path: root/src/Network/Torrent/Tracker.hs
diff options
authorSam T <>2013-04-07 21:38:01 +0400
committerSam T <>2013-04-07 21:38:01 +0400
commit8853d0fa11db7ef39e2a6b4b8132ebe844a52c19 (patch)
tree1046749c290f693515be0e102b37da5de42761c5 /src/Network/Torrent/Tracker.hs
parent196ce36ef8b2a6183e06f4ef7b8f2706db1e9455 (diff)
rename THP to Tracker
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Network/Torrent/Tracker.hs')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Network/Torrent/Tracker.hs b/src/Network/Torrent/Tracker.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72fbcb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Network/Torrent/Tracker.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
1{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3module Network.Torrent.Tracker
4 ( module Network.Torrent.Tracker.Scrape
5 , Peer(..), Event(..), TRequest(..), TResponse(..)
6 , defaultRequest, defaultPorts
7 , sendRequest
8 )
9 where
11import Network.Torrent.Tracker.Scrape
13import Control.Applicative
14import Data.Char as Char
15import Data.Word (Word32)
16import Data.List as L
17import Data.Map as M
18import Data.Monoid
19import Data.BEncode
20import Data.ByteString as B
21import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
22import Data.Text as T
23import Data.Serialize.Get hiding (Result)
24import Data.URLEncoded as URL
26import Network
27import Network.Socket
28import Network.HTTP
29import Network.URI
30import Network.Torrent.PeerID
32import Numeric
34type Hash = ByteString
36data Peer = Peer {
37 peerID :: Maybe PeerID
38 , peerIP :: HostAddress
39 , peerPort :: PortNumber
40 } deriving Show
42data Event = Started -- ^ For first request.
43 | Stopped -- ^ Sent when the peer is shutting down.
44 | Completed -- ^ To be sent when the peer completes a download.
45 deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
47data TRequest = TRequest { -- TODO peer here -- TODO detach announce
48 reqAnnounce :: URI -- ^ Announce url of the torrent.
49 , reqInfoHash :: Hash -- ^ Hash of info part of the torrent.
50 , reqPeerID :: PeerID -- ^ Id of the peer doing request. ()
51 , reqPort :: PortNumber -- ^ Port to listen to for connection from other peers.
52 , reqUploaded :: Int -- ^ # of bytes that the peer has uploaded in the swarm.
53 , reqDownloaded :: Int -- ^ # of bytes downloaded in the swarm by the peer.
54 , reqLeft :: Int -- ^ # of bytes needed in order to complete download.
55 , reqIP :: Maybe HostAddress -- ^ The peer IP.
56 , reqNumWant :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers that the peers wants to receive from.
57 , reqEvent :: Maybe Event -- ^ If not specified,
58 -- the request is regular periodic request.
59 } deriving Show
61data TResponse =
62 Failure Text -- ^ Failure reason in human readable form.
63 | OK {
64 respWarning :: Maybe Text
65 , respInterval :: Int -- ^ Recommended interval to wait between requests.
66 , respMinInterval :: Maybe Int -- ^ Minimal amount of time between requests.
67 , respComplete :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers completed the torrent. (seeders)
68 , respIncomplete :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers downloading the torrent.
69 , respPeers :: [Peer] -- ^ Peers that must be contacted.
