path: root/Presence/Presence.hs
diff options
authorjoe <>2017-11-09 19:55:09 -0500
committerjoe <>2017-11-09 19:55:09 -0500
commit238887849791fe045ee87f047d5e622b5f371333 (patch)
treef4aec0c2877db9e0add462ff2517bf4c1e7971f3 /Presence/Presence.hs
parent105bd52877ad0bd9fdc64b3129d842c2d4294bca (diff)
Factored out Presence.hs from main module xmppServer.hs.
Diffstat (limited to 'Presence/Presence.hs')
1 files changed, 1045 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Presence/Presence.hs b/Presence/Presence.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2344fb75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Presence/Presence.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
4module Presence where
6import System.Environment
7import System.Posix.Signals
8import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay,forkIO,forkOS,killThread,throwTo)
9import Control.Concurrent.STM
10import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
11import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
12import Control.Monad.Trans
13import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
14import Network.Socket ( SockAddr(..) )
15import System.Endian (fromBE32)
16import Data.List (nub, (\\), intersect, groupBy, sort, sortBy )
17import Data.Ord (comparing )
18import Data.Monoid ( (<>), Sum(..), getSum )
19import qualified Data.Text as Text
20import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
21import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
22import Control.Monad
23import Control.Monad.Fix
24import qualified Network.BSD as BSD
25import qualified Data.Text as Text
26import Data.Text (Text)
27import qualified Data.Map as Map
28import Data.Map (Map)
29import Control.Exception ({-evaluate,-}handle,SomeException(..),bracketOnError,ErrorCall(..))
30import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
31import System.Posix.User (getUserEntryForID,userName)
32import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
33import qualified ConfigFiles
34import Data.Maybe (maybeToList,listToMaybe,mapMaybe)
35import Data.Bits
36import Data.Int (Int8)
37import Data.XML.Types (Event)
38import System.Posix.Types (UserID,CPid)
39import Control.Applicative
41import LockedChan (LockedChan)
42import TraversableT
43import UTmp (ProcessID,users)
44import LocalPeerCred
45import XMPPServer
46import PeerResolve
47import ConsoleWriter
48import ClientState
49import Util
51isPeerKey :: ConnectionKey -> Bool
52isPeerKey k = case k of { PeerKey {} -> True ; _ -> False }
54isClientKey :: ConnectionKey -> Bool
55isClientKey k = case k of { ClientKey {} -> True ; _ -> False }
57localJID :: Text -> Text -> IO Text
58localJID user resource = do
59 hostname <- textHostName
60 return $ user <> "@" <> hostname <> "/" <> resource
62newPresenceState cw = atomically $ do
63 clients <- newTVar Map.empty
64 clientsByUser <- newTVar Map.empty
65 remotesByPeer <- newTVar Map.empty
66 associatedPeers <- newTVar Map.empty
67 xmpp <- newEmptyTMVar
68 keyToChan <- newTVar Map.empty
69 return PresenceState
70 { clients = clients
71 , clientsByUser = clientsByUser
72 , remotesByPeer = remotesByPeer
73 , associatedPeers = associatedPeers
74 , keyToChan = keyToChan
75 , server = xmpp
76 , consoleWriter = cw
77 }
80presenceHooks state verbosity = XMPPServerParameters
81 { xmppChooseResourceName = chooseResourceName state
82 , xmppTellClientHisName = tellClientHisName state
83 , xmppTellMyNameToClient = textHostName
84 , xmppTellMyNameToPeer = \addr -> return $ addrToText addr
85 , xmppTellPeerHisName = return . peerKeyToText
86 , xmppTellClientNameOfPeer = flip peerKeyToResolvedName
87 , xmppNewConnection = newConn state
88 , xmppEOF = eofConn state
89 , xmppRosterBuddies = rosterGetBuddies state
90 , xmppRosterSubscribers = rosterGetSubscribers state
91 , xmppRosterSolicited = rosterGetSolicited state
92 , xmppRosterOthers = rosterGetOthers state
93 , xmppSubscribeToRoster = informSentRoster state
94 , xmppDeliverMessage = deliverMessage state
95 , xmppInformClientPresence = informClientPresence state
96 , xmppInformPeerPresence = informPeerPresence state
97 , xmppAnswerProbe = \k stanza chan -> answerProbe state (stanzaTo stanza) k chan
98 , xmppClientSubscriptionRequest = clientSubscriptionRequest state
99 , xmppPeerSubscriptionRequest = peerSubscriptionRequest state
100 , xmppClientInformSubscription = clientInformSubscription state
101 , xmppPeerInformSubscription = peerInformSubscription state
102 , xmppVerbosity = return verbosity
103 }
106data LocalPresence = LocalPresence
107 { networkClients :: Map ConnectionKey ClientState
108 -- TODO: loginClients
109 }
111data RemotePresence = RemotePresence
112 { resources :: Map Text Stanza
113 -- , localSubscribers :: Map Text ()
114 -- ^ subset of clientsByUser who should be
115 -- notified about this presence.
