path: root/packages/hmatrix/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/hmatrix/src')
7 files changed, 6 insertions, 624 deletions
diff --git a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Chain.hs b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Chain.hs
index e1ab7da..de6a86f 100644
--- a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Chain.hs
+++ b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Chain.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Numeric.Chain (
19import Data.Maybe 19import Data.Maybe
20 20
21import Data.Packed.Matrix 21import Data.Packed.Matrix
22import Numeric.ContainerBoot 22import Data.Packed.Numeric
23 23
24import qualified Data.Array.IArray as A 24import qualified Data.Array.IArray as A
25 25
@@ -137,4 +137,4 @@ m1, m2, m3, m4 :: Matrix Double
137m1 = (10><15) [1..] 137m1 = (10><15) [1..]
138m2 = (15><20) [1..] 138m2 = (15><20) [1..]
139m3 = (20><5) [1..] 139m3 = (20><5) [1..]
140m4 = (5><10) [1..] \ No newline at end of file 140m4 = (5><10) [1..]
diff --git a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Container.hs b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Container.hs
index be2347b..645a83f 100644
--- a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Container.hs
+++ b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Container.hs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ module Numeric.Container (
65) where 65) where
66 66
67import Data.Packed hiding (stepD, stepF, condD, condF, conjugateC, conjugateQ) 67import Data.Packed hiding (stepD, stepF, condD, condF, conjugateC, conjugateQ)
68import Numeric.ContainerBoot 68import Data.Packed.Numeric
69import Numeric.Chain 69import Numeric.Chain
70import Numeric.IO 70import Numeric.IO
71import Data.Complex 71import Data.Complex
diff --git a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/ContainerBoot.hs b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/ContainerBoot.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index bb65166..0000000
--- a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/ContainerBoot.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
2{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
9-- |
10-- Module : Numeric.ContainerBoot
11-- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2010
12-- License : GPL-style
14-- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz <>
15-- Stability : provisional
16-- Portability : portable
18-- Module to avoid cyclyc dependencies.
22module Numeric.ContainerBoot (
23 -- * Basic functions
24 ident, diag, ctrans,
25 -- * Generic operations
26 Container(..),
27 -- * Matrix product and related functions
28 Product(..), udot,
29 mXm,mXv,vXm,
30 outer, kronecker,
31 -- * Element conversion
32 Convert(..),
33 Complexable(),
34 RealElement(),
36 RealOf, ComplexOf, SingleOf, DoubleOf,
38 IndexOf,
39 module Data.Complex
40) where
42import Data.Packed
43import Data.Packed.ST as ST
44import Numeric.Conversion
45import Data.Packed.Development
46import Numeric.GSL.Vector
47import Data.Complex
48import Control.Applicative((<*>))
50import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.LAPACK(multiplyR,multiplyC,multiplyF,multiplyQ)
54type family IndexOf (c :: * -> *)
56type instance IndexOf Vector = Int
57type instance IndexOf Matrix = (Int,Int)
59type family ArgOf (c :: * -> *) a
61type instance ArgOf Vector a = a -> a
62type instance ArgOf Matrix a = a -> a -> a
66-- | Basic element-by-element functions for numeric containers
67class (Complexable c, Fractional e, Element e) => Container c e where
68 -- | create a structure with a single element
69 --
70 -- >>> let v = fromList [1..3::Double]
71 -- >>> v / scalar (norm2 v)
72 -- fromList [0.2672612419124244,0.5345224838248488,0.8017837257372732]
73 --
74 scalar :: e -> c e
75 -- | complex conjugate
