path: root/dht/Data
diff options
authorJames Crayne <>2019-09-28 13:43:29 -0400
committerJoe Crayne <>2020-01-01 19:27:53 -0500
commit11987749fc6e6d3e53ea737d46d5ab13a16faeb8 (patch)
tree5716463275c2d3e902889db619908ded2a73971c /dht/Data
parentadd2c76bced51fde5e9917e7449ef52be70faf87 (diff)
Factor out some new libraries
word64-map: Data.Word64Map network-addr: Network.Address tox-crypto: Crypto.Tox lifted-concurrent: Control.Concurrent.Lifted.Instrument Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Instrument psq-wrap: Data.Wrapper.PSQInt Data.Wrapper.PSQ minmax-psq: Data.MinMaxPSQ tasks: Control.Concurrent.Tasks kad: Network.Kademlia Network.Kademlia.Bootstrap Network.Kademlia.Routing Network.Kademlia.CommonAPI Network.Kademlia.Persistence Network.Kademlia.Search
Diffstat (limited to 'dht/Data')
1 files changed, 429 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dht/Data/BitSyntax.hs b/dht/Data/BitSyntax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d14d0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dht/Data/BitSyntax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
3-- | This module contains fuctions and templates for building up and breaking
4-- down packed bit structures. It's something like Erlang's bit-syntax (or,
5-- actually, more like Python's struct module).
7-- This code uses Data.ByteString which is included in GHC 6.5 and you can
8-- get it for 6.4 at <>
9module Data.BitSyntax (
10 -- * Building bit structures
11 -- | The core function here is makeBits, which is a perfectly normal function.
12 -- Here's an example which makes a SOCKS4a request header:
13 -- @
14 -- makeBits [U8 4, U8 1, U16 80, U32 10, NullTerminated \"username\",
15 -- NullTerminated \"\"]
16 -- @
17 BitBlock(..),
18 makeBits,
19 -- * Breaking up bit structures
20 -- | The main function for this is bitSyn, which is a template function and
21 -- so you'll need to run with @-fth@ to enable template haskell
22 -- <>.
23 --
24 -- To expand the function you use the splice command:
25 -- @
26 -- $(bitSyn [...])
27 -- @
28 --
29 -- The expanded function has type @ByteString -> (...)@ where the elements of
30 -- the tuple depend of the argument to bitSyn (that's why it has to be a template
31 -- function).
32 --
33 -- Heres an example, translated from the Erlang manual, which parses an IP header:
34 --
35 -- @
36 -- decodeOptions bs ([_, hlen], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)
37 -- | hlen > 5 = return $ BS.splitAt (fromIntegral ((hlen - 5) * 4)) bs
38 -- | otherwise = return (BS.empty, bs)
39 -- @
40 --
41 -- @
42 -- ipDecode = $(bitSyn [PackedBits [4, 4], Unsigned 1, Unsigned 2, Unsigned 2,
43 -- PackedBits [3, 13], Unsigned 1, Unsigned 1, Unsigned 2,
44 -- Fixed 4, Fixed 4, Context \'decodeOptions, Rest])
45 -- @
46 --
47 -- @
48 -- ipPacket = BS.pack [0x45, 0, 0, 0x34, 0xd8, 0xd2, 0x40, 0, 0x40, 0x06,
49 -- 0xa0, 0xca, 0xac, 0x12, 0x68, 0x4d, 0xac, 0x18,
50 -- 0x00, 0xaf]
51 -- @
52 --
53 -- This function has several weaknesses compared to the Erlang version: The
54 -- elements of the bit structure are not named in place, instead you have to
55 -- do a pattern match on the resulting tuple and match up the indexes. The
56 -- type system helps in this, but it's still not quite as nice.