116 }
120pcSingletonNetworkClient :: ConnectionKey
121 -> ClientState -> LocalPresence
122pcSingletonNetworkClient key client =
123 LocalPresence
124 { networkClients = Map.singleton key client
125 }
127pcInsertNetworkClient :: ConnectionKey -> ClientState -> LocalPresence -> LocalPresence
128pcInsertNetworkClient key client pc =
129 pc { networkClients = Map.insert key client (networkClients pc) }
131pcRemoveNewtworkClient :: ConnectionKey
132 -> LocalPresence -> Maybe LocalPresence
133pcRemoveNewtworkClient key pc = if pcIsEmpty pc' then Nothing
134 else Just pc'
135 where
136 pc' = pc { networkClients = Map.delete key (networkClients pc) }
138pcIsEmpty :: LocalPresence -> Bool
139pcIsEmpty pc = Map.null (networkClients pc)
142data PresenceState = PresenceState
143 { clients :: TVar (Map ConnectionKey ClientState)
144 , clientsByUser :: TVar (Map Text LocalPresence)
145 , remotesByPeer :: TVar (Map ConnectionKey
146 (Map UserName
147 RemotePresence))
148 , associatedPeers :: TVar (Map SockAddr ())
149 , server :: TMVar XMPPServer
150 , keyToChan :: TVar (Map ConnectionKey Conn)
151 , consoleWriter :: ConsoleWriter
152 }
156getConsolePids :: PresenceState -> IO [(Text,ProcessID)]
157getConsolePids state = do
158 us <- UTmp.users
159 return $ map (\(_,tty,pid)->(lazyByteStringToText tty,pid)) us
161identifyTTY' :: [(Text, ProcessID)]
162 -> System.Posix.Types.UserID
163 -> L.ByteString
164 -> IO (Maybe Text, Maybe System.Posix.Types.CPid)
165identifyTTY' ttypids uid inode = ttypid
166 where ttypids' = map (\(tty,pid)->(L.fromChunks [Text.encodeUtf8 tty], pid)) ttypids
167 ttypid = fmap textify $ identifyTTY ttypids' uid inode
168 textify (tty,pid) = (fmap lazyByteStringToText tty, pid)
170chooseResourceName :: PresenceState
171 -> ConnectionKey -> SockAddr -> t -> IO Text
172chooseResourceName state k addr desired = do
173 muid <- getLocalPeerCred' addr
174 (mtty,pid) <- getTTYandPID muid
175 user <- getJabberUserForId muid
176 status <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing
177 flgs <- atomically $ newTVar 0
178 let client = ClientState { clientResource = maybe "fallback" id mtty
179 , clientUser = user
180 , clientPid = pid
181 , clientStatus = status
182 , clientFlags = flgs }
184 do -- forward-lookup of the buddies so that it is cached for reversing.
185 buds <- configText ConfigFiles.getBuddies (clientUser client)
186 forM_ buds $ \bud -> do
187 let (_,h,_) = splitJID bud
188 forkIO $ void $ resolvePeer h
190 atomically $ do
191 modifyTVar' (clients state) $ Map.insert k client
192 modifyTVar' (clientsByUser state) $ flip Map.alter (clientUser client)
193 $ \mb -> Just $ maybe (pcSingletonNetworkClient k client)
194 (pcInsertNetworkClient k client)
195 mb
197 localJID (clientUser client) (clientResource client)
199 where
200 getTTYandPID muid = do
201 -- us <- fmap (map (second fst) . Map.toList) . readTVarIO $ activeUsers state
202 ttypids <- getConsolePids state
203 -- let tailOf3 ((_,a),b) = (a,b)
204 (t,pid) <- case muid of
205 Just (uid,inode) -> identifyTTY' ttypids uid inode
206 Nothing -> return (Nothing,Nothing)
207 let rsc = t `mplus` fmap ( ("pid."<>) . Text.pack . show ) pid
208 return (rsc,pid)
210 getJabberUserForId muid =
211 maybe (return "nobody")
212 (\(uid,_) ->
213 handle (\(SomeException _) ->
214 return . (<> "uid.") . Text.pack . show $ uid)
215 $ do
216 user <- fmap userName $ getUserEntryForID uid
217 return (Text.pack user)
218 )
219 muid
221forClient :: PresenceState
222 -> ConnectionKey -> IO b -> (ClientState -> IO b) -> IO b
223forClient state k fallback f = do
224 mclient <- atomically $ do
225 cs <- readTVar (clients state)
226 return $ Map.lookup k cs
227 maybe fallback f mclient
229tellClientHisName :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO Text
230tellClientHisName state k = forClient state k fallback go
231 where
232 fallback = localJID "nobody" "fallback"
233 go client = localJID (clientUser client) (clientResource client)
235toMapUnit :: Ord k => [k] -> Map k ()
236toMapUnit xs = Map.fromList $ map (,()) xs
238resolveAllPeers :: [Text] -> IO (Map SockAddr ())
239resolveAllPeers hosts = fmap (toMapUnit . concat) $ Prelude.mapM (fmap (take 1) . resolvePeer) hosts
243 :: (L.ByteString -> IO [L.ByteString])
244 -> PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text]
245rosterGetStuff what state k = forClient state k (return [])
246 $ \client -> do
247 jids <- configText what (clientUser client)
248 let hosts = map ((\(_,h,_)->h) . splitJID) jids
249 addrs <- resolveAllPeers hosts
250 peers <- atomically $ readTVar (associatedPeers state)
251 addrs <- return $ addrs `Map.difference` peers
252 sv <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ server state
253 -- Grok peers to associate with from the roster:
254 forM_ (Map.keys addrs) $ \addr -> do
255 putStrLn $ "new addr: "++show addr
256 addPeer sv addr
257 -- Update local set of associated peers
258 atomically $ do
259 writeTVar (associatedPeers state) (addrs `Map.union` peers)
260 putTMVar (server state) sv
261 return jids
263rosterGetBuddies :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text]
264rosterGetBuddies state k = rosterGetStuff ConfigFiles.getBuddies state k
266rosterGetSolicited :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text]
267rosterGetSolicited = rosterGetStuff ConfigFiles.getSolicited
269rosterGetOthers :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text]
270rosterGetOthers = rosterGetStuff ConfigFiles.getOthers
272rosterGetSubscribers :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text]
273rosterGetSubscribers = rosterGetStuff ConfigFiles.getSubscribers
275data Conn = Conn { connChan :: TChan Stanza
276 , auxAddr :: SockAddr }
278configText :: Functor f =>
279 (L.ByteString -> f [L.ByteString]) -> Text -> f [Text]
280configText what u = fmap (map lazyByteStringToText)
281 $ what (textToLazyByteString u)
283getBuddies' :: Text -> IO [Text]
284getBuddies' = configText ConfigFiles.getBuddies
285getSolicited' :: Text -> IO [Text]
286getSolicited' = configText ConfigFiles.getSolicited
288sendProbesAndSolicitations :: PresenceState
289 -> ConnectionKey -> SockAddr -> TChan Stanza -> IO ()
290sendProbesAndSolicitations state k laddr chan = do
291 -- get all buddies & solicited matching k for all users
292 xs <- runTraversableT $ do
293 cbu <- lift $ atomically $ readTVar $ clientsByUser state
294 user <- liftT $ Map.keys cbu
295 (isbud,getter) <- liftT [(True ,getBuddies' )
296 ,(False,getSolicited')]
297 bud <- liftMT $ getter user
298 let (u,h,r) = splitJID bud
299 addr <- liftMT $ nub `fmap` resolvePeer h
300 liftT $ guard (PeerKey addr == k)
301 -- Note: Earlier I was tempted to do all the IO
302 -- within the TraversableT monad. That apparently
303 -- is a bad idea. Perhaps due to laziness and an
304 -- unforced list? Instead, we will return a list
305 -- of (Bool,Text) for processing outside.
