diff options
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Setup.hs b/Setup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d07decd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Setup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
1import Control.Monad
2import Data.List
3import Distribution.Simple
4import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
5import Distribution.Simple.Setup
6import Distribution.Simple.Utils
7import System.Directory
9main = defaultMainWithHooks hooks
11hooks :: UserHooks
12hooks = simpleUserHooks
13 { buildHook = \pkgDesc localBuildInfo hooks flags -> do
14 let paths = (absoluteInstallDirs pkgDesc localBuildInfo dest)
15 {- libsubdir = "<undef>"
16 , datasubdir = "<undef>"
17 -}
18 dest = maybe NoCopyDest CopyTo $
19 flagToMaybe $ buildDistPref flags
20 buildSystemDConfig localBuildInfo paths
21 buildHook simpleUserHooks pkgDesc localBuildInfo hooks flags
22 , copyHook = \pkgDesc localBuildInfo hooks flags -> do
23 let paths = (absoluteInstallDirs pkgDesc localBuildInfo (fromFlag $ copyDest flags))
24 {- libsubdir = "<undef>"
25 , datasubdir = "<undef>"
26 -}
27 dest = maybe NoCopyDest CopyTo $
28 flagToMaybe $ copyDistPref flags
29 copySystemDConfig localBuildInfo paths flags
30 copyHook simpleUserHooks pkgDesc localBuildInfo hooks flags
31 }
33-- Drop a /-terminated prefix from a Filepath. The / is not dropped.
34dropPrefix :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath
35dropPrefix prefix s | prefix `isPrefixOf` s = drop (length prefix - 1) s
36 | otherwise = s
38exestart :: FilePath -> InstallDirs FilePath -> String -> String
39exestart buildprefix paths cmd
40 | "ExecStart=" `isPrefixOf` cmd = "ExecStart="++(dropPrefix buildprefix $ bindir paths) ++ "/presence"
41 | otherwise = cmd
43buildSystemDConfig :: LocalBuildInfo -> InstallDirs FilePath -> IO ()
44buildSystemDConfig buildInfo paths = do
45 template <- lines <$> readFile "presence.service"
46 let buildprefix = takeWhile (/='/') (buildDir buildInfo) ++ "/"
47 service = map (exestart buildprefix paths) template
48 createDirectoryIfMissing True (buildDir buildInfo)
49 writeFile (buildDir buildInfo ++ "/presence.service") $ unlines service
51preferredSystemDPath prefix =
52 case removeSlashes prefix of
53 "" -> "/lib/systemd/system"
54 "usr" -> "/lib/systemd/system"
55 _ -> "/etc/systemd/system"
57removeSlashes prefix = reverse $ dropWhile (=='/') $ reverse $ dropWhile (=='/') prefix
59-- InstallDirs {prefix = "dest/usr/local"
60-- , bindir = "dest/usr/local/bin"
61-- , libdir = "dest/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/presence-0.0.1-1fqjx0Frxyf1ESoA9cNUiZ"
62-- , libsubdir = "<undef>"
63-- , dynlibdir = "dest/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2"
64-- , libexecdir = "dest/usr/local/libexec"
65-- , includedir = "dest/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/presence-0.0.1-1fqjx0Frxyf1ESoA9cNUiZ/include"
66-- , datadir = "dest/usr/local/share/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/presence-0.0.1"
67-- , datasubdir = "<undef>"
68-- , docdir = "dest/usr/local/share/doc/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/presence-0.0.1"
69-- , mandir = "dest/usr/local/share/man"
70-- , htmldir = "dest/usr/local/share/doc/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/presence-0.0.1/html"
71-- , haddockdir = "dest/usr/local/share/doc/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/presence-0.0.1/html"
72-- , sysconfdir = "dest/usr/local/etc"}
73-- CopyFlags
74-- { copyDest = Flag (CopyTo "dest/")
75-- , copyDistPref = Flag "dist"
76-- , copyVerbosity = Flag Verbose}
77-- realprefix = dest/usr/local
79copySystemDConfig :: LocalBuildInfo -> InstallDirs FilePath -> CopyFlags -> IO ()
80copySystemDConfig buildInfo paths flags = do
81 -- print paths
82 -- print flags
83 let verbosity = fromFlag (copyVerbosity flags)
84 built = buildDir buildInfo ++ "/presence.service"
85 realprefix = dropPrefix dest (prefix paths)
86 dest = case fromFlag (copyDest flags) of
87 NoCopyDest -> ""
88 CopyTo p -> p
89 sysddir = dest ++ drop 1 (preferredSystemDPath realprefix)
90 sysdpath = sysddir ++ "/presence.service"
91 -- putStrLn $ "realprefix = " ++ realprefix
92 -- putStrLn $ "no slashes = " ++ removeSlashes realprefix
93 -- putStrLn $ "sysdpath = " ++ sysdpath
94 createDirectoryIfMissing True sysddir
95 installOrdinaryFile verbosity built sysdpath