path: root/dht/src/Network/Tox/Onion/Handlers.hs
diff options
authorJames Crayne <>2019-09-28 13:43:29 -0400
committerJoe Crayne <>2020-01-01 19:27:53 -0500
commit11987749fc6e6d3e53ea737d46d5ab13a16faeb8 (patch)
tree5716463275c2d3e902889db619908ded2a73971c /dht/src/Network/Tox/Onion/Handlers.hs
parentadd2c76bced51fde5e9917e7449ef52be70faf87 (diff)
Factor out some new libraries
word64-map: Data.Word64Map network-addr: Network.Address tox-crypto: Crypto.Tox lifted-concurrent: Control.Concurrent.Lifted.Instrument Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Instrument psq-wrap: Data.Wrapper.PSQInt Data.Wrapper.PSQ minmax-psq: Data.MinMaxPSQ tasks: Control.Concurrent.Tasks kad: Network.Kademlia Network.Kademlia.Bootstrap Network.Kademlia.Routing Network.Kademlia.CommonAPI Network.Kademlia.Persistence Network.Kademlia.Search
Diffstat (limited to 'dht/src/Network/Tox/Onion/Handlers.hs')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dht/src/Network/Tox/Onion/Handlers.hs b/dht/src/Network/Tox/Onion/Handlers.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f44dd79c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dht/src/Network/Tox/Onion/Handlers.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
2{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
4module Network.Tox.Onion.Handlers where
6import Network.Kademlia.Search
7import Network.Tox.DHT.Transport
8import Network.Tox.DHT.Handlers hiding (Message,Client)
9import Network.Tox.Onion.Transport
10import Network.QueryResponse as QR hiding (Client)
11import qualified Network.QueryResponse as QR (Client)
12import Crypto.Tox
13import qualified Data.Wrapper.PSQ as PSQ
14 ;import Data.Wrapper.PSQ (PSQ,pattern (:->))
15import Control.Arrow
17import Data.Function
18import qualified Data.MinMaxPSQ as MinMaxPSQ
19 ;import Data.MinMaxPSQ (MinMaxPSQ')
20import Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Token as Token
22import Control.Exception hiding (Handler)
23import Control.Monad
25import Control.Concurrent.Lifted.Instrument
27import Control.Concurrent
28import GHC.Conc (labelThread)
30import Control.Concurrent.STM
31import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, getPOSIXTime)
32import Network.Socket
33#if MIN_VERSION_iproute(1,7,4)
34import Data.IP hiding (fromSockAddr)
36import Data.IP
38import Data.Maybe
39import Data.Functor.Identity
40import DPut
41import DebugTag
43type Client r = QR.Client String PacketKind TransactionId (OnionDestination r) Message
44type Message = OnionMessage Identity
46classify :: Message -> MessageClass String PacketKind TransactionId (OnionDestination r) Message
47classify msg = go msg
48 where
49 go (OnionAnnounce announce) = IsQuery AnnounceType
50 $ TransactionId (snd $ runIdentity $ asymmData announce)
51 (asymmNonce announce)
52 go (OnionAnnounceResponse n8 n24 resp) = IsResponse (TransactionId n8 n24)
53 go (OnionToRoute {}) = IsQuery DataRequestType (TransactionId (Nonce8 0) (Nonce24 zeros24))
54 go (OnionToRouteResponse {}) = IsResponse (TransactionId (Nonce8 0) (Nonce24 zeros24))
56-- Toxcore generates `ping_id`s by taking a 32 byte sha hash of the current time,
57-- some secret bytes generated when the instance is created, the current time
58-- divided by a 20 second timeout, the public key of the requester and the source
59-- ip/port that the packet was received from. Since the ip/port that the packet
60-- was received from is in the `ping_id`, the announce packets being sent with a
61-- ping id must be sent using the same path as the packet that we received the
62-- `ping_id` from or announcing will fail.
64-- The reason for this 20 second timeout in toxcore is that it gives a reasonable
65-- time (20 to 40 seconds) for a peer to announce himself while taking in count
66-- all the possible delays with some extra seconds.