306 return (isbud,u,if isbud then "" else user)
307 -- XXX: The following O(n²) nub may be a little
308 -- too onerous.
309 forM_ (nub xs) $ \(isbud,u,user) -> do
310 let make = if isbud then presenceProbe
311 else presenceSolicitation
312 toh = peerKeyToText k
313 jid = unsplitJID (u,toh,Nothing)
314 me = addrToText laddr
315 from = if isbud then me -- probe from server
316 else -- solicitation from particular user
317 unsplitJID (Just user,me,Nothing)
318 stanza <- make from jid
319 -- send probes for buddies, solicitations for solicited.
320 putStrLn $ "probing "++show k++" for: " ++ show (isbud,jid)
321 atomically $ writeTChan chan stanza
322 -- reverse xs `seq` return ()
324newConn :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> SockAddr -> TChan Stanza -> IO ()
325newConn state k addr outchan = do
326 atomically $ modifyTVar' (keyToChan state)
327 $ Map.insert k Conn { connChan = outchan
328 , auxAddr = addr }
329 when (isPeerKey k)
330 $ sendProbesAndSolicitations state k addr outchan
332delclient :: (Alternative m, Monad m) =>
333 ConnectionKey -> m LocalPresence -> m LocalPresence
334delclient k mlp = do
335 lp <- mlp
336 let nc = Map.delete k $ networkClients lp
337 guard $ not (Map.null nc)
338 return $ lp { networkClients = nc }
340eofConn :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO ()
341eofConn state k = do
342 atomically $ modifyTVar' (keyToChan state) $ Map.delete k
343 case k of
344 ClientKey {} -> do
345 forClient state k (return ()) $ \client -> do
346 stanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:server" Nothing Offline
347 informClientPresence state k stanza
348 atomically $ do
349 modifyTVar' (clientsByUser state)
350 $ Map.alter (delclient k) (clientUser client)
351 PeerKey {} -> do
352 let h = peerKeyToText k
353 jids <- atomically $ do
354 rbp <- readTVar (remotesByPeer state)
355 return $ do
356 umap <- maybeToList $ Map.lookup k rbp
357 (u,rp) <- Map.toList umap
358 r <- Map.keys (resources rp)
359 return $ unsplitJID (Just u, h, Just r)
360 forM_ jids $ \jid -> do
361 stanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:client" (Just jid) Offline
362 informPeerPresence state k stanza
365rewriteJIDForClient1:: Text -> IO (Maybe ((Maybe Text,Text,Maybe Text),SockAddr))
366rewriteJIDForClient1 jid = do
367 let (n,h,r) = splitJID jid
368 maddr <- fmap listToMaybe $ resolvePeer h
369 flip (maybe $ return Nothing) maddr $ \addr -> do
370 h' <- peerKeyToResolvedName (PeerKey addr)
371 return $ Just ((n,h',r), addr)
374-- | The given address is taken to be the local address for the socket this JID
375-- came in on. The returned JID parts are suitable for unsplitJID to create a
376-- valid JID for communicating to a client. The returned Bool is True when the
377-- host part refers to this local host (i.e. it equals the given SockAddr).
378-- If there are multiple results, it will prefer one which is a member of the
379-- given list in the last argument.
380rewriteJIDForClient :: SockAddr -> Text -> [Text] -> IO (Bool,(Maybe Text,Text,Maybe Text))
381rewriteJIDForClient laddr jid buds = do
382 let (n,h,r) = splitJID jid
383 maddr <- parseAddress (strip_brackets h)
384 flip (maybe $ return (False,(n,ip6literal h,r))) maddr $ \addr -> do
385 let mine = laddr `withPort` 0 == addr `withPort` 0
386 h' <- if mine then textHostName
387 else peerKeyToResolvedName buds (PeerKey addr)
388 return (mine,(n,h',r))
390peerKeyToResolvedName :: [Text] -> ConnectionKey -> IO Text
391peerKeyToResolvedName buds k@(ClientKey { localAddress=addr }) = return "ErrorClIeNt1"
392peerKeyToResolvedName buds pk = do
393 ns <- peerKeyToResolvedNames pk
394 let hs = map (\jid -> let (_,h,_)=splitJID jid in h) buds
395 ns' = sortBy (comparing $ not . flip elem hs) ns
396 return $ maybe (peerKeyToText pk) id (listToMaybe ns')
399multiplyJIDForClient :: SockAddr -> Text -> IO (Bool,[(Maybe Text,Text,Maybe Text)])
400multiplyJIDForClient laddr jid = do
401 let (n,h,r) = splitJID jid
402 maddr <- parseAddress (strip_brackets h)
403 flip (maybe $ return (False,[(n,ip6literal h,r)])) maddr $ \addr -> do
404 let mine = sameAddress laddr addr
405 names <- if mine then fmap (:[]) textHostName
406 else peerKeyToResolvedNames (PeerKey addr)
407 return (mine,map (\h' -> (n,h',r)) names)
410addrTextToKey :: Text -> IO (Maybe ConnectionKey)
411addrTextToKey h = do
412 maddr <- parseAddress (strip_brackets h)
413 return (fmap PeerKey maddr)
415guardPortStrippedAddress :: Text -> SockAddr -> IO (Maybe ())
416guardPortStrippedAddress h laddr = do
417 maddr <- fmap (fmap (`withPort` 0)) $ parseAddress (strip_brackets h)
418 let laddr' = laddr `withPort` 0
419 return $ maddr >>= guard . (==laddr')
422-- | Accepts a textual representation of a domainname
423-- JID suitable for client connections, and returns the
424-- coresponding ipv6 address JID suitable for peers paired
425-- with a SockAddr with the address part of that JID in
426-- binary form. If no suitable address could be resolved
427-- for the given name, Nothing is returned.