70 } deriving Show
72instance BEncodable PortNumber where
73 toBEncode = toBEncode . fromEnum
74 fromBEncode b = toEnum <$> fromBEncode b
76instance BEncodable Peer where
77 toBEncode (Peer pid pip pport) = fromAssocs
78 [ "peer id" -->? pid
79 , "ip" --> pip
80 , "port" --> pport
81 ]
83 fromBEncode (BDict d) =
84 Peer <$> d >--? "peer id"
85 <*> d >-- "ip"
86 <*> d >-- "port"
88 fromBEncode _ = decodingError "Peer"
90instance BEncodable TResponse where
91 toBEncode (Failure t) = fromAssocs ["failure reason" --> t]
92 toBEncode resp@(OK {}) = fromAssocs
93 [ "interval" --> respInterval resp
94 , "min interval" -->? respMinInterval resp
95 , "complete" -->? respComplete resp
96 , "incomplete" -->? respIncomplete resp
97 , "peers" --> respPeers resp
98 ]
100 fromBEncode (BDict d)
101 | Just t <- M.lookup "failure reason" d = Failure <$> fromBEncode t
102 | otherwise = OK <$> d >--? "warning message"
103 <*> d >-- "interval"
104 <*> d >--? "min interval"
105 <*> d >--? "complete"
106 <*> d >--? "incomplete"
107 <*> getPeers (M.lookup "peers" d)
109 where
110 getPeers :: Maybe BEncode -> Result [Peer]
111 getPeers (Just (BList l)) = fromBEncode (BList l)
112 getPeers (Just (BString s))
113 | B.length s `mod` 6 == 0 =
114 let cnt = B.length s `div` 6 in
115 runGet (sequence (L.replicate cnt peerG)) s
116 | otherwise = decodingError "peers length not a multiple of 6"
117 where
118 peerG = do
119 pip <- getWord32be
120 pport <- getWord16be
121 return (Peer Nothing (fromIntegral pip) (fromIntegral pport))
123 getPeers _ = decodingError "Peers"
125 fromBEncode _ = decodingError "TResponse"
128instance URLShow PortNumber where
129 urlShow = urlShow . fromEnum
131instance URLShow PeerID where
132 urlShow = BC.unpack . getPeerID
134instance URLShow Word32 where
135 urlShow = show
137instance URLShow Event where
138 urlShow e = urlShow (Char.toLower x : xs)
139 where
140 -- this is always nonempty list
141 (x : xs) = show e
143instance URLEncode TRequest where
144 urlEncode req = mconcat
145 [ s "peer_id" %= reqPeerID req
146 , s "port" %= reqPort req
147 , s "uploaded" %= reqUploaded req
148 , s "downloaded" %= reqDownloaded req
149 , s "left" %= reqLeft req
150 , s "ip" %=? reqIP req
151 , s "numwant" %=? reqNumWant req
152 , s "event" %=? reqEvent req
153 ]
154 where s :: String -> String; s = id; {-# INLINE s #-}
156encodeRequest :: TRequest -> URI
157encodeRequest req = URL.urlEncode req `addToURI` reqAnnounce req
158 `addHash` BC.unpack (reqInfoHash req)
159 where
160 addHash :: URI -> String -> URI
161 addHash uri s = uri { uriQuery = uriQuery uri ++ "&info_hash=" ++ rfc1738Encode s }
163 rfc1738Encode :: String -> String
164 rfc1738Encode = L.concatMap (\c -> if unreserved c then [c] else encode c)
165 where
166 unreserved = (`L.elem` chars)
167 chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_./"
168 encode :: Char -> String
169 encode c = '%' : pHex c
170 pHex c =
171 let p = (showHex . ord $ c) ""
172 in if L.length p == 1 then '0' : p else p
175-- | Ports typically reserved for bittorrent.
176defaultPorts :: [PortNumber]
177defaultPorts = [6881..6889]
179defaultRequest :: URI -> Hash -> PeerID -> TRequest
180defaultRequest announce hash pid =
181 TRequest {
182 reqAnnounce = announce
183 , reqInfoHash = hash
184 , reqPeerID = pid
185 , reqPort = L.head defaultPorts
186 , reqUploaded = 0
187 , reqDownloaded = 0
188 , reqLeft = 0
189 , reqIP = Nothing
190 , reqNumWant = Just 25
191 , reqEvent = Just Started
192 }
194-- | TODO rename to ask for peers
196sendRequest :: TRequest -> IO (Result TResponse)
197sendRequest req = do
198 let r = mkHTTPRequest (encodeRequest req)
199 print r
201 rawResp <- simpleHTTP r
202 respBody <- getResponseBody rawResp
203 print respBody
204 return (decoded (BC.pack respBody))
206 where
207 mkHTTPRequest :: URI -> Request String
208 mkHTTPRequest uri = Request uri GET [] ""