path: root/lib/Transforms.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Transforms.hs')
1 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Transforms.hs b/lib/Transforms.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..093d594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Transforms.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
2{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5module Transforms where
7import Control.Monad
8import Data.Char
9import Data.List
10import Data.Maybe
11import Data.Ord
12import Data.OpenPGP
13import Data.OpenPGP.Util
14import Data.Word (Word8)
15import Types
16import FunctorToMaybe
17import GnuPGAgent ( key_nbits )
18import PacketTranscoder
19import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
20import qualified Data.ByteString as S
21import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
22import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Char8
23import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
24#if defined(VERSION_memory)
25import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
26import Data.ByteArray.Encoding
27#elif defined(VERSION_dataenc)
28import qualified Codec.Binary.Base32 as Base32
29import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as Base64
31#if !defined(VERSION_cryptonite)
32import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
33import qualified Crypto.Types.PubKey.ECC as ECC
35import qualified Crypto.Hash as Vincent
36import Data.ByteArray (convert)
37import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as ECC
39import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding ( DER(..) )
40import Data.ASN1.Types ( toASN1, ASN1Object, fromASN1
41 , ASN1(Start,End,IntVal,OID,BitString,Null), ASN1ConstructionType(Sequence) )
42import Data.ASN1.Encoding ( encodeASN1, encodeASN1', decodeASN1, decodeASN1' )
43import qualified Data.Text as T ( Text, unpack, pack,
44 strip, reverse, drop, break, dropAround, length )
45import Data.Text.Encoding ( encodeUtf8 )
46import Data.Bits ( (.|.), (.&.), Bits, shiftR )
48type TrustMap = Map.Map FilePath Packet
49type SigAndTrust = ( MappedPacket
50 , TrustMap ) -- trust packets
51data SubKey = SubKey MappedPacket [SigAndTrust] deriving Show
53-- | This is a GPG Identity which includes a master key and all its UIDs and
54-- subkeys and associated signatures.
55data KeyData = KeyData { keyMappedPacket :: MappedPacket -- main key
56 , keySigAndTrusts :: [SigAndTrust] -- sigs on main key
57 , keyUids :: (Map.Map String ([SigAndTrust],OriginMap)) -- uids
58 , keySubKeys :: (Map.Map KeyKey SubKey) -- subkeys
59 } deriving Show
60type KeyDB = Map.Map KeyKey KeyData
64data KeyRingRuntime = KeyRingRuntime
65 { rtPubring :: FilePath
66 -- ^ Path to the file represented by 'HomePub'
67 , rtSecring :: FilePath
68 -- ^ Path to the file represented by 'HomeSec'
69 , rtGrip :: Maybe String
70 -- ^ Fingerprint or portion of a fingerprint used
71 -- to identify the working GnuPG identity used to
72 -- make signatures.
73 , rtWorkingKey :: Maybe Packet
74 -- ^ The master key of the working GnuPG identity.
75 , rtKeyDB :: KeyDB
76 -- ^ The common information pool where files spilled
77 -- their content and from which they received new
78 -- content.
79 , rtRingAccess :: Map.Map InputFile Access
80 -- ^ The 'Access' values used for files of type
81 -- 'KeyRingFile'. If 'AutoAccess' was specified
82 -- for a file, this 'Map.Map' will indicate the
83 -- detected value that was used by the algorithm.