428rewriteJIDForPeer :: Text -> IO (Maybe (Text,SockAddr))
429rewriteJIDForPeer jid = do
430 let (n,h,r) = splitJID jid
431 maddr <- fmap listToMaybe $ resolvePeer h
432 return $ flip fmap maddr $ \addr ->
433 let h' = addrToText addr
434 to' = unsplitJID (n,h',r)
435 in (to',addr)
437deliverToConsole :: PresenceState -> IO () -> Stanza -> IO ()
438deliverToConsole state fail msg = do
439 putStrLn $ "TODO: deliver to console"
440 did1 <- writeActiveTTY (consoleWriter state) msg
441 did2 <- writeAllPty (consoleWriter state) msg
442 if not (did1 || did2) then fail else return ()
444-- | deliver <message/> or error stanza
445deliverMessage :: PresenceState
446 -> IO ()
447 -> StanzaWrap (LockedChan Event)
448 -> IO ()
449deliverMessage state fail msg =
450 case stanzaOrigin msg of
451 NetworkOrigin senderk@(ClientKey {}) _ -> do
452 -- Case 1. Client -> Peer
453 mto <- do
454 flip (maybe $ return Nothing) (stanzaTo msg) $ \to -> do
455 rewriteJIDForPeer to
456 flip (maybe fail {- reverse lookup failure -})
457 mto
458 $ \(to',addr) -> do
459 let k = PeerKey addr
460 chans <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state)
461 flip (maybe fail) (Map.lookup k chans) $ \(Conn { connChan=chan
462 , auxAddr=laddr }) -> do
463 (n,r) <- forClient state senderk (return (Nothing,Nothing))
464 $ \c -> return (Just (clientUser c), Just (clientResource c))
465 -- original 'from' address is discarded.
466 let from' = unsplitJID (n,addrToText laddr,r)
467 -- dup <- atomically $ cloneStanza (msg { stanzaTo=Just to', stanzaFrom=Just from' })
468 let dup = (msg { stanzaTo=Just to', stanzaFrom=Just from' })
469 sendModifiedStanzaToPeer dup chan
470 NetworkOrigin senderk@(PeerKey {}) _ -> do
471 key_to_chan <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state)
472 flip (maybe fail) (Map.lookup senderk key_to_chan)
473 $ \(Conn { connChan=sender_chan
474 , auxAddr=laddr }) -> do
475 flip (maybe fail) (stanzaTo msg) $ \to -> do
476 (mine,(n,h,r)) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr to []
477 if not mine then fail else do
478 let to' = unsplitJID (n,h,r)
479 cmap <- atomically . readTVar $ clientsByUser state
480 (from',chans,ks) <- do
481 flip (maybe $ return (Nothing,[],[])) n $ \n -> do
482 buds <- configText ConfigFiles.getBuddies n
483 from' <- do
484 flip (maybe $ return Nothing) (stanzaFrom msg) $ \from -> do
485 (_,trip) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr from buds
486 return . Just $ unsplitJID trip
487 let nope = return (from',[],[])
488 flip (maybe nope) (Map.lookup n cmap) $ \presence_container -> do
489 let ks = Map.keys (networkClients presence_container)
490 chans = mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup key_to_chan) ks
491 return (from',chans,ks)
492 putStrLn $ "chan count: " ++ show (length chans)
493 let msg' = msg { stanzaTo=Just to'
494 , stanzaFrom=from' }
495 if null chans then deliverToConsole state fail msg' else do
496 forM_ chans $ \Conn { connChan=chan} -> do
497 putStrLn $ "sending "++show (stanzaId msg)++" to clients "++show ks
498 -- TODO: Cloning isn't really neccessary unless there are multiple
499 -- destinations and we should probably transition to minimal cloning,
500 -- or else we should distinguish between announcable stanzas and
501 -- consumable stanzas and announcables use write-only broadcast
502 -- channels that must be cloned in order to be consumed.
503 -- For now, we are doing redundant cloning.
504 dup <- cloneStanza msg'
505 sendModifiedStanzaToClient dup
506 chan
509setClientFlag :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> Int8 -> IO ()
510setClientFlag state k flag =
511 atomically $ do
512 cmap <- readTVar (clients state)
513 flip (maybe $ return ()) (Map.lookup k cmap) $ \client -> do
514 setClientFlag0 client flag
516setClientFlag0 :: ClientState -> Int8 -> STM ()
517setClientFlag0 client flag =
518 modifyTVar' (clientFlags client) (\flgs -> flgs .|. flag)
520informSentRoster :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO ()
521informSentRoster state k = do
522 setClientFlag state k cf_interested
525subscribedPeers :: Text -> IO [SockAddr]
526subscribedPeers user = do
527 jids <- configText ConfigFiles.getSubscribers user
528 let hosts = map ((\(_,h,_)->h) . splitJID) jids
529 fmap Map.keys $ resolveAllPeers hosts
531-- | this JID is suitable for peers, not clients.
