path: root/src/Network/Tox/NodeId.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Network/Tox/NodeId.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 731 deletions
diff --git a/src/Network/Tox/NodeId.hs b/src/Network/Tox/NodeId.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a9c893a..00000000
--- a/src/Network/Tox/NodeId.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
1{- LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo -}
2{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
15{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
16{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
17{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
18{- LANGUAGE TypeApplications -}
19module Network.Tox.NodeId
20 ( NodeInfo(..)
21 , NodeId
22 , nodeInfo
23 , nodeAddr
24 , zeroID
25 , key2id
26 , id2key
27 , getIP
28 , xorNodeId
29 , testNodeIdBit
30 , sampleNodeId
31 , NoSpam(..)
32 , NoSpamId(..)
33 , noSpamIdToHex
34 , parseNoSpamId
35 , nospam64
36 , nospam16
37 , verifyChecksum
38 , ToxContact(..)
39 , ToxProgress(..)
40 , parseToken32
41 , showToken32
42 ) where
44import Control.Applicative
45import Control.Arrow
46import Control.Monad
48import Crypto.Error.Types (CryptoFailable (..),
49 throwCryptoError)
51import Crypto.Error
54import Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519
55import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
56 ;import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, (.=))
57import Data.Bits.ByteString ()
58import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
59 ;import Data.ByteArray as BA (ByteArrayAccess)
60import qualified Data.ByteString as B
61 ;import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
62import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
63import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
64import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
65import Data.Char
66import Data.Data
67import Data.Hashable
68#if MIN_VERSION_iproute(1,7,4)
69import Data.IP hiding (fromSockAddr)
71import Data.IP
73import Data.List
74import Data.Maybe
75import Data.Serialize as S
76import Data.Word
77import Foreign.Storable
78import GHC.TypeLits
79import Network.Address hiding (nodePort)
80import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
81import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP
82import Text.Read hiding (get)
83import Data.Bits
84import Crypto.Tox
85import Foreign.Ptr
86import Data.Function
87import System.Endian
88import qualified Data.Text as Text
89 ;import Data.Text (Text)
90import Util (splitJID)
92-- | perform io for hashes that do allocation and ffi.
93-- unsafeDupablePerformIO is used when possible as the
94-- computation is pure and the output is directly linked
95-- to the input. we also do not modify anything after it has
96-- been returned to the user.
97unsafeDoIO :: IO a -> a
98#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
99unsafeDoIO = unsafeDupablePerformIO
101unsafeDoIO = unsafePerformIO
104unpackPublicKey :: ByteArrayAccess bs => bs -> [Word64]
105unpackPublicKey bs = loop 0
106 where loop i
107 | i == (BA.length bs `div` 8) = []
108 | otherwise =
109 let !v = unsafeDoIO $ BA.withByteArray bs (\p -> fromBE64 <$> peekElemOff p i)
110 in v : loop (i+1)
112packPublicKey :: BA.ByteArray bs => [Word64] -> bs
113packPublicKey ws = BA.allocAndFreeze (8 * length ws) $
114 flip fix ws $ \loop ys ptr -> case ys of
115 [] -> return ()
116 x:xs -> do poke ptr (toBE64 x)
117 loop xs (plusPtr ptr 8)
118{-# NOINLINE packPublicKey #-}
120-- We represent the node id redundantly in two formats. The [Word64] format is
121-- convenient for short-circuiting xor/distance comparisons. The PublicKey
122-- format is convenient for encryption.
123data NodeId = NodeId [Word64] !(Maybe PublicKey)
124 deriving Data
126instance Data PublicKey where
127 -- Data a => (forall d b . Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g . g -> c g) -> a -> c a
128 gfoldl f z txt = z (throwCryptoError . publicKey) `f` (BA.convert txt :: ByteString)
129 toConstr _ = error "Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519.toConstr"
130 gunfold _ _ = error "Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519.gunfold"
131#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
132 dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519.PublicKey"
134 dataTypeOf _ = mkNorepType "Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519.PublicKey"
138instance Eq NodeId where
139 (NodeId ws _) == (NodeId xs _)
140 = ws == xs
142instance Ord NodeId where
143 compare (NodeId ws _) (NodeId xs _) = compare ws xs
145instance Sized NodeId where size = ConstSize 32
147key2id :: PublicKey -> NodeId
148key2id k = NodeId (unpackPublicKey k) (Just k)
150bs2id :: ByteString -> NodeId
151bs2id bs = uncurry NodeId . (unpackPublicKey &&& Just) $ throwCryptoError . publicKey $ bs
153id2key :: NodeId -> PublicKey
154id2key (NodeId ws (Just key)) = key
155id2key (NodeId key Nothing) = throwCryptoError . publicKey $ (packPublicKey key :: BA.Bytes)
157zeroKey :: PublicKey
158zeroKey = throwCryptoError $ publicKey $ B.replicate 32 0
160zeroID :: NodeId
161zeroID = NodeId (replicate 4 0) (Just zeroKey)
163-- | Convert to and from a Base64 variant that uses .- instead of +/.