84 , rtPassphrases :: PacketTranscoder
85 }
88-- | Roster-entry level actions
89data PacketUpdate = InducerSignature String [SignatureSubpacket]
90 | SubKeyDeletion KeyKey KeyKey
92data RSAPublicKey = RSAKey MPI MPI deriving (Eq,Show)
94instance ASN1Object RSAPublicKey where
95 -- PKCS #1 RSA Public Key
96 toASN1 (RSAKey (MPI n) (MPI e))
97 = \xs -> Start Sequence
98 : IntVal n
99 : IntVal e
100 : End Sequence
101 : xs
102 fromASN1 (Start Sequence:IntVal n:IntVal e:End Sequence:xs) =
103 Right (RSAKey (MPI n) (MPI e), xs)
105 fromASN1 _ =
106 Left "fromASN1: RSAPublicKey: unexpected format"
109-- | This type is used to describe events triggered by 'runKeyRing'. In
110-- addition to normal feedback (e.g. 'NewPacket'), it also may indicate
111-- non-fatal IO exceptions (e.g. 'FailedExternal'). Because a
112-- 'KeyRingOperation' may describe a very intricate multifaceted algorithm with
113-- many inputs and outputs, an operation may be partially (or even mostly)
114-- successful even when I/O failures occured. In this situation, the files may
115-- not have all the information they were intended to store, but they will be
116-- in a valid format for GnuPG or kiki to operate on in the future.
117data KikiReportAction =
118 NewPacket String
119 | MissingPacket String
120 | ExportedSubkey
121 | GeneratedSubkeyFile
122 | NewWalletKey String
123 | YieldSignature
124 | YieldSecretKeyPacket String
125 | UnableToUpdateExpiredSignature
126 | WarnFailedToMakeSignature
127 | FailedExternal Int
128 | ExternallyGeneratedFile
129 | UnableToExport KeyAlgorithm String
130 | FailedFileWrite
131 | HostsDiff L.ByteString
132 | DeletedPacket String
133 deriving (Eq,Show)
135type KikiReport = [ (FilePath, KikiReportAction) ]
137data UserIDRecord = UserIDRecord {
138 uid_full :: String,
139 uid_realname :: T.Text,
140 uid_user :: T.Text,
141 uid_subdomain :: T.Text,
142 uid_topdomain :: T.Text
144 deriving Show
146data PGPKeyFlags =
147 Special
148 | Vouch -- 0001 C -- Signkey
149 | Sign -- 0010 S
150 | VouchSign -- 0011
151 | Communication -- 0100 E
152 | VouchCommunication -- 0101
153 | SignCommunication -- 0110
154 | VouchSignCommunication -- 0111
155 | Storage -- 1000 E
156 | VouchStorage -- 1001
157 | SignStorage -- 1010
158 | VouchSignStorage -- 1011
159 | Encrypt -- 1100 E
160 | VouchEncrypt -- 1101
161 | SignEncrypt -- 1110
162 | VouchSignEncrypt -- 1111
163 deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Enum)
167-- Functions
169unk :: Bool -> MappedPacket -> MappedPacket
170unk isPublic = if isPublic then toPacket secretToPublic else id
171 where toPacket f mp@(MappedPacket {packet=p}) = mp {packet=(f p)}
174unsig :: FilePath -> Bool -> SigAndTrust -> [MappedPacket]
175unsig fname isPublic (sig,trustmap) =
176 sig : map (asMapped (-1)) ( take 1 . Map.elems $ Map.filterWithKey f trustmap)
177 where
178 f n _ = n==fname -- && trace ("fname=n="++show n) True
179 asMapped n p = let m = mappedPacket fname p
180 in m { locations = fmap (\x->x {originalNum=n}) (locations m) }
182smallpr k = drop 24 $ fingerprint k
184backsig :: SignatureSubpacket -> Maybe Packet
