path: root/packages/base/src
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-05-18updated convolutionAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-16Numeric.Container compatibleAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-16GSL.LinearAlgebra reorganizedAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-16license changes, reexport modulesAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-16linear algebra movedAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-16container and algorithms moved to baseAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-16instances moved to baseAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-15containerboot moved to baseAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-15moved complex mapVal and zipAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-15moved map complexAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-14moved map realAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-14fix size bugAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-14moved sumAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-14vectorized operations in baseAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-08separation okAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-08Conversion, LAPACK -> baseAlberto Ruiz
2014-05-08Data.Packed -> base (I)Alberto Ruiz