164nmtoken64 :: Bool -> Char -> Char
165nmtoken64 False '.' = '+'
166nmtoken64 False '-' = '/'
167nmtoken64 True '+' = '.'
168nmtoken64 True '/' = '-'
169nmtoken64 _ c = c
171-- | Parse 43-digit base64 token into 32-byte bytestring.
172parseToken32 :: String -> Either String ByteString
173parseToken32 str = fmap (BA.drop 1) $ Base64.decode $ C8.pack $ 'A':map (nmtoken64 False) (take 43 str)
175-- | Encode 32-byte bytestring as 43-digit base64 token.
176showToken32 :: ByteArrayAccess bin => bin -> String
177showToken32 bs = map (nmtoken64 True) $ C8.unpack $ BA.drop 1 $ Base64.encode $ BA.cons 0 $ BA.convert bs
179instance Read NodeId where
180 readsPrec _ str
181 | (bs,_) <- Base16.decode (C8.pack $ take 64 str)
182 , CryptoPassed pub <- publicKey bs -- B.length bs == 32
183 = [ (key2id pub, drop (2 * B.length bs) str) ]
184 | Right bs <- parseToken32 str
185 , CryptoPassed pub <- publicKey bs -- B.length bs == 32
186 = [ (key2id pub, drop 43 str) ]
187 | otherwise = []
189instance Show NodeId where
190 show nid = showToken32 $ id2key nid
192instance S.Serialize NodeId where
193 get = key2id <$> getPublicKey
194 put nid = putPublicKey $ id2key nid
196instance Hashable NodeId where
197 hashWithSalt salt (NodeId ws _) = hashWithSalt salt (head ws)
199testNodeIdBit :: NodeId -> Word -> Bool
200testNodeIdBit (NodeId ws _) i -- TODO: Optmize: use ByteArray key if it's available.
201 | fromIntegral i < 256 -- 256 bits
202 , (q, r) <- quotRem (fromIntegral i) 64
203 = testBit (ws !! q) (63 - r)
204 | otherwise = False
206xorNodeId :: NodeId -> NodeId -> NodeId
207xorNodeId (NodeId xs _) (NodeId ys _) = NodeId (zipWith xor xs ys) Nothing
209sampleNodeId :: Applicative m => (Int -> m ByteString) -> NodeId -> (Int,Word8,Word8) -> m NodeId
210sampleNodeId gen (NodeId self k) (q,m,b)
211 | q <= 0 = bs2id <$> gen 32
212 | q >= 32 = pure (NodeId self k)
213 | let (qw,r) = (q+7) `divMod` 8 -- How many Word64 to prepend?
214 bw = shiftL (fromIntegral b) (8*(7-r))
215 mw = bw - 1 :: Word64
216 (hd, t0 : _) = splitAt (qw-1) self
217 h = xor bw (complement mw .&. t0)
218 = flip fmap (gen $ 8 * (4 - (qw-1)) ) $ \bs ->
219 let (w:ws) = unpackPublicKey bs
220 in NodeId (hd ++ (h .|. (w .&. mw)) : ws) Nothing
222data NodeInfo = NodeInfo
223 { nodeId :: NodeId
224 , nodeIP :: IP
225 , nodePort :: PortNumber
226 }
227 deriving (Eq,Ord)
229nodeInfo :: NodeId -> SockAddr -> Either String NodeInfo
230nodeInfo nid saddr
231 | Just ip <- fromSockAddr saddr
232 , Just port <- sockAddrPort saddr = Right $ NodeInfo nid ip port
233 | otherwise = Left "Address family not supported."