185backsig (EmbeddedSignaturePacket s) = Just s
186backsig _ = Nothing
189isSubkeySignature (SubkeySignature {}) = True
190isSubkeySignature _ = False
193has_tag tag p = isSignaturePacket p
194 && or [ tag `elem` mapMaybe usage (hashed_subpackets p)
195 , tag `elem` map usageString (mapMaybe keyflags (hashed_subpackets p)) ]
199verifyBindings keys nonkeys = (top ++ filter isSubkeySignature embedded,othersigs)
200 where
201 verified = do
202 sig <- signatures (Message nonkeys)
203 let v = verify (Message keys) sig
204 guard (not . null $ signatures_over v)
205 return v
206 (top,othersigs) = partition isSubkeySignature verified
207 embedded = do
208 sub <- top
209 let sigover = signatures_over sub
210 unhashed = sigover >>= unhashed_subpackets
211 subsigs = mapMaybe backsig unhashed
212 -- This should consist only of 0x19 values
213 -- subtypes = map signature_type subsigs
214 -- trace ("subtypes = "++show subtypes) (return ())
215 -- trace ("issuers: "++show (map signature_issuer subsigs)) (return ())
216 sig <- signatures (Message ([topkey sub,subkey sub]++subsigs))
217 let v = verify (Message [subkey sub]) sig
218 guard (not . null $ signatures_over v)
219 return v
222disjoint_fp ks = {- concatMap group2 $ -} transpose grouped
223 where
224 grouped = groupBy samepr . sortBy (comparing smallpr) $ ks
225 samepr a b = smallpr a == smallpr b
227 {-
228 -- useful for testing
229 group2 :: [a] -> [[a]]
230 group2 (x:y:ys) = [x,y]:group2 ys
231 group2 [x] = [[x]]
232 group2 [] = []
233 -}
237subkeyMappedPacket :: SubKey -> MappedPacket
238subkeyMappedPacket (SubKey k _ ) = k
240getBindings ::
241 [Packet]
242 ->
243 ( [([Packet],[SignatureOver])] -- other signatures with key sets
244 -- that were used for the verifications
245 , [(Word8,
246 (Packet, Packet), -- (topkey,subkey)
247 [String], -- usage flags
248 [SignatureSubpacket], -- hashed data
249 [Packet])] -- binding signatures
250 )
251getBindings pkts = (sigs,bindings)
252 where
253 (sigs,concat->bindings) = unzip $ do
254 let (keys,_) = partition isKey pkts
255 keys <- disjoint_fp keys
256 let (bs,sigs) = verifyBindings keys pkts
257 return . ((keys,sigs),) $ do
258 b <- bs -- trace ("sigs = "++show (map (map signature_issuer . signatures_over) sigs)) bs
259 i <- map signature_issuer (signatures_over b)
260 i <- maybeToList i
261 who <- maybeToList $ find_key fingerprint (Message keys) i
262 let (code,claimants) =
263 case () of
264 _ | who == topkey b -> (1,[])
265 _ | who == subkey b -> (2,[])
266 _ -> (0,[who])
267 let hashed = signatures_over b >>= hashed_subpackets
268 kind = guard (code==1) >> hashed >>= maybeToList . usage
269 return (code,(topkey b,subkey b), kind, hashed,claimants)
272-- Returned data is simmilar to getBindings but the Word8 codes
273-- are ORed together.
274accBindings ::
275 Bits t =>
276 [(t, (Packet, Packet), [a], [a1], [a2])]
277 -> [(t, (Packet, Packet), [a], [a1], [a2])]
278accBindings bs = as
279 where
280 gs = groupBy samePair . sortBy (comparing bindingPair) $ bs
281 as = map (foldl1 combine) gs
282 bindingPair (_,p,_,_,_) = pub2 p
283 where
284 pub2 (a,b) = (pub a, pub b)