76 conj :: c e -> c e
77 scale :: e -> c e -> c e
78 -- | scale the element by element reciprocal of the object:
79 --
80 -- @scaleRecip 2 (fromList [5,i]) == 2 |> [0.4 :+ 0.0,0.0 :+ (-2.0)]@
81 scaleRecip :: e -> c e -> c e
82 addConstant :: e -> c e -> c e
83 add :: c e -> c e -> c e
84 sub :: c e -> c e -> c e
85 -- | element by element multiplication
86 mul :: c e -> c e -> c e
87 -- | element by element division
88 divide :: c e -> c e -> c e
89 equal :: c e -> c e -> Bool
90 --
91 -- element by element inverse tangent
92 arctan2 :: c e -> c e -> c e
93 --
94 -- | cannot implement instance Functor because of Element class constraint
95 cmap :: (Element b) => (e -> b) -> c e -> c b
96 -- | constant structure of given size
97 konst' :: e -> IndexOf c -> c e
98 -- | create a structure using a function
99 --
100 -- Hilbert matrix of order N:
101 --
102 -- @hilb n = build' (n,n) (\\i j -> 1/(i+j+1))@
103 build' :: IndexOf c -> (ArgOf c e) -> c e
104 -- | indexing function
105 atIndex :: c e -> IndexOf c -> e
106 -- | index of min element
107 minIndex :: c e -> IndexOf c
108 -- | index of max element
109 maxIndex :: c e -> IndexOf c
110 -- | value of min element
111 minElement :: c e -> e
112 -- | value of max element
113 maxElement :: c e -> e
114 -- the C functions sumX/prodX are twice as fast as using foldVector
115 -- | the sum of elements (faster than using @fold@)
116 sumElements :: c e -> e
117 -- | the product of elements (faster than using @fold@)
118 prodElements :: c e -> e
120 -- | A more efficient implementation of @cmap (\\x -> if x>0 then 1 else 0)@
121 --
122 -- >>> step $ linspace 5 (-1,1::Double)
123 -- 5 |> [0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0]
124 --
126 step :: RealElement e => c e -> c e
128 -- | Element by element version of @case compare a b of {LT -> l; EQ -> e; GT -> g}@.
129 --
130 -- Arguments with any dimension = 1 are automatically expanded:
131 --
132 -- >>> cond ((1><4)[1..]) ((3><1)[1..]) 0 100 ((3><4)[1..]) :: Matrix Double
133 -- (3><4)
134 -- [ 100.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
135 -- , 0.0, 100.0, 7.0, 8.0
136 -- , 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 12.0 ]
137 --
139 cond :: RealElement e
140 => c e -- ^ a
141 -> c e -- ^ b
142 -> c e -- ^ l
143 -> c e -- ^ e
144 -> c e -- ^ g
145 -> c e -- ^ result
147 -- | Find index of elements which satisfy a predicate
148 --
149 -- >>> find (>0) (ident 3 :: Matrix Double)
150 -- [(0,0),(1,1),(2,2)]
151 --
153 find :: (e -> Bool) -> c e -> [IndexOf c]
155 -- | Create a structure from an association list
156 --
157 -- >>> assoc 5 0 [(3,7),(1,4)] :: Vector Double
158 -- fromList [0.0,4.0,0.0,7.0,0.0]
159 --
160 -- >>> assoc (2,3) 0 [((0,2),7),((1,0),2*i-3)] :: Matrix (Complex Double)
161 -- (2><3)
162 -- [ 0.0 :+ 0.0, 0.0 :+ 0.0, 7.0 :+ 0.0
163 -- , (-3.0) :+ 2.0, 0.0 :+ 0.0, 0.0 :+ 0.0 ]
164 --
165 assoc :: IndexOf c -- ^ size
166 -> e -- ^ default value
167 -> [(IndexOf c, e)] -- ^ association list
168 -> c e -- ^ result
170 -- | Modify a structure using an update function
171 --
172 -- >>> accum (ident 5) (+) [((1,1),5),((0,3),3)] :: Matrix Double
173 -- (5><5)
174 -- [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0
175 -- , 0.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
176 -- , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
177 -- , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
178 -- , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
179 --
180 -- computation of histogram:
181 --
182 -- >>> accum (konst 0 7) (+) (map (flip (,) 1) [4,5,4,1,5,2,5]) :: Vector Double
183 -- fromList [0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0,2.0,3.0,0.0]
184 --
186 accum :: c e -- ^ initial structure
187 -> (e -> e -> e) -- ^ update function
188 -> [(IndexOf c, e)] -- ^ association list
189 -> c e -- ^ result