236instance ToJSON NodeInfo where
237 toJSON (NodeInfo nid (IPv4 ip) port)
238 = JSON.object [ "public_key" .= show nid
239 , "ipv4" .= show ip
240 , "port" .= (fromIntegral port :: Int)
241 ]
242 toJSON (NodeInfo nid (IPv6 ip6) port)
243 | Just ip <- un4map ip6
244 = JSON.object [ "public_key" .= show nid
245 , "ipv4" .= show ip
246 , "port" .= (fromIntegral port :: Int)
247 ]
248 | otherwise
249 = JSON.object [ "public_key" .= show nid
250 , "ipv6" .= show ip6
251 , "port" .= (fromIntegral port :: Int)
252 ]
253instance FromJSON NodeInfo where
254 parseJSON (JSON.Object v) = do
255 nidstr <- v JSON..: "public_key"
256 ip6str <- v JSON..:? "ipv6"
257 ip4str <- v JSON..:? "ipv4"
258 portnum <- v JSON..: "port"
259 ip <- maybe empty (return . IPv6) (ip6str >>= readMaybe)
260 <|> maybe empty (return . IPv4) (ip4str >>= readMaybe)
261 let (bs,_) = Base16.decode (C8.pack nidstr)
262 enid = Base64.decode (C8.pack $ 'A' : map (nmtoken64 False) nidstr)
263 idbs <- (guard (B.length bs == 32) >> return bs)
264 <|> either fail (return . B.drop 1) enid
265 return $ NodeInfo (bs2id idbs) ip (fromIntegral (portnum :: Word16))
267getIP :: Word8 -> S.Get IP
268getIP 0x02 = IPv4 <$> S.get
269getIP 0x0a = IPv6 <$> S.get
270getIP 0x82 = IPv4 <$> S.get -- TODO: TCP
271getIP 0x8a = IPv6 <$> S.get -- TODO: TCP
272getIP x = fail ("unsupported address family ("++show x++")")
274instance Sized NodeInfo where
275 size = VarSize $ \(NodeInfo nid ip port) ->
276 case ip of
277 IPv4 _ -> 39 -- 35 + 4 = 1 + 4 + 2 + 32
278 IPv6 _ -> 51 -- 35 + 16 = 1 + 16 + 2 + 32
280instance S.Serialize NodeInfo where
281 get = do
282 addrfam <- S.get :: S.Get Word8
283 let fallback = do -- FIXME: Handle unrecognized address families.
284 IPv6 <$> S.get
285 return $ IPv6 (read "::" :: IPv6)
286 ip <- getIP addrfam <|> fallback
287 port <- S.get :: S.Get PortNumber
288 nid <- S.get
289 return $ NodeInfo nid ip port
291 put (NodeInfo nid ip port) = do
292 case ip of
293 IPv4 ip4 -> S.put (2 :: Word8) >> S.put ip4
294 IPv6 ip6 -> S.put (10 :: Word8) >> S.put ip6
295 S.put port
296 S.put nid
298hexdigit :: Char -> Bool
299hexdigit c = ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ( 'a' <= c && c <= 'f') || ( 'A' <= c && c <= 'F')
301b64digit :: Char -> Bool
302b64digit '.' = True
303b64digit '+' = True
304b64digit '-' = True
305b64digit '/' = True
306b64digit c = ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ( 'a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ( 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
308ip_w_port :: Int -> RP.ReadP (IP, PortNumber)
309ip_w_port i = do
310 ip <- RP.between (RP.char '[') (RP.char ']')
311 (IPv6 <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i))
312 RP.+++ (IPv4 <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i))
313 _ <- RP.char ':'
314 port <- toEnum <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i)
315 return (ip, port)
318instance Read NodeInfo where
319 readsPrec i = RP.readP_to_S $ do
320 RP.skipSpaces
321 let n = 43 -- characters in node id.
322 parseAddr = RP.between (RP.char '(') (RP.char ')') (RP.munch (/=')'))
323 RP.+++ RP.munch (\c -> not (isSpace c) && not (c `elem` ("{}()"::[Char])))
324 nodeidAt = do (is64,hexhash) <-
325 fmap (True,) (sequence $ replicate n (RP.satisfy b64digit))
326 RP.+++ fmap (False,) (sequence $ replicate 64 (RP.satisfy isHexDigit))
327 RP.char '@' RP.+++ RP.satisfy isSpace
328 addrstr <- parseAddr
329 nid <- if is64
330 then case Base64.decode $ C8.pack $ 'A' : map (nmtoken64 False) hexhash of
331 Right bs | B.length bs - 1==32 -> return (bs2id $ BA.drop 1 bs)
332 _ -> fail "Bad node id."
