path: root/src/Network/BitTorrent/Tracker/Protocol.hs
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authorSam T <>2013-04-26 00:18:53 +0400
committerSam T <>2013-04-26 00:18:53 +0400
commite7914d0fad7d5ef26f0c89e8b78b5c7b6a2868f5 (patch)
tree9a1c404292f2b37fb79595991dd6e6a73cf12535 /src/Network/BitTorrent/Tracker/Protocol.hs
parent8a8e67099fd1e0182b096778682b2e8c4af8085f (diff)
~ Starting separating protocol and high level api.
It will be more convenient to provide high level api and raw protocol separated. In many use cases we don't worry about protocol but need some simple things like track swarm/peer state. So I think it will be better to refactor library in the following way: 1. Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Protocol, Network.BitTorrent.PeerWire.Protocol For raw protocol definitions, documentation and serialization. 2. Network.BitTorrent.Tracker Network.BitTorrent.PeerWire For convenient API. Though we should not restrict user to in some particular way, so high level api should be flexible enough. In other words: mechanism, not policy/framework.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Network/BitTorrent/Tracker/Protocol.hs')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Network/BitTorrent/Tracker/Protocol.hs b/src/Network/BitTorrent/Tracker/Protocol.hs
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/src/Network/BitTorrent/Tracker/Protocol.hs
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1-- |
2-- Copyright : (c) Sam T. 2013
3-- License : MIT
4-- Maintainer :
5-- Stability : experimental
6-- Portability : non-portable
9-- This module provides straigthforward Tracker protocol
10-- implementation. The tracker is an HTTP/HTTPS service:
12-- * A tracker request is HTTP GET request; used to include
13-- metrics from clients that help the tracker keep overall
14-- statistics about the torrent.
16-- * The tracker response includes a peer list that helps the
17-- client participate in the torrent.
19-- For more convenient high level API see Network.BitTorrent.Tracker
20-- module.
22{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
23{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
24-- TODO: add "compact" field to TRequest
25module Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Protocol
26 ( module Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Scrape
28 , Event(..), TRequest(..), TResponse(..)
29 , sendRequest
31 -- * Defaults
32 , defaultPorts, defaultNumWant
33 )
34 where
36import Control.Applicative
37import Data.Char as Char
38import Data.Word (Word32)
39import Data.List as L
40import Data.Map as M
41import Data.Monoid
42import Data.BEncode
43import Data.ByteString as B
44import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
45import Data.Text as T
46import Data.Serialize.Get hiding (Result)
47import Data.URLEncoded as URL
48import Data.Torrent
50import Network
51import Network.Socket
52import Network.HTTP
53import Network.URI
55import Network.BitTorrent.Peer
56import Network.BitTorrent.PeerID
57import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Scrape
60data Event = Started -- ^ For first request.
61 | Stopped -- ^ Sent when the peer is shutting down.
62 | Completed -- ^ To be sent when the peer completes a download.
63 deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
65data TRequest = TRequest { -- TODO peer here -- TODO detach announce
66 reqAnnounce :: URI -- ^ Announce url of the torrent.
67 , reqInfoHash :: InfoHash -- ^ Hash of info part of the torrent.
68 , reqPeerID :: PeerID -- ^ Id of the peer doing request. ()
69 , reqPort :: PortNumber -- ^ Port to listen to for connection from other peers.
70 , reqUploaded :: Integer -- ^ # of bytes that the peer has uploaded in the swarm.
71 , reqDownloaded :: Integer -- ^ # of bytes downloaded in the swarm by the peer.
72 , reqLeft :: Integer -- ^ # of bytes needed in order to complete download.
73 , reqIP :: Maybe HostAddress -- ^ The peer IP.
74 , reqNumWant :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers that the peers wants to receive from.
75 , reqEvent :: Maybe Event -- ^ If not specified,
76 -- the request is regular periodic request.
77 } deriving Show
79data TResponse =
80 Failure Text -- ^ Failure reason in human readable form.
81 | OK {
82 respWarning :: Maybe Text
83 , respInterval :: Int -- ^ Recommended interval to wait between requests.
84 , respMinInterval :: Maybe Int -- ^ Minimal amount of time between requests.