58 ReadType(..), bitSyn,
60 -- I get errors if these aren't exported (Can't find interface-file
61 -- declaration for Data.BitSyntax.decodeU16)
62 decodeU8, decodeU16, decodeU32, decodeU16LE, decodeU32LE) where
64import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
65import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
67import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
68import Data.Char (ord)
69import Control.Monad
70-- import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(), arbitrary, Gen())
72import Foreign
74foreign import ccall unsafe "htonl" htonl :: Word32 -> Word32
75foreign import ccall unsafe "htons" htons :: Word16 -> Word16
77-- There's no good way to convert to little-endian. The htons functions only
78-- convert to big endian and they don't have any little endian friends. So we
79-- need to detect which kind of system we are on and act accordingly. We can
80-- detect the type of system by seeing if htonl actaully doesn't anything (it's
81-- the identity function on big-endian systems, of course). If it doesn't we're
82-- on a big-endian system and so need to do the byte-swapping in Haskell because
83-- the C functions are no-ops
85-- | A native Haskell version of htonl for the case where we need to convert
86-- to little-endian on a big-endian system
87endianSwitch32 :: Word32 -> Word32
88endianSwitch32 a = ((a .&. 0xff) `shiftL` 24) .|.
89 ((a .&. 0xff00) `shiftL` 8) .|.
90 ((a .&. 0xff0000) `shiftR` 8) .|.
91 (a `shiftR` 24)
93-- | A native Haskell version of htons for the case where we need to convert
94-- to little-endian on a big-endian system
95endianSwitch16 :: Word16 -> Word16
96endianSwitch16 a = ((a .&. 0xff) `shiftL` 8) .|.
97 (a `shiftR` 8)
99littleEndian32 :: Word32 -> Word32
100littleEndian32 a = if htonl 1 == 1
101 then endianSwitch32 a
102 else a
104littleEndian16 :: Word16 -> Word16
105littleEndian16 a = if htonl 1 == 1
106 then endianSwitch16 a
107 else a
109data BitBlock = -- | Unsigned 8-bit int
110 U8 Int |
111 -- | Unsigned 16-bit int
112 U16 Int |
113 -- | Unsigned 32-bit int
114 U32 Int |
115 -- | Little-endian, unsigned 16-bit int
116 U16LE Int |
117 -- | Little-endian, unsigned 32-bit int
118 U32LE Int |
119 -- | Appends the string with a trailing NUL byte
120 NullTerminated String |
121 -- | Appends the string without any terminator
122 RawString String |
123 -- | Appends a ByteString
124 RawByteString BS.ByteString |
125 -- | Packs a series of bit fields together. The argument is
126 -- a list of pairs where the first element is the size
127 -- (in bits) and the second is the value. The sum of the
128 -- sizes for a given PackBits must be a multiple of 8
129 PackBits [(Int, Int)]
130 deriving (Show)
132-- Encodes a member of the Bits class as a series of bytes and returns the
133-- ByteString of those bytes.