285 pub a = fingerprint_material a
286 samePair a b = bindingPair a == bindingPair b
287 combine (ac,p,akind,ahashed,aclaimaints)
288 (bc,_,bkind,bhashed,bclaimaints)
289 = (ac .|. bc,p,akind++bkind,ahashed++bhashed,aclaimaints++bclaimaints)
291sortByHint :: FilePath -> (a -> MappedPacket) -> [a] -> [a]
292sortByHint fname f = sortBy (comparing gethint)
293 where
294 gethint = maybe defnum originalNum . Map.lookup fname . locations . f
295 defnum = -1
297concatSort ::
298 FilePath -> ([a] -> MappedPacket) -> (b -> [a]) -> [b] -> [a]
299concatSort fname getp f = concat . sortByHint fname getp . map f
301flattenUid :: FilePath -> Bool -> (String,([SigAndTrust],OriginMap)) -> [MappedPacket]
302flattenUid fname ispub (str,(sigs,om)) =
303 (mappedPacket "" $ UserIDPacket str) {locations=om} : concatSort fname head (unsig fname ispub) sigs
305flattenSub :: FilePath -> Bool -> SubKey -> [MappedPacket]
306flattenSub fname ispub (SubKey key sigs) = unk ispub key: concatSort fname head (unsig fname ispub) sigs
308flattenAllUids :: FilePath -> Bool -> Map.Map String ([SigAndTrust],OriginMap) -> [MappedPacket]
309flattenAllUids fname ispub uids =
310 concatSort fname head (flattenUid fname ispub) (Map.assocs uids)
312flattenTop :: FilePath -> Bool -> KeyData -> [MappedPacket]
313flattenTop fname ispub (KeyData key sigs uids subkeys) =
314 unk ispub key :
315 ( flattenAllUids fname ispub uids
316 ++ concatSort fname head (flattenSub fname ispub) (Map.elems subkeys))
319sigpackets ::
320 Monad m =>
321 Word8 -> [SignatureSubpacket] -> [SignatureSubpacket] -> m Packet
322sigpackets typ hashed unhashed = return $
323 signaturePacket
324 4 -- version
325 typ -- 0x18 subkey binding sig, or 0x19 back-signature
326 RSA
327 SHA1
328 hashed
329 unhashed
330 0 -- Word16 -- Left 16 bits of the signed hash value
331 [] -- [MPI]
335keyFlags :: t -> [Packet] -> [SignatureSubpacket]
336keyFlags wkun uids = keyFlags0 wkun (filter isSignaturePacket uids)
338-- XXX keyFlags and keyflags are different functions.
339keyflags :: SignatureSubpacket -> Maybe PGPKeyFlags
340keyflags flgs@(KeyFlagsPacket {}) =
341 Just . toEnum $
342 ( bit 0x1 certify_keys
343 .|. bit 0x2 sign_data
344 .|. bit 0x4 encrypt_communication
345 .|. bit 0x8 encrypt_storage ) :: Maybe PGPKeyFlags
346 -- other flags:
347 -- split_key
348 -- authentication (ssh-client)
349 -- group_key
350 where
351 bit v f = if f flgs then v else 0
352keyflags _ = Nothing
356secretToPublic :: Packet -> Packet
357secretToPublic pkt@(SecretKeyPacket {}) =
358 PublicKeyPacket { version = version pkt
359 , timestamp = timestamp pkt
360 , key_algorithm = key_algorithm pkt
361 -- , ecc_curve = ecc_curve pkt
362 , key = let seckey = key pkt
363 pubs = public_key_fields (key_algorithm pkt)
364 in filter (\(k,v) -> k `elem` pubs) seckey
365 , is_subkey = is_subkey pkt
366 , v3_days_of_validity = Nothing
367 }
368secretToPublic pkt = pkt
372uidkey :: Packet -> String
373uidkey (UserIDPacket str) = str
375usageString :: PGPKeyFlags -> String
376usageString flgs =
377 case flgs of
378 Special -> "special"
379 Vouch -> "vouch" -- signkey