85 , respComplete :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers completed the torrent. (seeders)
86 , respIncomplete :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers downloading the torrent.
87 , respPeers :: [Peer] -- ^ Peers that must be contacted.
88 } deriving Show
90instance BEncodable PortNumber where
91 toBEncode = toBEncode . fromEnum
92 fromBEncode b = toEnum <$> fromBEncode b
94instance BEncodable Peer where
95 toBEncode (Peer pid pip pport) = fromAssocs
96 [ "peer id" -->? pid
97 , "ip" --> pip
98 , "port" --> pport
99 ]
101 fromBEncode (BDict d) =
102 Peer <$> d >--? "peer id"
103 <*> d >-- "ip"
104 <*> d >-- "port"
106 fromBEncode _ = decodingError "Peer"
108instance BEncodable TResponse where
109 toBEncode (Failure t) = fromAssocs ["failure reason" --> t]
110 toBEncode resp@(OK {}) = fromAssocs
111 [ "interval" --> respInterval resp
112 , "min interval" -->? respMinInterval resp
113 , "complete" -->? respComplete resp
114 , "incomplete" -->? respIncomplete resp
115 , "peers" --> respPeers resp
116 ]
118 fromBEncode (BDict d)
119 | Just t <- M.lookup "failure reason" d = Failure <$> fromBEncode t
120 | otherwise = OK <$> d >--? "warning message"
121 <*> d >-- "interval"
122 <*> d >--? "min interval"
123 <*> d >--? "complete"
124 <*> d >--? "incomplete"
125 <*> getPeers (M.lookup "peers" d)
127 where
128 getPeers :: Maybe BEncode -> Result [Peer]
129 getPeers (Just (BList l)) = fromBEncode (BList l)
130 getPeers (Just (BString s))
131 | B.length s `mod` 6 == 0 =
132 let cnt = B.length s `div` 6 in
133 runGet (sequence (L.replicate cnt peerG)) s
134 | otherwise = decodingError "peers length not a multiple of 6"
135 where
136 peerG = do
137 pip <- getWord32be
138 pport <- getWord16be
139 return (Peer Nothing (fromIntegral pip) (fromIntegral pport))
141 getPeers _ = decodingError "Peers"
143 fromBEncode _ = decodingError "TResponse"
146instance URLShow PortNumber where
147 urlShow = urlShow . fromEnum
149instance URLShow Word32 where
150 urlShow = show
152instance URLShow Event where
153 urlShow e = urlShow (Char.toLower x : xs)
154 where
155 -- this is always nonempty list
156 (x : xs) = show e
158instance URLEncode TRequest where
159 urlEncode req = mconcat
160 [ s "peer_id" %= reqPeerID req
161 , s "port" %= reqPort req
162 , s "uploaded" %= reqUploaded req
163 , s "downloaded" %= reqDownloaded req
164 , s "left" %= reqLeft req
165 , s "ip" %=? reqIP req
166 , s "numwant" %=? reqNumWant req
167 , s "event" %=? reqEvent req
168 ]
169 where s :: String -> String; s = id; {-# INLINE s #-}
171encodeRequest :: TRequest -> URI
172encodeRequest req = URL.urlEncode req
173 `addToURI` reqAnnounce req
174 `addHashToURI` reqInfoHash req
177-- | Ports typically reserved for bittorrent.
178defaultPorts :: [PortNumber]
179defaultPorts = [6881..6889]
181-- | Above 25, new peers are highly unlikely to increase download speed.
182-- Even 30 peers is _plenty_, the official client version 3 in fact only
183-- actively forms new connections if it has less than 30 peers and will
184-- refuse connections if it has 55. So default value is set to 25.
186defaultNumWant :: Int
187defaultNumWant = 25
192-- | TODO rename to ask for peers
194sendRequest :: TRequest -> IO (Result TResponse)
195sendRequest req = do
196 let r = mkHTTPRequest (encodeRequest req)
198 rawResp <- simpleHTTP r
199 respBody <- getResponseBody rawResp
200 return (decoded (BC.pack respBody))
202 where
203 mkHTTPRequest :: URI -> Request String
204 mkHTTPRequest uri = Request uri GET [] ""