path: root/src/Crypto/ECC/Class.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Crypto/ECC/Class.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/src/Crypto/ECC/Class.hs b/src/Crypto/ECC/Class.hs
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index 16b2cc15..00000000
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1-- |
2-- Module : Crypto.ECC.Class
3-- License : BSD-style
4-- Stability : experimental
5-- Portability : unknown
7-- Elliptic Curve Cryptography
9{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
12module Crypto.ECC.Class
13 ( Curve_X25519(..)
14 , EllipticCurve(..)
15 , EllipticCurveDH(..)
16 , EllipticCurveArith(..)
17 , KeyPair(..)
18 , SharedSecret(..)
19 ) where
21import qualified Crypto.ECC.Simple.Types as Simple
22import qualified Crypto.ECC.Simple.Prim as Simple
23import Crypto.Random
24-- import Crypto.Error
25import Crypto.Error.Types
26-- import Crypto.Internal.Proxy
27import Data.Typeable
28import Crypto.Internal.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess, ScrubbedBytes)
29import qualified Crypto.Internal.ByteArray as B
30import Crypto.Number.Serialize (i2ospOf_, os2ip)
31import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 as X25519
32import Data.ByteArray (convert)
34-- | An elliptic curve key pair composed of the private part (a scalar), and
35-- the associated point.
36data KeyPair curve = KeyPair
37 { keypairGetPublic :: !(Point curve)
38 , keypairGetPrivate :: !(Scalar curve)
39 }
41newtype SharedSecret = SharedSecret ScrubbedBytes
42 deriving (Eq, ByteArrayAccess)
44class EllipticCurve curve where
45 -- | Point on an Elliptic Curve
46 type Point curve :: *
48 -- | Scalar in the Elliptic Curve domain
49 type Scalar curve :: *
51 -- | Generate a new random scalar on the curve.
52 -- The scalar will represent a number between 1 and the order of the curve non included
53 curveGenerateScalar :: MonadRandom randomly => proxy curve -> randomly (Scalar curve)
55 -- | Generate a new random keypair
56 curveGenerateKeyPair :: MonadRandom randomly => proxy curve -> randomly (KeyPair curve)
58 -- | Get the curve size in bits
59 curveSizeBits :: proxy curve -> Int
61 -- | Encode a elliptic curve point into binary form
62 encodePoint :: ByteArray bs => proxy curve -> Point curve -> bs
64 -- | Try to decode the binary form of an elliptic curve point
65 decodePoint :: ByteArray bs => proxy curve -> bs -> CryptoFailable (Point curve)
67class EllipticCurve curve => EllipticCurveDH curve where
68 -- | Generate a Diffie hellman secret value.
69 --
70 -- This is generally just the .x coordinate of the resulting point, that
71 -- is not hashed.
72 --
73 -- use `pointSmul` to keep the result in Point format.
74 ecdh :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Point curve -> SharedSecret
76class EllipticCurve curve => EllipticCurveArith curve where
77 -- | Add points on a curve
78 pointAdd :: proxy curve -> Point curve -> Point curve -> Point curve
80 -- | Scalar Multiplication on a curve
81 pointSmul :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Point curve -> Point curve
83-- -- | Scalar Inverse
84-- scalarInverse :: Scalar curve -> Scalar curve
86data Curve_X25519 = Curve_X25519
88instance EllipticCurve Curve_X25519 where
89 type Point Curve_X25519 = X25519.PublicKey
90 type Scalar Curve_X25519 = X25519.SecretKey
91 curveSizeBits _ = 255
92 curveGenerateScalar _ = X25519.generateSecretKey
93 curveGenerateKeyPair _ = do
94 s <- X25519.generateSecretKey
95 return $ KeyPair (X25519.toPublic s) s
96 encodePoint _ p = B.convert p
97 decodePoint _ bs = X25519.publicKey bs
99instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_X25519 where
100 ecdh _ s p = SharedSecret $ convert secret
101 where secret = X25519.dh p s
103encodeECPoint :: forall curve bs . (Simple.Curve curve, ByteArray bs) => Simple.Point curve -> bs
104encodeECPoint Simple.PointO = error "encodeECPoint: cannot serialize point at infinity"
105encodeECPoint (Simple.Point x y) = B.concat [uncompressed,xb,yb]
106 where
107 size = Simple.curveSizeBytes (Proxy :: Proxy curve)
108 uncompressed, xb, yb :: bs
109 uncompressed = B.singleton 4
110 xb = i2ospOf_ size x
111 yb = i2ospOf_ size y
113decodeECPoint :: (Simple.Curve curve, ByteArray bs) => bs -> CryptoFailable (Simple.Point curve)
114decodeECPoint mxy = case B.uncons mxy of
115 Nothing -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointSizeInvalid
116 Just (m,xy)
117 -- uncompressed
118 | m == 4 ->
119 let siz = B.length xy `div` 2
120 (xb,yb) = B.splitAt siz xy
121 x = os2ip xb
122 y = os2ip yb
123 in Simple.pointFromIntegers (x,y)
124 | otherwise -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointFormatInvalid
126curveSizeBytes :: EllipticCurve c => Proxy c -> Int
127curveSizeBytes proxy = (curveSizeBits proxy + 7) `div` 8