380 Sign -> "sign"
381 VouchSign -> "vouch-sign"
382 Communication -> "communication"
383 VouchCommunication -> "vouch-communication"
384 SignCommunication -> "sign-communication"
385 VouchSignCommunication -> "vouch-sign-communication"
386 Storage -> "storage"
387 VouchStorage -> "vouch-storage"
388 SignStorage -> "sign-storage"
389 VouchSignStorage -> "vouch-sign-storage"
390 Encrypt -> "encrypt"
391 VouchEncrypt -> "vouch-encrypt"
392 SignEncrypt -> "sign-encrypt"
393 VouchSignEncrypt -> "vouch-sign-encrypt"
397usage :: SignatureSubpacket -> Maybe String
398usage (NotationDataPacket
399 { human_readable = True
400 , notation_name = "usage@"
401 , notation_value = u
402 }) = Just u
403usage _ = Nothing
406ifSecret :: Packet -> t -> t -> t
407ifSecret (SecretKeyPacket {}) t f = t
408ifSecret _ t f = f
411showPacket :: Packet -> String
412showPacket p | isKey p = (if is_subkey p
413 then showPacket0 p
414 else ifSecret p "---Secret" "---Public")
415 ++ " "++fingerprint p
416 ++ " "++show (key_algorithm p)
417 ++ case key_nbits p of { 0 -> ""; n -> "("++show n++")" }
418 | isUserID p = showPacket0 p ++ " " ++ show (uidkey p)
419 -- | isSignaturePacket p = showPacket0 p ++ maybe "" ((++) (" ^ signed"++sigusage p++": ")) (signature_issuer p)
420 | isSignaturePacket p = showPacket0 p ++ maybe "" (" ^ signed: "++) (signature_issuer p) ++ sigusage p
421 | otherwise = showPacket0 p
422 where
423 sigusage p =
424 case take 1 (tagStrings p) of
425 [] -> ""
426 tag:_ -> " "++show tag -- "("++tag++")"
427 where
428 tagStrings p = usage_tags ++ flags
429 where
430 usage_tags = mapMaybe usage xs
431 flags = mapMaybe (fmap usageString . keyflags) xs
432 xs = hashed_subpackets p
435showPacket0 p = dropSuffix "Packet" . concat . take 1 $ words (show p)
436 where
437 dropSuffix :: String -> String -> String
438 dropSuffix _ [] = ""
439 dropSuffix suff (x:xs) | (x:xs)==suff = ""
440 | otherwise = x:dropSuffix suff xs
445 :: Packet
446 -> Packet -> Packet -> [SignatureSubpacket] -> SignatureOver
447-- torsig g topk wkun uid timestamp extras = todo
448makeInducerSig topk wkun uid extras
449 = CertificationSignature (secretToPublic topk)
450 uid
451 (sigpackets 0x13
452 subpackets
453 subpackets_unh)
454 where
455 subpackets = -- implicit: [ SignatureCreationTimePacket (fromIntegral timestamp) ]
456 tsign
457 ++ extras
458 subpackets_unh = [IssuerPacket (fingerprint wkun)]
459 tsign = if keykey wkun == keykey topk
460 then [] -- tsign doesnt make sense for self-signatures
461 else [ TrustSignaturePacket 1 120
462 , RegularExpressionPacket regex]
463 -- <[^>]+[@.]asdf\.nowhere>$
464 regex = "<[^>]+[@.]"++hostname++">$"
465 -- regex = username ++ "@" ++ hostname
466 -- username = "[a-zA-Z0-9.][-a-zA-Z0-9.]*\\$?" :: String
467 hostname = subdomain' pu ++ "\\." ++ topdomain' pu
468 pu = parseUID uidstr where UserIDPacket uidstr = uid
469 subdomain' = escape . T.unpack . uid_subdomain
470 topdomain' = escape . T.unpack . uid_topdomain
471 escape s = concatMap echar s
472 where
473 echar '|' = "\\|"
474 echar '*' = "\\*"
475 echar '+' = "\\+"
476 echar '?' = "\\?"
477 echar '.' = "\\."