532clientJID :: Conn -> ClientState -> Text
533clientJID con client = unsplitJID ( Just $ clientUser client
534 , addrToText $ auxAddr con
535 , Just $ clientResource client)
537-- | Send presence notification to subscribed peers.
538-- Note that a full JID from address will be added to the
539-- stanza if it is not present.
540informClientPresence :: PresenceState
541 -> ConnectionKey -> StanzaWrap (LockedChan Event) -> IO ()
542informClientPresence state k stanza = do
543 forClient state k (return ()) $ \client -> do
544 informClientPresence0 state (Just k) client stanza
546informClientPresence0 :: PresenceState
547 -> Maybe ConnectionKey
548 -> ClientState
549 -> StanzaWrap (LockedChan Event)
550 -> IO ()
551informClientPresence0 state mbk client stanza = do
552 dup <- cloneStanza stanza
553 atomically $ writeTVar (clientStatus client) $ Just dup
554 is_avail <- atomically $ clientIsAvailable client
555 when (not is_avail) $ do
556 atomically $ setClientFlag0 client cf_available
557 maybe (return ()) (sendCachedPresence state) mbk
558 addrs <- subscribedPeers (clientUser client)
559 ktc <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state)
560 let connected = mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup ktc . PeerKey) addrs
561 forM_ connected $ \con -> do
562 let from' = clientJID con client
563 mto <- runTraversableT $ do
564 to <- liftT $ stanzaTo stanza
565 (to',_) <- liftMT $ rewriteJIDForPeer to
566 return to'
567 dup <- cloneStanza stanza
568 sendModifiedStanzaToPeer dup { stanzaFrom = Just from'
569 , stanzaTo = mto }
570 (connChan con)
572informPeerPresence :: PresenceState
573 -> ConnectionKey
574 -> StanzaWrap (LockedChan Event)
575 -> IO ()
576informPeerPresence state k stanza = do
577 -- Presence must indicate full JID with resource...
578 putStrLn $ "xmppInformPeerPresence checking from address..."
579 flip (maybe $ return ()) (stanzaFrom stanza) $ \from -> do
580 let (muser,h,mresource) = splitJID from
581 putStrLn $ "xmppInformPeerPresence from = " ++ show from
582 -- flip (maybe $ return ()) mresource $ \resource -> do
583 flip (maybe $ return ()) muser $ \user -> do
585 clients <- atomically $ do
587 -- Update remotesByPeer...
588 rbp <- readTVar (remotesByPeer state)
589 let umap = maybe Map.empty id $ Map.lookup k rbp
590 rp = case (presenceShow $ stanzaType stanza) of
591 Offline ->
592 maybe Map.empty
593 (\resource ->
594 maybe (Map.empty)
595 (Map.delete resource . resources)
596 $ Map.lookup user umap)
597 mresource
599 _ ->maybe Map.empty
600 (\resource ->
601 maybe (Map.singleton resource stanza)
602 (Map.insert resource stanza . resources )
603 $ Map.lookup user umap)
604 mresource
605 umap' = Map.insert user (RemotePresence rp) umap
607 flip (maybe $ return []) (case presenceShow $ stanzaType stanza of
608 Offline -> Just ()
609 _ -> mresource >> Just ())
610 $ \_ -> do
611 writeTVar (remotesByPeer state) $ Map.insert k umap' rbp
612 -- TODO: Store or delete the stanza (remotesByPeer)
614 -- all clients, we'll filter available/authorized later
616 ktc <- readTVar (keyToChan state)
617 runTraversableT $ do
618 (ck,client) <- liftMT $ fmap Map.toList $ readTVar (clients state)
619 con <- liftMaybe $ Map.lookup ck ktc
620 return (ck,con,client)
621 putStrLn $ "xmppInformPeerPresence (length clients="++show (length clients)++")"
622 forM_ clients $ \(ck,con,client) -> do
623 -- (TODO: appropriately authorized clients only.)
624 -- For now, all "available" clients (available = sent initial presence)
625 is_avail <- atomically $ clientIsAvailable client
626 when is_avail $ do
627 putStrLn $ "reversing for client: " ++ show from
628 froms <- do -- flip (maybe $ return [from]) k . const $ do
629 let ClientKey laddr = ck
630 (_,trip) <- multiplyJIDForClient laddr from
631 return (map unsplitJID trip)
633 putStrLn $ "sending to client: " ++ show (stanzaType stanza,froms)
634 forM_ froms $ \from' -> do
635 dup <- cloneStanza stanza
636 sendModifiedStanzaToClient (dup { stanzaFrom=Just from' })
637 (connChan con)
639answerProbe :: PresenceState
640 -> Maybe Text -> ConnectionKey -> TChan Stanza -> IO ()
641answerProbe state mto k chan = do
642 -- putStrLn $ "answerProbe! " ++ show (stanzaType stanza)
643 ktc <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state)
644 muser <- runTraversableT $ do
645 to <- liftT $ mto
646 conn <- liftT $ Map.lookup k ktc
647 let (mu,h,_) = splitJID to -- TODO: currently resource-id is ignored on presence
648 -- probes. Is this correct? Check the spec.
649 liftMT $ guardPortStrippedAddress h (auxAddr conn)
650 u <- liftT mu
651 let ch = addrToText (auxAddr conn)
652 return (u,conn,ch)
654 flip (maybe $ return ()) muser $ \(u,conn,ch) -> do
656 resolved_subs <- resolvedFromRoster ConfigFiles.getSubscribers u
657 let gaddrs = groupBy (\a b -> snd a == snd b) (sort resolved_subs)
658 whitelist = do
659 xs <- gaddrs
660 x <- take 1 xs
661 guard $ snd x==k
662 mapMaybe fst xs
664 -- -- only subscribed peers should get probe replies
665 -- addrs <- subscribedPeers u
667 -- TODO: notify remote peer that they are unsubscribed?