193instance Container Vector Float where
194 scale = vectorMapValF Scale
195 scaleRecip = vectorMapValF Recip
196 addConstant = vectorMapValF AddConstant
197 add = vectorZipF Add
198 sub = vectorZipF Sub
199 mul = vectorZipF Mul
200 divide = vectorZipF Div
201 equal u v = dim u == dim v && maxElement (vectorMapF Abs (sub u v)) == 0.0
202 arctan2 = vectorZipF ATan2
203 scalar x = fromList [x]
204 konst' = constant
205 build' = buildV
206 conj = id
207 cmap = mapVector
208 atIndex = (@>)
209 minIndex = emptyErrorV "minIndex" (round . toScalarF MinIdx)
210 maxIndex = emptyErrorV "maxIndex" (round . toScalarF MaxIdx)
211 minElement = emptyErrorV "minElement" (toScalarF Min)
212 maxElement = emptyErrorV "maxElement" (toScalarF Max)
213 sumElements = sumF
214 prodElements = prodF
215 step = stepF
216 find = findV
217 assoc = assocV
218 accum = accumV
219 cond = condV condF
221instance Container Vector Double where
222 scale = vectorMapValR Scale
223 scaleRecip = vectorMapValR Recip
224 addConstant = vectorMapValR AddConstant
225 add = vectorZipR Add
226 sub = vectorZipR Sub
227 mul = vectorZipR Mul
228 divide = vectorZipR Div
229 equal u v = dim u == dim v && maxElement (vectorMapR Abs (sub u v)) == 0.0
230 arctan2 = vectorZipR ATan2
231 scalar x = fromList [x]
232 konst' = constant
233 build' = buildV
234 conj = id
235 cmap = mapVector
236 atIndex = (@>)
237 minIndex = emptyErrorV "minIndex" (round . toScalarR MinIdx)
238 maxIndex = emptyErrorV "maxIndex" (round . toScalarR MaxIdx)
239 minElement = emptyErrorV "minElement" (toScalarR Min)
240 maxElement = emptyErrorV "maxElement" (toScalarR Max)
241 sumElements = sumR
242 prodElements = prodR
243 step = stepD
244 find = findV
245 assoc = assocV
246 accum = accumV
247 cond = condV condD
249instance Container Vector (Complex Double) where
250 scale = vectorMapValC Scale
251 scaleRecip = vectorMapValC Recip
252 addConstant = vectorMapValC AddConstant
253 add = vectorZipC Add
254 sub = vectorZipC Sub
255 mul = vectorZipC Mul
256 divide = vectorZipC Div
257 equal u v = dim u == dim v && maxElement (mapVector magnitude (sub u v)) == 0.0
258 arctan2 = vectorZipC ATan2
259 scalar x = fromList [x]
260 konst' = constant
261 build' = buildV
262 conj = conjugateC
263 cmap = mapVector
264 atIndex = (@>)
265 minIndex = emptyErrorV "minIndex" (minIndex . fst . fromComplex . (mul <*> conj))
266 maxIndex = emptyErrorV "maxIndex" (maxIndex . fst . fromComplex . (mul <*> conj))
267 minElement = emptyErrorV "minElement" (atIndex <*> minIndex)
268 maxElement = emptyErrorV "maxElement" (atIndex <*> maxIndex)
269 sumElements = sumC
270 prodElements = prodC
271 step = undefined -- cannot match
272 find = findV
273 assoc = assocV
274 accum = accumV
275 cond = undefined -- cannot match
277instance Container Vector (Complex Float) where
278 scale = vectorMapValQ Scale
279 scaleRecip = vectorMapValQ Recip
280 addConstant = vectorMapValQ AddConstant
281 add = vectorZipQ Add
282 sub = vectorZipQ Sub
283 mul = vectorZipQ Mul
284 divide = vectorZipQ Div
285 equal u v = dim u == dim v && maxElement (mapVector magnitude (sub u v)) == 0.0
286 arctan2 = vectorZipQ ATan2
287 scalar x = fromList [x]
288 konst' = constant
289 build' = buildV
290 conj = conjugateQ
291 cmap = mapVector
292 atIndex = (@>)
293 minIndex = emptyErrorV "minIndex" (minIndex . fst . fromComplex . (mul <*> conj))
294 maxIndex = emptyErrorV "maxIndex" (maxIndex . fst . fromComplex . (mul <*> conj))
295 minElement = emptyErrorV "minElement" (atIndex <*> minIndex)
296 maxElement = emptyErrorV "maxElement" (atIndex <*> maxIndex)
297 sumElements = sumQ
298 prodElements = prodQ
299 step = undefined -- cannot match
300 find = findV
301 assoc = assocV
302 accum = accumV
303 cond = undefined -- cannot match
307instance (Container Vector a) => Container Matrix a where
308 scale x = liftMatrix (scale x)