333 else case Base16.decode $ C8.pack hexhash of
334 (bs,rem) | B.length bs == 32 && B.null rem -> return (bs2id bs)
335 _ -> fail "Bad node id."
336 return (nid,addrstr)
337 (nid,addrstr) <- ( nodeidAt RP.+++ ( (zeroID,) <$> parseAddr) )
338 (ip,port) <- case RP.readP_to_S (ip_w_port i) addrstr of
339 [] -> fail "Bad address."
340 ((ip,port),_):_ -> return (ip,port)
341 return $ NodeInfo nid ip port
343-- The Hashable instance depends only on the IP address and port number.
345-- TODO: Why is the node id excluded?
346instance Hashable NodeInfo where
347 hashWithSalt s ni = hashWithSalt s (nodeIP ni , nodePort ni)
348 {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-}
351instance Show NodeInfo where
352 showsPrec _ (NodeInfo nid ip port) =
353 shows nid . ('@' :) . showsip . (':' :) . shows port
354 where
355 showsip
356 | IPv4 ip4 <- ip = shows ip4
357 | IPv6 ip6 <- ip , Just ip4 <- un4map ip6 = shows ip4
358 | otherwise = ('[' :) . shows ip . (']' :)
364type NodeId = PubKey
366pattern NodeId bs = PubKey bs
368-- TODO: This should probably be represented by Curve25519.PublicKey, but
369-- ByteString has more instances...
370newtype PubKey = PubKey ByteString
371 deriving (Eq,Ord,Data, ByteArrayAccess, Bits, Hashable)
373instance Serialize PubKey where
374 get = PubKey <$> getBytes 32
375 put (PubKey bs) = putByteString bs
377instance Show PubKey where
378 show (PubKey bs) = C8.unpack $ Base16.encode bs
380instance FiniteBits PubKey where
381 finiteBitSize _ = 256
383instance Read PubKey where
384 readsPrec _ str
385 | (bs, xs) <- Base16.decode $ C8.pack str
386 , B.length bs == 32
387 = [ (PubKey bs, drop 64 str) ]
388 | otherwise = []
393data NodeInfo = NodeInfo
394 { nodeId :: NodeId
395 , nodeIP :: IP
396 , nodePort :: PortNumber
397 }
398 deriving (Eq,Ord,Data)
400instance Data PortNumber where
401 dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "PortNumber"
402 toConstr _ = error "PortNumber.toConstr"
403 gunfold _ _ = error "PortNumber.gunfold"
405instance ToJSON NodeInfo where
406 toJSON (NodeInfo nid (IPv4 ip) port)
407 = JSON.object [ "public_key" .= show nid
408 , "ipv4" .= show ip
409 , "port" .= (fromIntegral port :: Int)
410 ]
411 toJSON (NodeInfo nid (IPv6 ip6) port)
412 | Just ip <- un4map ip6
413 = JSON.object [ "public_key" .= show nid
414 , "ipv4" .= show ip
415 , "port" .= (fromIntegral port :: Int)
416 ]
417 | otherwise
418 = JSON.object [ "public_key" .= show nid
419 , "ipv6" .= show ip6
420 , "port" .= (fromIntegral port :: Int)
421 ]
422instance FromJSON NodeInfo where
423 parseJSON (JSON.Object v) = do
424 nidstr <- v JSON..: "public_key"
425 ip6str <- v JSON..:? "ipv6"
426 ip4str <- v JSON..:? "ipv4"
427 portnum <- v JSON..: "port"
428 ip <- maybe empty (return . IPv6) (ip6str >>= readMaybe)
429 <|> maybe empty (return . IPv4) (ip4str >>= readMaybe)
430 let (bs,_) = Base16.decode (C8.pack nidstr)
431 guard (B.length bs == 32)
432 return $ NodeInfo (NodeId bs) ip (fromIntegral (portnum :: Word16))
434getIP :: Word8 -> S.Get IP
435getIP 0x02 = IPv4 <$> S.get
436getIP 0x0a = IPv6 <$> S.get
437getIP 0x82 = IPv4 <$> S.get -- TODO: TCP
438getIP 0x8a = IPv6 <$> S.get -- TODO: TCP
439getIP x = fail ("unsupported address family ("++show x++")")
441instance S.Serialize NodeInfo where
442 get = do
443 addrfam <- S.get :: S.Get Word8
444 ip <- getIP addrfam
445 port <- S.get :: S.Get PortNumber
446 nid <- S.get
447 return $ NodeInfo nid ip port
449 put (NodeInfo nid ip port) = do
450 case ip of
451 IPv4 ip4 -> S.put (2 :: Word8) >> S.put ip4
452 IPv6 ip6 -> S.put (10 :: Word8) >> S.put ip6
453 S.put port
454 S.put nid
456-- node format:
457-- [uint8_t family (2 == IPv4, 10 == IPv6, 130 == TCP IPv4, 138 == TCP IPv6)]
458-- [ip (in network byte order), length=4 bytes if ipv4, 16 bytes if ipv6]
459-- [port (in network byte order), length=2 bytes]
460-- [char array (node_id), length=32 bytes]
464hexdigit :: Char -> Bool
465hexdigit c = ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ( 'a' <= c && c <= 'f') || ( 'A' <= c && c <= 'F')
467instance Read NodeInfo where
468 readsPrec i = RP.readP_to_S $ do
469 RP.skipSpaces
470 let n = 64 -- characters in node id.