67announceH :: Routing -> TVar SessionTokens -> TVar AnnouncedKeys -> OnionDestination r -> AnnounceRequest -> IO AnnounceResponse
68announceH routing toks keydb oaddr req = do
69 case () of
70 _ | announcePingId req == zeros32
71 -> go False
73 _ -> let Nonce32 bs = announcePingId req
74 tok = fromPaddedByteString 32 bs
75 in checkToken toks (onionNodeInfo oaddr) tok >>= go
76 `catch` (\(SomeException e) -> dput XAnnounce ("announceH Exception! "++show e) >> throw e)
77 where
78 go withTok = do
79 let naddr = onionNodeInfo oaddr
80 ns <- getNodesH routing naddr (GetNodes (announceSeeking req))
81 tm <- getPOSIXTime
83 let storing = case oaddr of
84 OnionToOwner _ pth -> guard (nodeId naddr == announceSeeking req) >> Just pth
85 _ -> Nothing
86 dput XAnnounce $ unlines [ "announceH: nodeId = " ++ show (nodeId naddr)
87 , " announceSeeking = " ++ show (announceSeeking req)
88 , " withTok = " ++ show withTok
89 , " storing = " ++ maybe "False" (const "True") storing
90 ]
91 record <- atomically $ do
92 forM_ storing $ \retpath -> when withTok $ do
93 let toxpath = AnnouncedRoute naddr{ nodeId = announceKey req } retpath
94 -- Note: The following distance calculation assumes that
95 -- our nodeid doesn't change and is the same for both
96 -- routing4 and routing6.
97 d = xorNodeId (nodeId (tentativeId routing))
98 (announceSeeking req)
99 modifyTVar' keydb (insertKey tm (announceSeeking req) toxpath d)
100 ks <- readTVar keydb
101 return $ snd . snd <$> MinMaxPSQ.lookup' (announceSeeking req) (keyAssoc ks)
102 newtok <- maybe (return $ zeros32)
103 (const $ Nonce32 . toPaddedByteString 32 <$> grantToken toks naddr)
104 storing
105 let k = case record of
106 Nothing -> NotStored newtok
107 Just _ | isJust storing -> Acknowledged newtok
108 Just (AnnouncedRoute ni _) -> SendBackKey $ id2key (nodeId ni)
109 let response = AnnounceResponse k ns
110 dput XAnnounce $ unwords ["Announce:", show req, "-reply->", show response]
111 return response
113dataToRouteH ::
114 TVar AnnouncedKeys
115 -> Transport err (OnionDestination r) (OnionMessage f)
116 -> addr
117 -> OnionMessage f
118 -> IO ()
119dataToRouteH keydb udp _ (OnionToRoute pub asymm) = do
120 let k = key2id pub
121 dput XOnion $ "dataToRouteH "++ show k
122 mb <- atomically $ do
123 ks <- readTVar keydb
124 forM (MinMaxPSQ.lookup' k (keyAssoc ks)) $ \(p,(cnt,rpath)) -> do
125 writeTVar keydb $ ks { keyAssoc = MinMaxPSQ.insert' k (cnt + 1, rpath) p (keyAssoc ks) }
126 return rpath
127 dput XOnion $ "dataToRouteH "++ show (fmap (const ()) mb)
128 forM_ mb $ \rpath -> do
129 -- forward
130 dput XOnion $ "dataToRouteH sendMessage"
131 sendMessage udp (toOnionDestination rpath) $ OnionToRouteResponse asymm
132 dput XOnion $ "Forwarding data-to-route -->"++show k
134type NodeDistance = NodeId
136data AnnouncedRoute = AnnouncedRoute NodeInfo (ReturnPath N3)
138toOnionDestination :: AnnouncedRoute -> OnionDestination r
139toOnionDestination (AnnouncedRoute ni rpath) = OnionToOwner ni rpath
141-- |
142-- The type 'NodeId' was originally made for the DHT key, but here
143-- we reuse it for user keys (public key/real key).
145-- To find someone using their user (public) key, you search for it on
146-- kademlia. At each iteration of the search, you get a response with
147-- closest known nodes(DHT keys) to the key you are searching for.
149-- To do an 'Announce' so your friends can find you, you do a search to
150-- find the closest nodes to your own user(public) key. At those nodes,
151-- you store a route back to yourself (using Announce message) so your
152-- friends can contact you. This means each node needs to store the
153-- saved routes, and that is the purpose of the 'AnnouncedKeys' data
154-- structure.
156data AnnouncedKeys = AnnouncedKeys
157 { keyByAge :: !(PSQ NodeId (POSIXTime{-Time at which they announced to you-}))
158 , keyAssoc :: !(MinMaxPSQ' NodeId NodeDistance (Int{-count of route usage-},AnnouncedRoute))
159 -- ^ PSQ using NodeId(user/public key) as Key
160 -- and using 'NodeDistance' as priority.
161 -- (smaller number is higher priority)
162 --
163 -- Keeping in a MinMaxPSQ will help us later when we want to make the structure
164 -- bounded. (We simply throw away the most NodeDistant keys.