309 scaleRecip x = liftMatrix (scaleRecip x)
310 addConstant x = liftMatrix (addConstant x)
311 add = liftMatrix2 add
312 sub = liftMatrix2 sub
313 mul = liftMatrix2 mul
314 divide = liftMatrix2 divide
315 equal a b = cols a == cols b && flatten a `equal` flatten b
316 arctan2 = liftMatrix2 arctan2
317 scalar x = (1><1) [x]
318 konst' v (r,c) = matrixFromVector RowMajor r c (konst' v (r*c))
319 build' = buildM
320 conj = liftMatrix conj
321 cmap f = liftMatrix (mapVector f)
322 atIndex = (@@>)
323 minIndex = emptyErrorM "minIndex of Matrix" $
324 \m -> divMod (minIndex $ flatten m) (cols m)
325 maxIndex = emptyErrorM "maxIndex of Matrix" $
326 \m -> divMod (maxIndex $ flatten m) (cols m)
327 minElement = emptyErrorM "minElement of Matrix" (atIndex <*> minIndex)
328 maxElement = emptyErrorM "maxElement of Matrix" (atIndex <*> maxIndex)
329 sumElements = sumElements . flatten
330 prodElements = prodElements . flatten
331 step = liftMatrix step
332 find = findM
333 assoc = assocM
334 accum = accumM
335 cond = condM
338emptyErrorV msg f v =
339 if dim v > 0
340 then f v
341 else error $ msg ++ " of Vector with dim = 0"
343emptyErrorM msg f m =
344 if rows m > 0 && cols m > 0
345 then f m
346 else error $ msg++" "++shSize m
350-- | Matrix product and related functions
351class (Num e, Element e) => Product e where
352 -- | matrix product
353 multiply :: Matrix e -> Matrix e -> Matrix e
354 -- | sum of absolute value of elements (differs in complex case from @norm1@)
355 absSum :: Vector e -> RealOf e
356 -- | sum of absolute value of elements
357 norm1 :: Vector e -> RealOf e
358 -- | euclidean norm
359 norm2 :: Vector e -> RealOf e
360 -- | element of maximum magnitude
361 normInf :: Vector e -> RealOf e
363instance Product Float where
364 norm2 = emptyVal (toScalarF Norm2)
365 absSum = emptyVal (toScalarF AbsSum)
366 norm1 = emptyVal (toScalarF AbsSum)
367 normInf = emptyVal (maxElement . vectorMapF Abs)
368 multiply = emptyMul multiplyF
370instance Product Double where
371 norm2 = emptyVal (toScalarR Norm2)
372 absSum = emptyVal (toScalarR AbsSum)
373 norm1 = emptyVal (toScalarR AbsSum)
374 normInf = emptyVal (maxElement . vectorMapR Abs)
375 multiply = emptyMul multiplyR
377instance Product (Complex Float) where
378 norm2 = emptyVal (toScalarQ Norm2)
379 absSum = emptyVal (toScalarQ AbsSum)
380 norm1 = emptyVal (sumElements . fst . fromComplex . vectorMapQ Abs)
381 normInf = emptyVal (maxElement . fst . fromComplex . vectorMapQ Abs)
382 multiply = emptyMul multiplyQ
384instance Product (Complex Double) where
385 norm2 = emptyVal (toScalarC Norm2)
386 absSum = emptyVal (toScalarC AbsSum)
387 norm1 = emptyVal (sumElements . fst . fromComplex . vectorMapC Abs)
388 normInf = emptyVal (maxElement . fst . fromComplex . vectorMapC Abs)
389 multiply = emptyMul multiplyC
391emptyMul m a b
392 | x1 == 0 && x2 == 0 || r == 0 || c == 0 = konst' 0 (r,c)
393 | otherwise = m a b
394 where
395 r = rows a
396 x1 = cols a
397 x2 = rows b
398 c = cols b
400emptyVal f v =
401 if dim v > 0
402 then f v
403 else 0
405-- FIXME remove unused C wrappers
406-- | unconjugated dot product
407udot :: Product e => Vector e -> Vector e -> e
408udot u v
409 | dim u == dim v = val (asRow u `multiply` asColumn v)
410 | otherwise = error $ "different dimensions "++show (dim u)++" and "++show (dim v)++" in dot product"
411 where
412 val m | dim u > 0 = m@@>(0,0)
413 | otherwise = 0
417-- synonym for matrix product
418mXm :: Product t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
419mXm = multiply
421-- matrix - vector product
422mXv :: Product t => Matrix t -> Vector t -> Vector t
423mXv m v = flatten $ m `mXm` (asColumn v)
425-- vector - matrix product
426vXm :: Product t => Vector t -> Matrix t -> Vector t
427vXm v m = flatten $ (asRow v) `mXm` m
429{- | Outer product of two vectors.