134getBytes :: (Integral a, Bounded a, FiniteBits a) => a -> BS.ByteString
135getBytes input =
136 let getByte _ 0 = []
137 getByte x remaining = (fromIntegral $ (x .&. 0xff)) :
138 getByte (shiftR x 8) (remaining - 1)
139 in
140 if (finiteBitSize input `mod` 8) /= 0
141 then error "Input data bit size must be a multiple of 8"
142 else BS.pack $ getByte input (finiteBitSize input `div` 8)
144-- Performs the work behind PackBits
145packBits :: (Word8, Int, [Word8]) -- ^ The current byte, the number of bits
146 -- used in that byte and the (reverse)
147 -- list of produced bytes
148 -> (Int, Int) -- ^ The size (in bits) of the value, and the value
149 -> (Word8, Int, [Word8]) -- See first argument
150packBits (current, used, bytes) (size, value) =
151 if bitsWritten < size
152 then packBits (0, 0, current' : bytes) (size - bitsWritten, value)
153 else if used' == 8
154 then (0, 0, current' : bytes)
155 else (current', used', bytes)
156 where
157 top = size - 1
158 topOfByte = 7 - used
159 aligned = value `shift` (topOfByte - top)
160 newBits = (fromIntegral aligned) :: Word8
161 current' = current .|. newBits
162 bitsWritten = min (8 - used) size
163 used' = used + bitsWritten
165bits :: BitBlock -> BS.ByteString
166bits (U8 v) = BS.pack [((fromIntegral v) :: Word8)]
167bits (U16 v) = getBytes ((htons $ fromIntegral v) :: Word16)
168bits (U32 v) = getBytes ((htonl $ fromIntegral v) :: Word32)
169bits (U16LE v) = getBytes (littleEndian16 $ fromIntegral v)
170bits (U32LE v) = getBytes (littleEndian32 $ fromIntegral v)
171bits (NullTerminated str) = BS.pack $ (map (fromIntegral . ord) str) ++ [0]
172bits (RawString str) = BS.pack $ map (fromIntegral . ord) str
173bits (RawByteString bs) = bs
174bits (PackBits bitspec) =
175 if (sum $ map fst bitspec) `mod` 8 /= 0
176 then error "Sum of sizes of a bit spec must == 0 mod 8"
177 else (\(_, _, a) -> BS.pack $ reverse a) $ foldl packBits (0, 0, []) bitspec
179-- | Make a binary string from the list of elements given
180makeBits :: [BitBlock] -> BS.ByteString
181makeBits = BS.concat . (map bits)
183data ReadType = -- | An unsigned number of some number of bytes. Valid
184 -- arguments are 1, 2 and 4
185 Unsigned Integer |
186 -- | An unsigned, little-endian integer of some number of
187 -- bytes. Valid arguments are 2 and 4
188 UnsignedLE Integer |
189 -- | A variable length element to be decoded by a custom
190 -- function. The function's name is given as the single
191 -- argument and should have type
192 -- @Monad m => ByteString -> m (v, ByteString)@
193 Variable Name |
194 -- | Skip some number of bytes
195 Skip Integer |
196 -- | A fixed size field, the result of which is a ByteString
197 -- of that length.
198 Fixed Integer |
199 -- | Decode a value and ignore it (the result will not be part
200 -- of the returned tuple)
201 Ignore ReadType |
202 -- | Like variable, but the decoding function is passed the
203 -- entire result tuple so far. Thus the function whose name
204 -- passed has type
205 -- @Monad m => ByteString -> (...) -> m (v, ByteString)@
206 Context Name |
207 -- | Takes the most recent element of the result tuple and
208 -- interprets it as the length of this field. Results in
209 -- a ByteString
210 LengthPrefixed |
211 -- | Decode a series of bit fields, results in a list of
212 -- Integers. Each element of the argument is the length of
213 -- the bit field. The sums of the lengths must be a multiple
214 -- of 8
215 PackedBits [Integer] |
216 -- | Results in a ByteString containing the undecoded bytes so
217 -- far. Generally used at the end to return the trailing body
218 -- of a structure, it can actually be used at any point in the
219 -- decoding to return the trailing part at that point.