478 echar '^' = "\\^"
479 echar '$' = "\\$"
480 echar '\\' = "\\\\"
481 echar '[' = "\\["
482 echar ']' = "\\]"
483 echar c = [c]
486keyFlags0 :: t -> [Packet] -> [SignatureSubpacket]
487keyFlags0 wkun uidsigs = concat
488 [ keyflags
489 , preferredsym
490 , preferredhash
491 , preferredcomp
492 , features ]
494 where
495 subs = concatMap hashed_subpackets uidsigs
496 keyflags = filterOr isflags subs $
497 KeyFlagsPacket { certify_keys = True
498 , sign_data = True
499 , encrypt_communication = False
500 , encrypt_storage = False
501 , split_key = False
502 , authentication = False
503 , group_key = False
504 }
505 preferredsym = filterOr ispreferedsym subs $
506 PreferredSymmetricAlgorithmsPacket
507 [ AES256
508 , AES192
509 , AES128
510 , CAST5
511 , TripleDES
512 ]
513 preferredhash = filterOr ispreferedhash subs $
514 PreferredHashAlgorithmsPacket
515 [ SHA256
516 , SHA1
517 , SHA384
518 , SHA512
519 , SHA224
520 ]
521 preferredcomp = filterOr ispreferedcomp subs $
522 PreferredCompressionAlgorithmsPacket
523 [ ZLIB
524 , BZip2
525 , ZIP
526 ]
527 features = filterOr isfeatures subs $
528 FeaturesPacket { supports_mdc = True
529 }
531 filterOr pred xs def = if null rs then [def] else rs where rs=filter pred xs
533 isflags (KeyFlagsPacket {}) = True
534 isflags _ = False
535 ispreferedsym (PreferredSymmetricAlgorithmsPacket {}) = True
536 ispreferedsym _ = False
537 ispreferedhash (PreferredHashAlgorithmsPacket {}) = True
538 ispreferedhash _ = False
539 ispreferedcomp (PreferredCompressionAlgorithmsPacket {}) = True
540 ispreferedcomp _ = False
541 isfeatures (FeaturesPacket {}) = True
542 isfeatures _ = False
546keyPacket :: KeyData -> Packet
547keyPacket (KeyData k _ _ _) = packet k
550rsaKeyFromPacket :: Packet -> Maybe RSAPublicKey
551rsaKeyFromPacket p | isKey p = do
552 n <- lookup 'n' $ key p
553 e <- lookup 'e' $ key p
554 return $ RSAKey n e
556rsaKeyFromPacket _ = Nothing
559torhash :: Packet -> String
560torhash key = fromMaybe "" $ derToBase32 <$> derRSA key
562torUIDFromKey :: Packet -> String
563torUIDFromKey key = "Anonymous <root@" ++ take 16 (torhash key) ++ ".onion>"
565derToBase32 :: L.ByteString -> String
566derToBase32 = map toLower . base32 . sha1
567 where
568 sha1 :: L.ByteString -> S.ByteString
569#if !defined(VERSION_cryptonite)
570 sha1 = SHA1.hashlazy
572 sha1 x = convert (Vincent.hashlazy x :: Vincent.Digest Vincent.SHA1)
574#if defined(VERSION_memory)
575 base32 = S8.unpack . convertToBase Base32
576#elif defined(VERSION_dataenc)
577 base32 = Base32.encode . S.unpack
580derRSA :: Packet -> Maybe L.ByteString
581derRSA rsa = do
582 k <- rsaKeyFromPacket rsa
583 return $ encodeASN1 DER (toASN1 k [])
585try :: Monad m => KikiCondition a -> (a -> m (KikiCondition b)) -> m (KikiCondition b)
586try x body =
587 case functorToEither x of
588 Left e -> return e
589 Right x -> body x
594performManipulations ::
595 (PacketDecrypter)
596 -> KeyRingRuntime
597 -> Maybe MappedPacket
598 -> (KeyRingRuntime -> KeyData -> [PacketUpdate])
599 -> IO (KikiCondition (KeyRingRuntime,KikiReport))
600performManipulations doDecrypt rt wk manip = do
601 let db = rtKeyDB rt