668 -- reply <- makeInformSubscription "jabber:server" to from False
669 when (not $ null whitelist) $ do
671 replies <- runTraversableT $ do
672 cbu <- lift . atomically $ readTVar (clientsByUser state)
673 let lpres = maybeToList $ Map.lookup u cbu
674 cw <- lift . atomically $ readTVar (cwClients $ consoleWriter state)
675 clientState <- liftT $ (lpres >>= Map.elems . networkClients)
676 ++ Map.elems cw
677 stanza <- liftIOMaybe $ atomically (readTVar (clientStatus clientState))
678 stanza <- lift $ cloneStanza stanza
679 let jid = unsplitJID (Just $ clientUser clientState
680 , ch
681 ,Just $ clientResource clientState)
682 return stanza { stanzaFrom = Just jid
683 , stanzaType = (stanzaType stanza)
684 { presenceWhiteList = whitelist }
685 }
687 forM_ replies $ \reply -> do
688 sendModifiedStanzaToPeer reply chan
690 -- if no presence, send offline message
691 when (null replies) $ do
692 let jid = unsplitJID (Just u,ch,Nothing)
693 pstanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:server" (Just jid) Offline
694 atomically $ writeTChan (connChan conn) pstanza
696sendCachedPresence :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO ()
697sendCachedPresence state k = do
698 forClient state k (return ()) $ \client -> do
699 rbp <- atomically $ readTVar (remotesByPeer state)
700 jids <- configText ConfigFiles.getBuddies (clientUser client)
701 let hosts = map ((\(_,h,_)->h) . splitJID) jids
702 addrs <- resolveAllPeers hosts
703 let onlines = rbp `Map.intersection` Map.mapKeys PeerKey addrs
704 ClientKey laddr = k
705 mcon <- atomically $ do ktc <- readTVar (keyToChan state)
706 return $ Map.lookup k ktc
707 flip (maybe $ return ()) mcon $ \con -> do
708 -- me <- textHostName
709 forM_ (Map.toList onlines) $ \(pk, umap) -> do
710 forM_ (Map.toList umap) $ \(user,rp) -> do
711 let h = peerKeyToText pk
712 forM_ (Map.toList $ resources rp) $ \(resource,stanza) -> do
713 let jid = unsplitJID (Just user,h,Just resource)
714 (mine,js) <- multiplyJIDForClient laddr jid
715 forM_ js $ \jid -> do
716 let from' = unsplitJID jid
717 dup <- cloneStanza stanza
718 sendModifiedStanzaToClient (dup { stanzaFrom=Just from' })
719 (connChan con)
721 pending <- configText ConfigFiles.getPending (clientUser client)
722 hostname <- textHostName
723 forM_ pending $ \pending_jid -> do
724 let cjid = unsplitJID ( Just $ clientUser client
725 , hostname
726 , Nothing )
727 ask <- presenceSolicitation pending_jid cjid
728 sendModifiedStanzaToClient ask (connChan con)
730 -- Note: relying on self peer connection to send
731 -- send local buddies.
732 return ()
734addToRosterFile :: (MonadPlus t, Traversable t) =>
735 (L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString -> IO (t L.ByteString))
736 -> Maybe L.ByteString
737 -> t1)
738 -> Text -> Text -> [SockAddr] -> t1
739addToRosterFile doit whose to addrs =
740 modifyRosterFile doit whose to addrs True
742removeFromRosterFile :: (MonadPlus t, Traversable t) =>
743 (L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString -> IO (t L.ByteString))
744 -> Maybe L.ByteString
745 -> t1)
746 -> Text -> Text -> [SockAddr] -> t1
747removeFromRosterFile doit whose to addrs =
748 modifyRosterFile doit whose to addrs False
750modifyRosterFile :: (Traversable t, MonadPlus t) =>
751 (L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString -> IO (t L.ByteString))
752 -> Maybe L.ByteString
753 -> t1)
754 -> Text -> Text -> [SockAddr] -> Bool -> t1
755modifyRosterFile doit whose to addrs bAdd = do
756 let (mu,_,_) = splitJID to
757 cmp jid = runTraversableT $ do
758 let (msu,stored_h,mr) = splitJID (lazyByteStringToText jid)
759 -- Delete from file if a resource is present in file
760 (\f -> maybe f (const mzero) mr) $ do
761 -- Delete from file if no user is present in file
762 flip (maybe mzero) msu $ \stored_u -> do
763 -- do not delete anything if no user was specified
764 flip (maybe $ return jid) mu $ \u -> do
765 -- do not delete if stored user is same as specified
766 if stored_u /= u then return jid else do
767 stored_addrs <- lift $ resolvePeer stored_h
768 -- do not delete if failed to resolve
769 if null stored_addrs then return jid else do
770 -- delete if specified address matches stored
771 if null (stored_addrs \\ addrs) then mzero else do
772 -- keep
773 return jid
774 doit (textToLazyByteString whose)
775 cmp
776 (guard bAdd >> Just (textToLazyByteString to))
778clientSubscriptionRequest :: PresenceState -> IO () -> ConnectionKey -> Stanza -> TChan Stanza -> IO ()
779clientSubscriptionRequest state fail k stanza chan = do
780 forClient state k fail $ \client -> do
781 flip (maybe fail) (stanzaTo stanza) $ \to -> do
782 putStrLn $ "Forwarding solictation to peer"
783 let (mu,h,_) = splitJID to
784 to <- return $ unsplitJID (mu,h,Nothing) -- delete resource
785 flip (maybe fail) mu $ \u -> do
786 addrs <- resolvePeer h
787 if null addrs then fail else do
788 -- add to-address to from's solicited
789 addToRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifySolicited (clientUser client) to addrs
790 removeFromRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifyBuddies (clientUser client) to addrs
791 resolved_subs <- resolvedFromRoster ConfigFiles.getSubscribers (clientUser client)
792 let is_subscribed = not . null $ intersect (map ((mu,).PeerKey) addrs) resolved_subs
793 -- subscribers: "from"
794 -- buddies: "to"
796 (ktc,ap) <- atomically $
797 liftM2 (,) (readTVar $ keyToChan state)
798 (readTVar $ associatedPeers state)
800 case stanzaType stanza of
801 PresenceRequestSubscription True -> do
802 hostname <- textHostName
803 let cjid = unsplitJID (Just $ clientUser client, hostname,Nothing)
804 chans <- clientCons state ktc (clientUser client)
805 forM_ chans $ \( Conn { connChan=chan }, client ) -> do
806 -- roster update ask="subscribe"
807 update <- makeRosterUpdate cjid to
808 [ ("ask","subscribe")
809 , if is_subscribed then ("subscription","from")
810 else ("subscription","none")
811 ]
812 sendModifiedStanzaToClient update chan
813 _ -> return ()
815 let dsts = Map.fromList $ map ((,()) . PeerKey) addrs
816 cdsts = ktc `Map.intersection` dsts
817 forM_ (Map.toList cdsts) $ \(pk,con) -> do
818 -- if already connected, send solicitation ...