220 Rest
222fromBytes :: (Num a, Bits a) => [a] -> a
223fromBytes input =
224 let dofb accum [] = accum
225 dofb accum (x:xs) = dofb ((shiftL accum 8) .|. x) xs
226 in
227 dofb 0 $ reverse input
229decodeU8 :: BS.ByteString -> Word8
230decodeU8 = fromIntegral . head . BS.unpack
231decodeU16 :: BS.ByteString -> Word16
232decodeU16 = htons . fromBytes . map fromIntegral . BS.unpack
233decodeU32 :: BS.ByteString -> Word32
234decodeU32 = htonl . fromBytes . map fromIntegral . BS.unpack
235decodeU16LE :: BS.ByteString -> Word16
236decodeU16LE = littleEndian16 . fromBytes . map fromIntegral . BS.unpack
237decodeU32LE :: BS.ByteString -> Word32
238decodeU32LE = littleEndian32 . fromBytes . map fromIntegral . BS.unpack
240decodeBits :: [Integer] -> BS.ByteString -> [Integer]
241decodeBits sizes bs =
242 reverse values
243 where
244 (values, _, _) = foldl unpackBits ([], 0, BS.unpack bitdata) sizes
245 bytesize = (sum sizes) `shiftR` 3
246 (bitdata, _) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral bytesize) bs
248unpackBits :: ([Integer], Integer, [Word8]) -> Integer -> ([Integer], Integer, [Word8])
249unpackBits state size = unpackBitsInner 0 state size
251unpackBitsInner :: Integer ->
252 ([Integer], Integer, [Word8]) ->
253 Integer ->
254 ([Integer], Integer, [Word8])
255unpackBitsInner _ (output, used, []) _ = (output, used, [])
256unpackBitsInner val (output, used, current : input) bitsToGet =
257 if bitsToGet' > 0
258 then unpackBitsInner val'' (output, 0, input) bitsToGet'
259 else if used' < 8
260 then (val'' : output, used', current'' : input)
261 else (val'' : output, 0, input)
262 where
263 bitsAv = 8 - used
264 bitsTaken = min bitsAv bitsToGet
265 val' = val `shift` (fromIntegral bitsTaken)
266 current' = current `shiftR` (fromIntegral (8 - bitsTaken))
267 current'' = current `shiftL` (fromIntegral bitsTaken)
268 val'' = val' .|. (fromIntegral current')
269 bitsToGet' = bitsToGet - bitsTaken
270 used' = used + bitsTaken
272readElement :: ([Stmt], Name, [Name]) -> ReadType -> Q ([Stmt], Name, [Name])
274readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) (Context funcname) = do
275 valname <- newName "val"
276 restname <- newName "rest"
278 let stmt = BindS (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
279 (AppE (AppE (VarE funcname)
280 (VarE inputname))
281 (TupE $ map VarE $ reverse tuplenames))
283 return (stmt : stmts, restname, valname : tuplenames)
285readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) (Fixed n) = do
286 valname <- newName "val"
287 restname <- newName "rest"
288 let dec1 = ValD (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
289 (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'BS.splitAt)
290 (LitE (IntegerL n)))
291 (VarE inputname))
292 []
294 return (LetS [dec1] : stmts, restname, valname : tuplenames)
296readElement state@(_, _, tuplenames) (Ignore n) = do
297 (a, b, _) <- readElement state n
298 return (a, b, tuplenames)
300readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) LengthPrefixed = do
301 valname <- newName "val"
302 restname <- newName "rest"
304 let sourcename = head tuplenames
305 dec = ValD (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
306 (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'BS.splitAt)
307 (AppE (VarE 'fromIntegral)
308 (VarE sourcename)))
309 (VarE inputname))
310 []
312 return (LetS [dec] : stmts, restname, valname : tuplenames)
314readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) (Variable funcname) = do
315 valname <- newName "val"
316 restname <- newName "rest"
318 let stmt = BindS (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
319 (AppE (VarE funcname) (VarE inputname))
321 return (stmt : stmts, restname, valname : tuplenames)
323readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) Rest = do
324 restname <- newName "rest"
325 let dec = ValD (VarP restname)
326 (NormalB $ VarE inputname)
327 []
328 return (LetS [dec] : stmts, inputname, restname : tuplenames)
330readElement (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) (Skip n) = do
331 -- Expands to something like:
332 -- rest = Data.ByteString.drop n input
333 restname <- newName "rest"
334 let dec = ValD (VarP restname)
335 (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'BS.drop)
336 (LitE (IntegerL n)))
337 (VarE inputname))
338 []
339 return (LetS [dec] : stmts, restname, tuplenames)
341readElement state (Unsigned size) = do
342 -- Expands to something like:
343 -- (aval, arest) = Data.ByteString.splitAt 1 input
344 -- a = BitSyntax.decodeU8 aval
345 let decodefunc = case size of
346 1 -> 'decodeU8
347 2 -> 'decodeU16
348 _ -> 'decodeU32 -- Default to 32
349 decodeHelper state (VarE decodefunc) size
351readElement state (UnsignedLE size) = do
352 -- Expands to something like:
353 -- (aval, arest) = Data.ByteString.splitAt 1 input
354 -- a = BitSyntax.decodeU8LE aval
355 let decodefunc = case size of
356 2 -> 'decodeU16LE
357 _ -> 'decodeU32LE -- Default to 4
358 decodeHelper state (VarE decodefunc) size
360readElement state (PackedBits sizes) =
361 if sum sizes `mod` 8 /= 0
362 then error "Sizes of packed bits must == 0 mod 8"
363 else decodeHelper state
364 (AppE (VarE 'decodeBits)
365 (ListE $ map (LitE . IntegerL) sizes))
366 ((sum sizes) `shiftR` 3)
368decodeHelper :: ([Stmt], Name, [Name]) -> Exp
369 -> Integer
370 -> Q ([Stmt], Name, [Name])
371decodeHelper (stmts, inputname, tuplenames) decodefunc size = do
372 valname <- newName "val"
373 restname <- newName "rest"
374 tuplename <- newName "tup"
375 let dec1 = ValD (TupP [VarP valname, VarP restname])
376 (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'BS.splitAt)
377 (LitE (IntegerL size)))
378 (VarE inputname))
379 []
380 let dec2 = ValD (VarP tuplename)
381 (NormalB $ AppE decodefunc (VarE valname))
382 []
384 return (LetS [dec1, dec2] : stmts, restname, tuplename : tuplenames)
386decGetName :: Dec -> Name
387decGetName (ValD (VarP name) _ _) = name
388decGetName _ = undefined -- Error!
390bitSyn :: [ReadType] -> Q Exp
391bitSyn elements = do
392 inputname <- newName "input"
393 (stmts, restname, tuplenames) <- foldM readElement ([], inputname, []) elements
394 returnS <- NoBindS `liftM` [| return $(tupE . map varE $ reverse tuplenames) |]
395 return $ LamE [VarP inputname] (DoE . reverse $ returnS : stmts)
398-- Tests
399prop_bitPacking :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool
400prop_bitPacking fields =
401 prevalues == (map fromIntegral postvalues) ||
402 any (< 1) (map fst fields) ||
403 any (< 0) (map snd fields)
404 where
405 undershoot = sum (map fst fields) `mod` 8
406 fields' = if undershoot > 0
407 then (8 - undershoot, 1) : fields
408 else fields
409 prevalues = map snd fields'
410 packed = bits $ PackBits fields'
411 postvalues = decodeBits (map (fromIntegral . fst) fields') packed
414instance Arbitrary Word16 where
415 arbitrary = (arbitrary :: Gen Int) >>= return . fromIntegral
416instance Arbitrary Word32 where
417 arbitrary = (arbitrary :: Gen Int) >>= return . fromIntegral
420-- | This only works on little-endian machines as it checks that the foreign
421-- functions (htonl and htons) match the native ones
422prop_nativeByteShuffle32 :: Word32 -> Bool
423prop_nativeByteShuffle32 x = endianSwitch32 x == htonl x
424prop_nativeByteShuffle16 :: Word16 -> Bool
425prop_nativeByteShuffle16 x = endianSwitch16 x == htons x
426prop_littleEndian16 :: Word16 -> Bool
427prop_littleEndian16 x = littleEndian16 x == x
428prop_littleEndian32 :: Word32 -> Bool
429prop_littleEndian32 x = littleEndian32 x == x