471 parseAddr = RP.between (RP.char '(') (RP.char ')') (RP.munch (/=')'))
472 RP.+++ RP.munch (not . isSpace)
473 nodeidAt = do hexhash <- sequence $ replicate n (RP.satisfy hexdigit)
474 RP.char '@' RP.+++ RP.satisfy isSpace
475 addrstr <- parseAddr
476 nid <- case Base16.decode $ C8.pack hexhash of
477 (bs,_) | B.length bs==32 -> return (PubKey bs)
478 _ -> fail "Bad node id."
479 return (nid,addrstr)
480 (nid,addrstr) <- ( nodeidAt RP.+++ ( (zeroID,) <$> parseAddr) )
481 let raddr = do
482 ip <- RP.between (RP.char '[') (RP.char ']')
483 (IPv6 <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i))
484 RP.+++ (IPv4 <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i))
485 _ <- RP.char ':'
486 port <- toEnum <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i)
487 return (ip, port)
489 (ip,port) <- case RP.readP_to_S raddr addrstr of
490 [] -> fail "Bad address."
491 ((ip,port),_):_ -> return (ip,port)
492 return $ NodeInfo nid ip port
495-- The Hashable instance depends only on the IP address and port number.
496instance Hashable NodeInfo where
497 hashWithSalt s ni = hashWithSalt s (nodeIP ni , nodePort ni)
498 {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-}
501instance Show NodeInfo where
502 showsPrec _ (NodeInfo nid ip port) =
503 shows nid . ('@' :) . showsip . (':' :) . shows port
504 where
505 showsip
506 | IPv4 ip4 <- ip = shows ip4
507 | IPv6 ip6 <- ip , Just ip4 <- un4map ip6 = shows ip4
508 | otherwise = ('[' :) . shows ip . (']' :)
510nodeInfo :: NodeId -> SockAddr -> Either String NodeInfo
511nodeInfo nid saddr
512 | Just ip <- fromSockAddr saddr
513 , Just port <- sockAddrPort saddr = Right $ NodeInfo nid ip port
514 | otherwise = Left "Address family not supported."
516zeroID :: NodeId
517zeroID = PubKey $ B.replicate 32 0
521nodeAddr :: NodeInfo -> SockAddr
522nodeAddr (NodeInfo _ ip port) = setPort port $ toSockAddr ip
525newtype ForwardPath (n::Nat) = ForwardPath ByteString
526 deriving (Eq, Ord,Data)
529class KnownNat n => OnionPacket n where
530 mkOnion :: ReturnPath n -> Packet -> Packet
531instance OnionPacket 0 where mkOnion _ = id
532instance OnionPacket 3 where mkOnion = OnionResponse3
535data NoSpam = NoSpam !Word32 !(Maybe Word16)
536 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
538instance Serialize NoSpam where
539 get = NoSpam <$> get <*> get
540 put (NoSpam w32 w16) = do
541 put w32
542 put w16
544-- Utilizes Data.Serialize format for Word32 nospam and Word16 checksum.