165 }
168insertKey :: POSIXTime -> NodeId -> AnnouncedRoute -> NodeDistance -> AnnouncedKeys -> AnnouncedKeys
169insertKey tm pub toxpath d keydb = AnnouncedKeys
170 { keyByAge = PSQ.insert pub tm (keyByAge keydb)
171 , keyAssoc = case MinMaxPSQ.lookup' pub (keyAssoc keydb) of
172 Just (_,(cnt,_)) -> MinMaxPSQ.insert' pub (cnt,toxpath) d (keyAssoc keydb)
173 Nothing -> MinMaxPSQ.insert' pub (0 ,toxpath) d (keyAssoc keydb)
174 }
176-- | Forks a thread to garbage-collect old key announcements. Keys may be
177-- discarded after 5 minutes.
178forkAnnouncedKeysGC :: TVar AnnouncedKeys -> IO ThreadId
179forkAnnouncedKeysGC db = forkIO $ do
180 myThreadId >>= flip labelThread "gc:toxids"
181 fix $ \loop -> do
182 cutoff <- getPOSIXTime
183 threadDelay 300000000 -- 300 seconds
184 join $ atomically $ do
185 fix $ \gc -> do
186 keys <- readTVar db
187 case PSQ.minView (keyByAge keys) of
188 Nothing -> return loop
189 Just (pub :-> tm,kba')
190 | tm > cutoff -> return loop
191 | otherwise -> do writeTVar db keys
192 { keyByAge = kba'
193 , keyAssoc = MinMaxPSQ.delete pub (keyAssoc keys)
194 }
195 gc
197areq :: Message -> Either String AnnounceRequest
198areq (OnionAnnounce asymm) = Right $ fst $ runIdentity $ asymmData asymm
199areq _ = Left "Unexpected non-announce OnionMessage"
201handlers :: Transport err (OnionDestination r) Message
202 -> Routing
203 -> TVar SessionTokens
204 -> TVar AnnouncedKeys
205 -> PacketKind
206 -> Maybe (MethodHandler String TransactionId (OnionDestination r) Message)
207handlers net routing toks keydb AnnounceType
208 = Just
209 $ MethodHandler areq (\(TransactionId n8 n24) src dst -> OnionAnnounceResponse n8 n24 . Identity)
210 $ announceH routing toks keydb
211handlers net _ _ keydb _ = Just $ NoReply Right $ dataToRouteH keydb net
214toxidSearch :: (TransactionId -> OnionDestination r -> STM (OnionDestination r, Int))
215 -> TransportCrypto
216 -> Client r
217 -> Search NodeId (IP, PortNumber) Nonce32 NodeInfo Rendezvous
218toxidSearch getTimeout crypto client = Search
219 { searchSpace = toxSpace
220 , searchNodeAddress = nodeIP &&& nodePort
221 , searchQuery = Right $ asyncGetRendezvous getTimeout crypto client
222 , searchAlpha = 3
223 , searchK = 6
224 }
226announceSerializer :: (TransactionId -> OnionDestination r -> STM (OnionDestination r, Int))
227 -> MethodSerializer
228 TransactionId
229 (OnionDestination r)
230 (OnionMessage Identity)
231 PacketKind
232 AnnounceRequest
233 (Maybe AnnounceResponse)
234announceSerializer getTimeout = MethodSerializer
235 { methodTimeout = getTimeout
236 , method = AnnounceType
237 , wrapQuery = \(TransactionId n8 n24) src dst req ->
238 -- :: tid -> addr -> addr -> a -> OnionMessage Identity
239 OnionAnnounce $ Asymm
240 { -- The public key is our real long term public key if we want to
241 -- announce ourselves, a temporary one if we are searching for
242 -- friends.
243 senderKey = onionKey src
244 , asymmNonce = n24
245 , asymmData = Identity (req, n8)
246 }
247 , unwrapResponse = \case -- :: OnionMessage Identity -> b
248 OnionAnnounceResponse _ _ resp -> Just $ runIdentity resp
249 _ -> Nothing
250 }
252unwrapAnnounceResponse :: Maybe NodeId -> NodeInfo -> AnnounceResponse -> ([NodeInfo], [Rendezvous], Maybe Nonce32)
253unwrapAnnounceResponse alias ni (AnnounceResponse is_stored (SendNodes ns))
254 = case is_stored of
255 NotStored n32 -> ( ns , [] , Just n32)
256 SendBackKey k -> ( ns , [Rendezvous k ni] , Nothing )
257 Acknowledged n32 -> ( ns , maybeToList $ fmap (\k -> Rendezvous (id2key k) ni) alias , Just n32)
259-- TODO Announce key to announce peers.
261-- Announce Peers are only put in the 8 closest peers array if they respond
262-- to an announce request. If the peers fail to respond to 3 announce
263-- requests they are deemed timed out and removed.
265-- ...