431>>> fromList [1,2,3] `outer` fromList [5,2,3]
433 [ 5.0, 2.0, 3.0
434 , 10.0, 4.0, 6.0
435 , 15.0, 6.0, 9.0 ]
438outer :: (Product t) => Vector t -> Vector t -> Matrix t
439outer u v = asColumn u `multiply` asRow v
441{- | Kronecker product of two matrices.
444 [ 1.0, 2.0, 0.0
445 , 0.0, -1.0, 3.0 ]
447 [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
448 , 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
449 , 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
450 , 10.0, 11.0, 12.0 ]@
452>>> kronecker m1 m2
454 [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
455 , 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
456 , 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
457 , 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 20.0, 22.0, 24.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
458 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -2.0, -3.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0
459 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -4.0, -5.0, -6.0, 12.0, 15.0, 18.0
460 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -7.0, -8.0, -9.0, 21.0, 24.0, 27.0
461 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -10.0, -11.0, -12.0, 30.0, 33.0, 36.0 ]
464kronecker :: (Product t) => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
465kronecker a b = fromBlocks
466 . splitEvery (cols a)
467 . map (reshape (cols b))
468 . toRows
469 $ flatten a `outer` flatten b
474class Convert t where
475 real :: Container c t => c (RealOf t) -> c t
476 complex :: Container c t => c t -> c (ComplexOf t)
477 single :: Container c t => c t -> c (SingleOf t)
478 double :: Container c t => c t -> c (DoubleOf t)
479 toComplex :: (Container c t, RealElement t) => (c t, c t) -> c (Complex t)
480 fromComplex :: (Container c t, RealElement t) => c (Complex t) -> (c t, c t)
483instance Convert Double where
484 real = id
485 complex = comp'
486 single = single'
487 double = id
488 toComplex = toComplex'
489 fromComplex = fromComplex'
491instance Convert Float where
492 real = id
493 complex = comp'
494 single = id
495 double = double'
496 toComplex = toComplex'
497 fromComplex = fromComplex'
499instance Convert (Complex Double) where
500 real = comp'
501 complex = id
502 single = single'
503 double = id
504 toComplex = toComplex'
505 fromComplex = fromComplex'
507instance Convert (Complex Float) where
508 real = comp'
509 complex = id
510 single = id
511 double = double'
512 toComplex = toComplex'
513 fromComplex = fromComplex'
517type family RealOf x
519type instance RealOf Double = Double
520type instance RealOf (Complex Double) = Double
522type instance RealOf Float = Float
523type instance RealOf (Complex Float) = Float
525type family ComplexOf x
527type instance ComplexOf Double = Complex Double
528type instance ComplexOf (Complex Double) = Complex Double
530type instance ComplexOf Float = Complex Float
531type instance ComplexOf (Complex Float) = Complex Float
533type family SingleOf x
535type instance SingleOf Double = Float
536type instance SingleOf Float = Float
538type instance SingleOf (Complex a) = Complex (SingleOf a)
540type family DoubleOf x
542type instance DoubleOf Double = Double
543type instance DoubleOf Float = Double
545type instance DoubleOf (Complex a) = Complex (DoubleOf a)
547type family ElementOf c
549type instance ElementOf (Vector a) = a
550type instance ElementOf (Matrix a) = a
554buildM (rc,cc) f = fromLists [ [f r c | c <- cs] | r <- rs ]
555 where rs = map fromIntegral [0 .. (rc-1)]
556 cs = map fromIntegral [0 .. (cc-1)]
558buildV n f = fromList [f k | k <- ks]
559 where ks = map fromIntegral [0 .. (n-1)]
562-- | conjugate transpose
563ctrans :: (Container Vector e, Element e) => Matrix e -> Matrix e
564ctrans = liftMatrix conj . trans
566-- | Creates a square matrix with a given diagonal.
