actually be used at any point in the
218 -- decoding to return the trailing part at that point.
219 Rest
221fromBytes :: (Bits a) => [a] -> a
222fromBytes input =
223 let dofb accum [] = accum
224 dofb accum (x:xs) = dofb ((shiftL accum 8) .|. x) xs
225 in
226 dofb 0 $ reverse input
228decodeU8 :: BS.ByteString -> Word8
229decodeU8 = fromIntegral . head . BS.unpack
230decodeU16 :: BS.ByteString -> Word16
231decodeU16 = htons . fromBytes . map fromIntegral . BS.unpack
232decodeU32 :: BS.ByteString -> Word32
233decodeU32 = htonl . fromBytes . map fromIntegral . BS.unpack
234decodeU16LE :: BS.ByteString -> Word16
235decodeU16LE = littleEndian16 . fromBytes . map fromIntegral . BS.unpack
236decodeU32LE :: BS.ByteString -> Word32
237decodeU32LE = littleEndian32 . fromBytes . map fromIntegral . BS.unpack
239decodeBits :: [Integer] -> BS.ByteString -> [Integer]
240decodeBits sizes bs =
241 reverse values
242 where
243 (values, _, _) = foldl unpackBits ([], 0, BS.unpack bitdata) sizes
244 bytesize = (sum sizes) `shiftR` 3
245 (bitdata, _) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral bytesize) bs
247unpackBits :: ([Integer], Integer, [Word8]) -> Integer -> ([Integer], Integer, [Word8])
248unpackBits state size = unpackBitsInner 0 state size
250unpackBitsInner :: Integer ->
251 ([Integer], Integer, [Word8]) ->
252 Integer ->
253 ([Integer], Integer, [Word8])
254unpackBitsInner _ (output, used, []) _ = (output, used, [])
255unpackBitsInner val (output, used, current : input) bitsToGet =
256 if bitsToGet' > 0
257 then unpackBitsInner val'' (output, 0, input) bitsToGet'
258 else if used' < 8
259 then (val'' : output, used', current'' : input)
260 else (val'' : output, 0, input)
261 where
262 bitsAv = 8 - used
263 bitsTaken = min bitsAv bitsToGet
264 val' = val `shift` (fromIntegral bitsTaken)
265 current' = current `shiftR` (fromIntegral (8 - bitsTaken))
266 current'' = current `shiftL` (fromIntegral bitsTaken)
267 val'' = val' .|. (fromIntegral current')
268 bitsToGet' = bitsToGet - bitsTaken
269 used' = used + bitsTaken
271readElement :: ([Stmt], Name, [Name]) -> ReadType -> Q ([Stmt], Name, [Name])
273readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) (Context funcname) = do
274 valname <- newName "val"
275 restname <- newName "rest"
277 let stmt = BindS (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
278 (AppE (AppE (VarE funcname)
279 (VarE inputname))
280 (TupE $ map VarE $ reverse tuplenames))
282 return (stmt : stmts, restname, valname : tuplenames)
284readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) (Fixed n) = do
285 valname <- newName "val"
286 restname <- newName "rest"
287 let dec1 = ValD (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
288 (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'BS.splitAt)
289 (LitE (IntegerL n)))
290 (VarE inputname))
291 []
293 return (LetS [dec1] : stmts, restname, valname : tuplenames)
295readElement state@(_, _, tuplenames) (Ignore n) = do
296 (a, b, _) <- readElement state n
297 return (a, b, tuplenames)
299readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) LengthPrefixed = do
300 valname <- newName "val"
301 restname <- newName "rest"
303 let sourcename = head tuplenames
304 dec = ValD (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
305 (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'BS.splitAt)
306 (AppE (VarE 'fromIntegral)
307 (VarE sourcename)))
308 (VarE inputname))
309 []
311 return (LetS [dec] : stmts, restname, valname : tuplenames)
313readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) (Variable funcname) = do
314 valname <- newName "val"
315 restname <- newName "rest"
317 let stmt = BindS (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
318 (AppE (VarE funcname) (VarE inputname))
320 return (stmt : stmts, restname, valname : tuplenames)
322readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) Rest = do
323 restname <- newName "rest"
324 let dec = ValD (VarP restname)
325 (NormalB $ VarE inputname)
326 []
327 return (LetS [dec] : stmts, inputname, restname : tuplenames)
329readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) (Skip n) = do
330 -- Expands to something like:
331 -- rest = Data.ByteString.drop n input
332 restname <- newName "rest"
333 let dec = ValD (VarP restname)
334 (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'BS.drop)
335 (LitE (IntegerL n)))
336 (VarE inputname))
337 []
338 return (LetS [dec] : stmts, restname, tuplenames)
340readElement state (Unsigned size) = do
341 -- Expands to something like:
342 -- (aval, arest) = Data.ByteString.splitAt 1 input
343 -- a = BitSyntax.decodeU8 aval
344 let decodefunc = case size of
345 1 -> 'decodeU8
346 2 -> 'decodeU16
347 _ -> 'decodeU32 -- Default to 32
348 decodeHelper state (VarE decodefunc) size
350readElement state (UnsignedLE size) = do
351 -- Expands to something like:
352 -- (aval, arest) = Data.ByteString.splitAt 1 input
353 -- a = BitSyntax.decodeU8LE aval
354 let decodefunc = case size of
355 2 -> 'decodeU16LE
356 _ -> 'decodeU32LE -- Default to 4
357 decodeHelper state (VarE decodefunc) size
359readElement state (PackedBits sizes) =
360 if sum sizes `mod` 8 /= 0
361 then error "Sizes of packed bits must == 0 mod 8"
362 else decodeHelper state
363 (AppE (VarE 'decodeBits)
364 (ListE $ map (LitE . IntegerL) sizes))
365 ((sum sizes) `shiftR` 3)
367decodeHelper :: ([Stmt], Name, [Name]) -> Exp
368 -> Integer
369 -> Q ([Stmt], Name, [Name])
370decodeHelper (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) decodefunc size = do
371 valname <- newName "val"
372 restname <- newName "rest"
373 tuplename <- newName "tup"
374 let dec1 = ValD (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
375 (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'BS.splitAt)
376 (LitE (IntegerL size)))
377 (VarE inputname))
378 []
379 let dec2 = ValD (VarP tuplename)
380 (NormalB $ AppE decodefunc (VarE valname))
381 []
383 return (LetS [dec1, dec2] : stmts, restname, tuplename : tuplenames)
385decGetName :: Dec -> Name
386decGetName (ValD (VarP name) _ _) = name
387decGetName _ = undefined -- Error!
389bitSyn :: [ReadType] -> Q Exp
390bitSyn elements = do
391 inputname <- newName "input"
392 (stmts, restname, tuplenames) <- foldM readElement ([], inputname, []) elements
393 returnS <- NoBindS `liftM` [| return $(tupE . map varE $ reverse tuplenames) |]
394 return $ LamE [VarP inputname] (DoE . reverse $ returnS : stmts)
397-- Tests
398prop_bitPacking :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool
399prop_bitPacking fields =
400 prevalues == (map fromIntegral postvalues) ||
401 any (< 1) (map fst fields) ||
402 any (< 0) (map snd fields)
403 where
404 undershoot = sum (map fst fields) `mod` 8
405 fields' = if undershoot > 0
406 then (8 - undershoot, 1) : fields
407 else fields
408 prevalues = map snd fields'
409 packed = bits $ PackBits fields'
410 postvalues = decodeBits (map (fromIntegral . fst) fields') packed
413instance Arbitrary Word16 where
414 arbitrary = (arbitrary :: Gen Int) >>= return . fromIntegral
415instance Arbitrary Word32 where
416 arbitrary = (arbitrary :: Gen Int) >>= return . fromIntegral
419-- | This only works on little-endian machines as it checks that the foreign
420-- functions (htonl and htons) match the native ones
421prop_nativeByteShuffle32 :: Word32 -> Bool
422prop_nativeByteShuffle32 x = endianSwitch32 x == htonl x
423prop_nativeByteShuffle16 :: Word16 -> Bool
424prop_nativeByteShuffle16 x = endianSwitch16 x == htons x
425prop_littleEndian16 :: Word16 -> Bool
426prop_littleEndian16 x = littleEndian16 x == x
427prop_littleEndian32 :: Word32 -> Bool
428prop_littleEndian32 x = littleEndian32 x == x