819 -- let from = clientJID con client
820 let from = unsplitJID ( Just $ clientUser client
821 , addrToText $ auxAddr con
822 , Nothing )
823 mb <- rewriteJIDForPeer to
824 flip (maybe $ return ()) mb $ \(to',addr) -> do
825 dup <- cloneStanza stanza
826 sendModifiedStanzaToPeer (dup { stanzaTo = Just to'
827 , stanzaFrom = Just from })
828 (connChan con)
829 let addrm = Map.fromList (map (,()) addrs)
830 when (not . Map.null $ addrm Map.\\ ap) $ do
831 -- Add peer if we are not already associated ...
832 sv <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ server state
833 addPeer sv (head addrs)
834 atomically $ putTMVar (server state) sv
838 :: (L.ByteString -> IO [L.ByteString])
839 -> UserName -> IO [(Maybe UserName, ConnectionKey)]
840resolvedFromRoster doit u = do
841 subs <- configText doit u
842 runTraversableT $ do
843 (mu,h,_) <- liftT $ splitJID `fmap` subs
844 addr <- liftMT $ fmap nub $ resolvePeer h
845 return (mu,PeerKey addr)
847clientCons :: PresenceState
848 -> Map ConnectionKey t -> Text -> IO [(t, ClientState)]
849clientCons state ktc u = do
850 mlp <- atomically $ do
851 cmap <- readTVar $ clientsByUser state
852 return $ Map.lookup u cmap
853 let ks = do lp <- maybeToList mlp
854 Map.toList (networkClients lp)
855 doit (k,client) = do
856 con <- Map.lookup k ktc
857 return (con,client)
858 return $ mapMaybe doit ks
860peerSubscriptionRequest :: PresenceState -> IO () -> ConnectionKey -> Stanza -> TChan Stanza -> IO ()
861peerSubscriptionRequest state fail k stanza chan = do
862 putStrLn $ "Handling pending subscription from remote"
863 flip (maybe fail) (stanzaFrom stanza) $ \from -> do
864 flip (maybe fail) (stanzaTo stanza) $ \to -> do
865 let (mto_u,h,_) = splitJID to
866 (mfrom_u,from_h,_) = splitJID from
867 to <- return $ unsplitJID (mto_u,h,Nothing) -- delete resource
868 from <- return $ unsplitJID (mfrom_u,from_h,Nothing) -- delete resource
869 ktc <- atomically . readTVar $ keyToChan state
870 flip (maybe fail) (Map.lookup k ktc)
871 $ \Conn { auxAddr=laddr } -> do
872 (mine,totup) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr to []
873 if not mine then fail else do
874 (_,fromtup) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr from []
875 flip (maybe fail) mto_u $ \u -> do
876 flip (maybe fail) mfrom_u $ \from_u -> do
877 resolved_subs <- resolvedFromRoster ConfigFiles.getSubscribers u
878 let already_subscribed = elem (mfrom_u,k) resolved_subs
879 is_wanted = case stanzaType stanza of
880 PresenceRequestSubscription b -> b
881 _ -> False -- Shouldn't happen.
882 -- Section 8 says (for presence of type "subscribe", the server MUST
883 -- adhere to the rules defined under Section 3 and summarized under
884 -- see Appendix A. (pariticularly Appendex A.3.1)
885 if already_subscribed == is_wanted
886 then do
887 -- contact ∈ subscribers --> SHOULD NOT, already handled
888 -- already subscribed, reply and quit
889 -- (note: swapping to and from for reply)
890 reply <- makeInformSubscription "jabber:server" to from is_wanted
891 sendModifiedStanzaToPeer reply chan
892 answerProbe state (Just to) k chan
893 else do
895 -- TODO: if peer-connection is to self, then auto-approve local user.
897 -- add from-address to to's pending
898 addrs <- resolvePeer from_h
900 -- Catch exception in case the user does not exist
901 if null addrs then fail else do
903 let from' = unsplitJID fromtup
905 already_pending <-
906 if is_wanted then
907 addToRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifyPending u from' addrs
908 else do
909 removeFromRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifySubscribers u from' addrs
910 reply <- makeInformSubscription "jabber:server" to from is_wanted
911 sendModifiedStanzaToPeer reply chan
912 return False
914 -- contact ∉ subscribers & contact ∈ pending --> SHOULD NOT
915 when (not already_pending) $ do
916 -- contact ∉ subscribers & contact ∉ pending --> MUST
918 chans <- clientCons state ktc u
919 forM_ chans $ \( Conn { connChan=chan }, client ) -> do
920 -- send to clients
921 -- TODO: interested/available clients only?
