path: root/kikid.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kikid.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/kikid.hs b/kikid.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 059a5df..0000000
--- a/kikid.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
4import System.Posix.Daemonize
5import Control.Concurrent
6import System.Posix.Syslog
7import System.Posix.Signals
8import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserID)
10import Control.Concurrent.STM
11import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue
12import Control.Concurrent.Async
13import Control.Monad
14import Control.Monad.Loops
15import Control.Exception
16import Data.Monoid
17import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
18--import Data.Serialize
19import qualified Data.Map as M
20import qualified Data.Bytes.Serial as Bytes
21import qualified Data.Bytes.Get as Bytes
22import qualified Data.Bytes.Put as Bytes
24import KikiD.PortServer
25import KikiD.Multiplex
26import KikiD.Message
27import KikiD.ClientState
29-- TODO: Set this in config file
30port = 9800
31max_conns = 100
32qsize = 20
33qdelay = 5*10^5
35doNothing = return ()
37main = do
38 me <- getEffectiveUserID
39 if me == 0 then
40 serviced simpleDaemon { privilegedAction = startupAsRoot
41 , program = kikidMain
42 , user = Just "root", group = Just "root" }
43 else putStrLn "Kiki Daemon must be run as root."
45startupAsRoot = syslog Notice "kikid Started."
47kikidMain _ = do
48 refreshFlag <- atomically $ newTVar True
49 whileM_ (atomically $ readTVar refreshFlag) $ do
50 incomming <- newTBMQueueIO qsize :: IO (TBMQueue KikiDMessage)
51 newchans <- newTBMQueueIO qsize :: IO (TBMQueue (ThreadId, TBMQueue KikiDMessage))
52 currentClients <- atomically $ newTVar (M.empty) :: IO (TVar (M.Map clientID ClientState))
53 let timeToQuit = atomically . isClosedTBMQueue $ newchans
54 installHandler sigTERM (Catch (do syslog Notice ("Caught sigTERM: Shutting down.")
55 atomically $ writeTVar refreshFlag False
56 atomically $ closeTBMQueue newchans
57 atomically $ closeTBMQueue incomming)) (Just fullSignalSet)
58 installHandler sigHUP (Catch (do syslog Notice ("Caught sigHUP: Refreshing..")
59 atomically $ closeTBMQueue newchans
60 atomically $ closeTBMQueue incomming)) (Just fullSignalSet)
61 (_,ex) <- join . fmap waitAnyCatch $ mapM async
62 [ createTCPPortListener port "KikiD" qdelay qsize max_conns newchans incomming handleMessage
63 , addOpenConnections newchans currentClients
64 , consumeQueueMicroseconds incomming (qdelay `div` 2) (consumeMessage currentClients)
65 , purgeClosedConnections timeToQuit currentClients
66 ]
67 case (ex::Either SomeException ()) of
68 Left e -> syslog Notice ("Exception: " <> show e)
69 Right _ -> doNothing
71 atomically $ closeTBMQueue newchans
72 atomically $ closeTBMQueue incomming
74addOpenConnections newchans currentClients = whileM_ (atomically . fmap not $ isClosedTBMQueue newchans) $ do
75 cliMap <- atomically $ readTVar currentClients :: IO (M.Map ClientID ClientState)
76 whileM_ (atomically . fmap not $ isEmptyTBMQueue newchans) $ do
77 x <- atomically $ readTBMQueue newchans
78 case x of
79 Just (newClientThread,clientQ) -> do -- Is clientQ input or output?
80 syslog Notice ("New connection, thread= " <> show newClientThread <> ", TODO: authenticate?")
81 atomically $ modifyTVar currentClients (M.insert (threadIdToClient newClientThread) (CState clientQ))
82 Nothing -> doNothing
83 threadDelay qdelay
85purgeClosedConnections quit currentClients = whileM_ (fmap not quit) $ do
86 map <- atomically $ readTVar currentClients
87 let k = M.keys map
88 e = M.elems map
89 closedClients <- mapM (\(CState q) -> atomically $ isClosedTBMQueue q) e
90 let f False a b = [(a,b)] -- still open
91 f True _ _ = [] -- closed
92 closing = filter fst (zip closedClients k)
93 if (not . null $ closing)
94 then syslog Notice ("Closing connections: " ++ show closing)
95 else doNothing
96 atomically . writeTVar currentClients . M.fromList . concat $ zipWith3 f closedClients k e
97 threadDelay qdelay
99handleMessage hdl outq = do
100 line <- B.hGetLine hdl
101 tid <- myThreadId
102 case (Bytes.runGetS Bytes.deserialize line :: Either String KikiDMessage) of
103 Right msg -> do
104 syslog Notice ("Message decoded on thread=" <> show tid)
105 syslog Notice ("Message: " <> show msg)
106 Left str -> do
107 syslog Notice ("ERROR: " <> show line)
108 syslog Notice ("ERROR: Unable to decode message on thread=" <> show tid)
109 syslog Notice ("ERROR: " ++ str)
111consumeMessage currentClients msg = void $ syslog Notice ("Recieved Message: " ++ show msg)
112-- TODO: Do more here...