545instance Read NoSpam where
546 readsPrec d s = case break isSpace s of
547 ('$':ws ,rs) | (length ws == 8) -> base64decode rs (NoSpam <$> get <*> (Just <$> get)) ws
548 ('0':'x':ws,rs) | (length ws == 12) -> base16decode rs (NoSpam <$> get <*> (Just <$> get)) ws
549 _ -> []
551base64decode :: Monad m => t1 -> Get t -> String -> m (t, t1)
552base64decode rs getter s =
553 either fail (\a -> return (a,rs))
554 $ runGet getter
555 =<< Base64.decode (C8.pack $ map (nmtoken64 False) s)
557base16decode :: Monad m => t1 -> Get t -> String -> m (t, t1)
558base16decode rs getter s =
559 either fail (\a -> return (a,rs))
560 $ runGet getter
561 $ fst
562 $ Base16.decode (C8.pack s)
564verifyChecksum :: PublicKey -> Word16 -> Either String ()
565verifyChecksum _ _ = return () -- TODO
567data NoSpamId = NoSpamId NoSpam PublicKey
568 deriving (Eq,Ord)
570noSpamIdToHex :: NoSpamId -> String
571noSpamIdToHex (NoSpamId nspam pub) = C8.unpack (Base16.encode $ BA.convert pub)
572 ++ nospam16 nspam
574nospam16 :: NoSpam -> String
575nospam16 (NoSpam w32 Nothing) = n ++ "????"
576 where n = take 8 $ nospam16 (NoSpam w32 (Just 0))
577nospam16 (NoSpam w32 (Just w16)) = C8.unpack $ Base16.encode $ runPut $ do
578 put w32
579 put w16
581nospam64 :: NoSpam -> String
582nospam64 (NoSpam w32 Nothing) = n ++ "???"
583 where n = take 5 $ nospam64 (NoSpam w32 (Just 0))
584nospam64 (NoSpam w32 (Just w16)) = map (nmtoken64 True) $ C8.unpack $ Base64.encode $ runPut $ do
585 put w32
586 put w16
588instance Show NoSpamId where
589 show (NoSpamId nspam pub) = '$' : nospam64 nspam ++ "@" ++ show (key2id pub) ++ ".tox"
591instance Read NoSpamId where
592 readsPrec d s = either fail id $ do
593 (jid,xs) <- Right $ break isSpace s
594 nsid <- parseNoSpamId $ Text.pack jid
595 return [(nsid,xs)]
597parseNoSpamHex :: Text -> Either String NoSpamId
598parseNoSpamHex hex = Right $ NoSpamId (read $ "0x"++nospamsum) (id2key $ read hkey)
599 where
600 (hkey,nospamsum) = splitAt 64 $ Text.unpack hex
602parseNoSpamId :: Text -> Either String NoSpamId
603parseNoSpamId spec | Text.length spec == 76
604 , Text.all isHexDigit spec = parseNoSpamHex spec
605 | otherwise = parseNoSpamJID spec
607parseNoSpamJID :: Text -> Either String NoSpamId
608parseNoSpamJID jid = do
609 (u,h) <- maybe (Left "Invalid JID.") Right
610 $ let (mu,h,_) = splitJID jid
611 in fmap (, h) mu
612 base64 <- case splitAt 43 $ Text.unpack h of
613 (base64,".tox") -> Right base64
614 _ -> Left "Hostname should be 43 base64 digits followed by .tox."
615 pub <- id2key <$> readEither base64
616 let ustr = Text.unpack u
617 case ustr of
618 '$' : b64digits -> solveBase64NoSpamID b64digits pub
619 '0' : 'x' : hexdigits -> do nospam <- readEither ('0':'x':hexdigits)
620 return $ NoSpamId nospam pub
621 _ -> Left "Missing nospam."
623solveBase64NoSpamID :: String -> PublicKey -> Either String NoSpamId
624solveBase64NoSpamID b64digits pub = do
625 NoSpam nospam mx <- readEither $ '$' : map (\case; '?' -> '0'; c -> c) b64digits
626 maybe (const $ Left "missing checksum") (flip ($)) mx $ \x -> do
627 let nlo = fromIntegral (0x0FFFF .&. nospam) :: Word16
628 nhi = fromIntegral (0x0FFFF .&. (nospam `shiftR` 16)) :: Word16
629 sum = x `xor` nlo `xor` nhi `xor` xorsum pub
630 -- Find any question mark indices.