267-- For this reason, after the peer is announced successfully for 17 seconds,
268-- announce packets are sent aggressively every 3 seconds to each known close
269-- peer (in the list of 8 peers) to search aggressively for peers that know
270-- the peer we are searching for.
272-- TODO
273-- If toxcore goes offline (no onion traffic for 20 seconds) toxcore will
274-- aggressively reannounce itself and search for friends as if it was just
275-- started.
278sendOnion :: (TransactionId -> OnionDestination r -> STM (OnionDestination r, Int))
279 -> Client r
280 -> AnnounceRequest
281 -> OnionDestination r
282 -> (NodeInfo -> AnnounceResponse -> t)
283 -> IO (Maybe t)
284sendOnion getTimeout client req oaddr unwrap =
285 -- Four tries and then we tap out.
286 flip fix 4 $ \loop n -> do
287 mb <- QR.sendQuery client (announceSerializer getTimeout) req oaddr
288 forM_ mb $ \r -> dput XAnnounce $ show (onionNodeInfo oaddr) ++ " sent response: " ++ show r
289 maybe (if n>0 then loop $! n - 1 else return Nothing)
290 (return . Just . unwrap (onionNodeInfo oaddr))
291 $ join mb
293asyncOnion :: (TransactionId
294 -> OnionDestination r -> STM (OnionDestination r, Int))
295 -> QR.Client
296 err
297 PacketKind
298 TransactionId
299 (OnionDestination r)
300 (OnionMessage Identity)
301 -> AnnounceRequest
302 -> OnionDestination r
303 -> (NodeInfo -> AnnounceResponse -> a)
304 -> (Maybe a -> IO ())
305 -> IO ()
306asyncOnion getTimeout client req oaddr unwrap go =
307 -- Four tries and then we tap out.
308 flip fix 4 $ \loop n -> do
309 QR.asyncQuery client (announceSerializer getTimeout) req oaddr
310 $ \mb -> do
311 forM_ mb $ \r -> dput XAnnounce $ show (onionNodeInfo oaddr) ++ " sent response: " ++ show r
312 maybe (if n>0 then loop $! n - 1 else go Nothing)
313 (go . Just . unwrap (onionNodeInfo oaddr))
314 $ join mb
317-- | Lookup the secret counterpart for a given alias key.
318getRendezvous :: (TransactionId -> OnionDestination r -> STM (OnionDestination r, Int))
319 -> TransportCrypto
320 -> Client r
321 -> NodeId
322 -> NodeInfo
323 -> IO (Maybe ([NodeInfo],[Rendezvous],Maybe Nonce32))
324getRendezvous getTimeout crypto client nid ni = do
325 asel <- atomically $ selectAlias crypto nid
326 let oaddr = OnionDestination asel ni Nothing
327 rkey = case asel of
328 SearchingAlias -> Nothing
329 _ -> Just $ key2id $ rendezvousPublic crypto
330 sendOnion getTimeout client
331 (AnnounceRequest zeros32 nid $ fromMaybe zeroID rkey)
332 oaddr
333 (unwrapAnnounceResponse rkey)
336 :: (TransactionId -> OnionDestination r -> STM (OnionDestination r, Int))
337 -> TransportCrypto
338 -> Client r
339 -> NodeId
340 -> NodeInfo
341 -> (Maybe ([NodeInfo], [Rendezvous], Maybe Nonce32) -> IO ())
342 -> IO ()
343asyncGetRendezvous getTimeout crypto client nid ni go = do
344 asel <- atomically $ selectAlias crypto nid
345 let oaddr = OnionDestination asel ni Nothing
346 rkey = case asel of
347 SearchingAlias -> Nothing
348 _ -> Just $ key2id $ rendezvousPublic crypto
349 asyncOnion getTimeout client
350 (AnnounceRequest zeros32 nid $ fromMaybe zeroID rkey)
351 oaddr
352 (unwrapAnnounceResponse rkey)
353 go
355putRendezvous :: (TransactionId -> OnionDestination r -> STM (OnionDestination r, Int))
356 -> TransportCrypto
357 -> Client r
358 -> PublicKey
359 -> Nonce32
360 -> NodeInfo
361 -> IO (Maybe (Rendezvous, AnnounceResponse))
362putRendezvous getTimeout crypto client pubkey nonce32 ni = do
363 let longTermKey = key2id pubkey
364 rkey = rendezvousPublic crypto
365 rendezvousKey = key2id rkey
366 asel <- atomically $ selectAlias crypto longTermKey
367 let oaddr = OnionDestination asel ni Nothing
368 sendOnion getTimeout client (AnnounceRequest nonce32 longTermKey rendezvousKey) oaddr
369 $ \ni resp -> (Rendezvous rkey ni, resp)