922 dup <- cloneStanza stanza
923 sendModifiedStanzaToClient dup { stanzaFrom = Just $ from'
924 , stanzaTo = Just $ unsplitJID totup }
925 chan
928clientInformSubscription :: PresenceState
929 -> IO ()
930 -> ConnectionKey
931 -> StanzaWrap (LockedChan Event)
932 -> IO ()
933clientInformSubscription state fail k stanza = do
934 forClient state k fail $ \client -> do
935 flip (maybe fail) (stanzaTo stanza) $ \to -> do
936 putStrLn $ "clientInformSubscription"
937 let (mu,h,mr) = splitJID to
938 addrs <- resolvePeer h
939 -- remove from pending
940 buds <- resolvedFromRoster ConfigFiles.getBuddies (clientUser client)
941 let is_buddy = not . null $ map ((mu,) . PeerKey) addrs `intersect` buds
942 removeFromRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifyPending (clientUser client) to addrs
943 let (relationship,addf,remf) =
944 case stanzaType stanza of
945 PresenceInformSubscription True ->
946 ( ("subscription", if is_buddy then "both"
947 else "from" )
948 , ConfigFiles.modifySubscribers
949 , ConfigFiles.modifyOthers )
950 _ -> ( ("subscription", if is_buddy then "to"
951 else "none" )
952 , ConfigFiles.modifyOthers
953 , ConfigFiles.modifySubscribers )
954 addToRosterFile addf (clientUser client) to addrs
955 removeFromRosterFile remf (clientUser client) to addrs
957 do
958 cbu <- atomically $ readTVar (clientsByUser state)
959 putStrLn $ "cbu = " ++ show (fmap (fmap clientPid . networkClients) cbu)
961 -- send roster update to clients
962 (clients,ktc) <- atomically $ do
963 cbu <- readTVar (clientsByUser state)
964 let mlp = Map.lookup (clientUser client) cbu
965 let cs = maybe [] (Map.toList . networkClients) mlp
966 ktc <- readTVar (keyToChan state)
967 return (cs,ktc)
968 forM_ clients $ \(ck, client) -> do
969 is_intereseted <- atomically $ clientIsInterested client
970 putStrLn $ "clientIsInterested: "++show is_intereseted
971 is_intereseted <- atomically $ clientIsInterested client
972 when is_intereseted $ do
973 flip (maybe $ return ()) (Map.lookup ck ktc) $ \con -> do
974 hostname <- textHostName
975 -- TODO: Should cjid include the resource?
976 let cjid = unsplitJID (mu, hostname, Nothing)
977 update <- makeRosterUpdate cjid to [relationship]
978 sendModifiedStanzaToClient update (connChan con)
980 -- notify peer
981 let dsts = Map.fromList $ map ((,()) . PeerKey) addrs
982 cdsts = ktc `Map.intersection` dsts
983 forM_ (Map.toList cdsts) $ \(pk,con) -> do
984 let from = clientJID con client
985 to' = unsplitJID (mu, peerKeyToText pk, Nothing)
986 dup <- cloneStanza stanza
987 sendModifiedStanzaToPeer (dup { stanzaTo = Just $ to'
988 , stanzaFrom = Just from })
989 (connChan con)
990 answerProbe state (Just from) pk (connChan con)
992peerInformSubscription :: PresenceState
993 -> IO ()
994 -> ConnectionKey
995 -> StanzaWrap (LockedChan Event)
996 -> IO ()
997peerInformSubscription state fail k stanza = do
998 putStrLn $ "TODO: peerInformSubscription"
999 -- remove from solicited
1000 flip (maybe fail) (stanzaFrom stanza) $ \from -> do
1001 ktc <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state)
1002 flip (maybe fail) (Map.lookup k ktc)
1003 $ \(Conn { connChan=sender_chan
1004 , auxAddr=laddr }) -> do
1005 (_,(from_u,from_h,_)) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr from []
1006 let from'' = unsplitJID (from_u,from_h,Nothing)
1007 muser = do
1008 to <- stanzaTo stanza
1009 let (mu,to_h,to_r) = splitJID to
1010 mu
1011 -- TODO muser = Nothing when wanted=False
1012 -- should probably mean unsubscribed for all users.
1013 -- This would allow us to answer anonymous probes with 'unsubscribed'.
1014 flip (maybe fail) muser $ \user -> do
1015 addrs <- resolvePeer from_h
1016 was_solicited <- removeFromRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifySolicited user from'' addrs
1017 subs <- resolvedFromRoster ConfigFiles.getSubscribers user
1018 let is_sub = not . null $ map ((from_u,) . PeerKey) addrs `intersect` subs
1019 let (relationship,addf,remf) =
1020 case stanzaType stanza of
1021 PresenceInformSubscription True ->
1022 ( ("subscription", if is_sub then "both"
1023 else "to" )
1024 , ConfigFiles.modifyBuddies
1025 , ConfigFiles.modifyOthers )
1026 _ -> ( ("subscription", if is_sub then "from"
1027 else "none")
1028 , ConfigFiles.modifyOthers
1029 , ConfigFiles.modifyBuddies )
1030 addToRosterFile addf user from'' addrs
1031 removeFromRosterFile remf user from'' addrs
1033 hostname <- textHostName
1034 let to' = unsplitJID (Just user, hostname, Nothing)
1035 chans <- clientCons state ktc user
1036 forM_ chans $ \(Conn { connChan=chan }, client) -> do
1037 update <- makeRosterUpdate to' from'' [relationship]
1038 is_intereseted <- atomically $ clientIsInterested client
1039 when is_intereseted $ do
1040 sendModifiedStanzaToClient update chan
1041 -- TODO: interested/availabe clients only?
1042 dup <- cloneStanza stanza
1043 sendModifiedStanzaToClient dup { stanzaFrom = Just $ from''
1044 , stanzaTo = Just to' }
1045 chan