631 qs = catMaybes $ zipWith (\case; '?' -> Just ; _ -> const Nothing) b64digits [0..7]
632 -- Break up the /sum/ into a numbered list of two-bit non-zero nibbles.
633 ns = filter (\case; (_,0) -> False; _ -> True)
634 $ zip [0..7]
635 $ unfoldr (\s -> Just (s .&. 0xC000, s `shiftL` 2)) sum
636 -- Represent the nospam value as a Word64
637 n64 = shiftL (fromIntegral nospam) 32 .|. shiftL (fromIntegral x) 16 :: Word64
639 -- q=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
640 -- 012 345 670 123 456 701 234 567
641 nibblePlace n q = case mod (n - 3 * q) 8 of
642 p | p < 3 -> Just (q,p)
643 _ -> Nothing
645 solve [] !ac = Right ac
646 solve ((n,b):ns) !ac = do
647 -- Find nibble p of question-digit q that corresponds to nibble n.
648 (q,p) <- maybe (Left "Unsolvable nospam.") Right
649 $ foldr (<|>) Nothing $ map (nibblePlace n) qs
650 let bitpos = q * 6 + p * 2
651 ac' = ac `xor` shiftR (fromIntegral b `shiftL` 48) bitpos
652 solve ns ac'
653 n64' <- solve ns n64
654 let nospam' = fromIntegral (n64' `shiftR` 32)
655 cksum' = fromIntegral (n64' `shiftR` 16)
656 return $ NoSpamId (NoSpam nospam' (Just cksum')) pub
658-- | This type indicates a roster-link relationship between a local toxid and a
659-- remote toxid. Note that these toxids are represented as the type 'NodeId'
660-- even though they are long-term keys rather than the public keys of Tox DHT
661-- nodes.
662data ToxContact = ToxContact NodeId{-me-} NodeId{-them-}
663 deriving (Eq,Ord)
665instance Show ToxContact where show = show . showToxContact_
667showToxContact_ :: ToxContact -> String
668showToxContact_ (ToxContact me them) = show me ++ ":" ++ show them
670-- | This type indicates the progress of a tox encrypted friend link
671-- connection. Two scenarios are illustrated below. The parenthesis show the
672-- current 'G.Status' 'ToxProgress' of the session.
675-- Perfect handshake scenario:
677-- Peer 1 Peer 2
678-- (InProgress AcquiringCookie) (Dormant/InProgress AcquiringCookie)
679-- Cookie request ->
680-- <- Cookie response
681-- (InProgress AwaitingHandshake) (Dormant/InProgress AcquiringCookie)
682-- Handshake packet ->
683-- * accepts connection
684-- (InProgress AwaitingSessionPacket)
685-- <- Handshake packet
686-- *accepts connection
687-- (InProgress AwaitingSessionPacket)
688-- Encrypted packet -> <- Encrypted packet
689-- *confirms connection *confirms connection
690-- (Established) (Established)
692-- Connection successful.
694-- Encrypted packets -> <- Encrypted packets
699-- More realistic handshake scenario:
700-- Peer 1 Peer 2
701-- (InProgress AcquiringCookie) (Dormant/InProgress AcquiringCookie)
702-- Cookie request -> *packet lost*
703-- Cookie request ->
704-- <- Cookie response
705-- (InProgress AwaitingHandshake) (Dormant/InProgress AcquiringCookie)
707-- *Peer 2 randomly starts new connection to peer 1
708-- (InProgress AcquiringCookie)
709-- <- Cookie request
710-- Cookie response ->
711-- (InProgress AwaitingHandshake)
713-- Handshake packet -> <- Handshake packet
714-- *accepts connection * accepts connection
715-- (InProgress AwaitingSessionPacket) (InProgress AwaitingSessionPacket)
717-- Encrypted packet -> <- Encrypted packet
718-- *confirms connection *confirms connection
719-- (Established) (Established)
721-- Connection successful.
723-- Encrypted packets -> <- Encrypted packets
724data ToxProgress
725 = AwaitingDHTKey -- ^ Waiting to receive their DHT key.
726 | AcquiringIPAddress -- ^ Searching DHT to obtain their node's IP & port.
727 | AcquiringCookie -- ^ Attempting to obtain a cookie.
728 | AwaitingHandshake -- ^ Waiting to receive a handshake.
729 | AwaitingSessionPacket -- ^ Connection is "accepted" but not yet "confirmed".
730 deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Show)