567diag :: (Num a, Element a) => Vector a -> Matrix a
568diag v = diagRect 0 v n n where n = dim v
570-- | creates the identity matrix of given dimension
571ident :: (Num a, Element a) => Int -> Matrix a
572ident n = diag (constant 1 n)
576findV p x = foldVectorWithIndex g [] x where
577 g k z l = if p z then k:l else l
579findM p x = map ((`divMod` cols x)) $ findV p (flatten x)
581assocV n z xs = ST.runSTVector $ do
582 v <- ST.newVector z n
583 mapM_ (\(k,x) -> ST.writeVector v k x) xs
584 return v
586assocM (r,c) z xs = ST.runSTMatrix $ do
587 m <- ST.newMatrix z r c
588 mapM_ (\((i,j),x) -> ST.writeMatrix m i j x) xs
589 return m
591accumV v0 f xs = ST.runSTVector $ do
592 v <- ST.thawVector v0
593 mapM_ (\(k,x) -> ST.modifyVector v k (f x)) xs
594 return v
596accumM m0 f xs = ST.runSTMatrix $ do
597 m <- ST.thawMatrix m0
598 mapM_ (\((i,j),x) -> ST.modifyMatrix m i j (f x)) xs
599 return m
603condM a b l e t = matrixFromVector RowMajor (rows a'') (cols a'') $ cond a' b' l' e' t'
604 where
605 args@(a'':_) = conformMs [a,b,l,e,t]
606 [a', b', l', e', t'] = map flatten args
608condV f a b l e t = f a' b' l' e' t'
609 where
610 [a', b', l', e', t'] = conformVs [a,b,l,e,t]
diff --git a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs
index e133c2c..bca074f 100644
--- a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs
+++ b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs
@@ -11,12 +11,6 @@
11----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
13module Numeric.GSL.Vector ( 13module Numeric.GSL.Vector (
14 sumF, sumR, sumQ, sumC,
15 prodF, prodR, prodQ, prodC,
16 FunCodeS(..), toScalarR, toScalarF, toScalarC, toScalarQ,
17 FunCodeV(..), vectorMapR, vectorMapC, vectorMapF, vectorMapQ,
18 FunCodeSV(..), vectorMapValR, vectorMapValC, vectorMapValF, vectorMapValQ,
19 FunCodeVV(..), vectorZipR, vectorZipC, vectorZipF, vectorZipQ,
20 RandDist(..), randomVector, 14 RandDist(..), randomVector,
21 saveMatrix, 15 saveMatrix,
22 fwriteVector, freadVector, fprintfVector, fscanfVector 16 fwriteVector, freadVector, fprintfVector, fscanfVector
@@ -24,7 +18,6 @@ module Numeric.GSL.Vector (
24 18
25import Data.Packed 19import Data.Packed
26import Numeric.GSL.Internal hiding (TV,TM,TCV,TCM) 20import Numeric.GSL.Internal hiding (TV,TM,TCV,TCM)
27import Numeric.Vectorized
28 21
29import Data.Complex 22import Data.Complex
30import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc(free) 23import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc(free)
diff --git a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Algorithms.hs b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Algorithms.hs
index 0a6eaa1..b4d0c5b 100644
--- a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Algorithms.hs
+++ b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Algorithms.hs
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ import Data.Packed
84import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.LAPACK as LAPACK 84import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.LAPACK as LAPACK
85import Data.List(foldl1') 85import Data.List(foldl1')
86import Data.Array 86import Data.Array
87import Numeric.ContainerBoot 87import Data.Packed.Numeric
88 88
89 89
90{- | Generic linear algebra functions for double precision real and complex matrices. 90{- | Generic linear algebra functions for double precision real and complex matrices.
diff --git a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Random.hs b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Random.hs
index 936c777..b4c6cde 100644
--- a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Random.hs
+++ b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Random.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module Numeric.Random (
21 21
22import Numeric.GSL.Vector 22import Numeric.GSL.Vector
23import Data.Packed 23import Data.Packed
24import Numeric.ContainerBoot 24import Data.Packed.Numeric
25import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms 25import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms
26 26
27 27
diff --git a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Vector.hs b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Vector.hs
index 3f480a0..4c59d32 100644
--- a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Vector.hs
+++ b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/Vector.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
20 20
21module Numeric.Vector () where 21module Numeric.Vector () where
22 22
23import Numeric.GSL.Vector 23import Numeric.Vectorized
24import Numeric.Container 24import Numeric.Container
25 25
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