602 performAll kd = foldM perform (KikiSuccess (kd,[])) $ manip rt kd
603 r <- Traversable.mapM performAll db
604 try (sequenceA r) $ \db -> do
605 return $ KikiSuccess (rt { rtKeyDB = fmap fst db }, concatMap snd $ Map.elems db)
606 where
607 perform :: KikiCondition (KeyData,KikiReport) -> PacketUpdate -> IO (KikiCondition (KeyData,KikiReport))
608 perform kd (InducerSignature uid subpaks) = do
609 try kd $ \(kd,report) -> do
610 flip (maybe $ return NoWorkingKey) wk $ \wk' -> do
611 wkun' <- doDecrypt wk'
612 try wkun' $ \wkun -> do
613 let flgs = if keykey (keyPacket kd) == keykey wkun
614 then keyFlags0 (keyPacket kd) (map (\(x,_,_)->x) selfsigs)
615 else []
616 sigOver = makeInducerSig (keyPacket kd)
617 wkun
618 (UserIDPacket uid)
619 $ flgs ++ subpaks
620 om = Map.singleton "--autosign" (origin p (-1)) where p = UserIDPacket uid
621 toMappedPacket om p = (mappedPacket "" p) {locations=om}
622 selfsigs = filter (\(sig,v,whosign) -> isJust (v >> Just wkun >>= guard
623 . (== keykey whosign)
624 . keykey)) vs
625 keys = map keyPacket $ Map.elems (rtKeyDB rt)
626 overs sig = signatures $ Message (keys++[keyPacket kd,UserIDPacket uid,sig])
627 vs :: [ ( Packet -- signature
628 , Maybe SignatureOver -- Nothing means non-verified
629 , Packet ) -- key who signed
630 ]
631 vs = do
632 x <- maybeToList $ Map.lookup uid (keyUids kd)
633 sig <- map (packet . fst) (fst x)
634 o <- overs sig
635 k <- keys
636 let ov = verify (Message [k]) $ o
637 signatures_over ov
638 return (sig,Just ov,k)
639 additional new_sig = do
640 new_sig <- maybeToList new_sig
641 guard (null $ selfsigs)
642 signatures_over new_sig
643 sigr <- pgpSign (Message [wkun]) sigOver SHA1 (fingerprint wkun)
644 let f ::([SigAndTrust],OriginMap) -> ([SigAndTrust],OriginMap)
645 f x = ( map ( (,Map.empty) . toMappedPacket om) (additional sigr) ++ fst x
646 , om `Map.union` snd x )
647 -- XXX: Shouldn't this signature generation show up in the KikiReport ?
648 return $ KikiSuccess $ ( kd { keyUids = Map.adjust f uid (keyUids kd) }, report )
650 perform kd (SubKeyDeletion topk subk) = do
651 try kd $ \(kd,report) -> do
652 let kk = keykey $ packet $ keyMappedPacket kd
653 kd' | kk /= topk = kd
654 | otherwise = kd { keySubKeys = Map.filterWithKey pred $ keySubKeys kd }
655 pred k _ = k /= subk
656 ps = concat $ maybeToList $ do
657 SubKey mp sigs <- Map.lookup subk (keySubKeys kd)
658 return $ packet mp : concatMap (\(p,ts) -> packet p : Map.elems ts) sigs
659 ctx = InputFileContext (rtSecring rt) (rtPubring rt)
660 rings = [HomeSec, HomePub] >>= resolveInputFile ctx
661 return $ KikiSuccess (kd' , report ++ [ (f,DeletedPacket $ showPacket p) | f <- rings, p <- ps ])
663isBracket :: Char -> Bool
664isBracket '<' = True
665isBracket '>' = True
666isBracket _ = False
669parseUID :: String -> UserIDRecord
670parseUID str = UserIDRecord {
671 uid_full = str,
672 uid_realname = realname,
673 uid_user = user,
674 uid_subdomain = subdomain,
675 uid_topdomain = topdomain
676 }
677 where
678 text = T.pack str
679 (T.strip-> realname, T.dropAround isBracket-> email)
680 = T.break (=='<') text
681 (user, T.drop 1-> hostname) = T.break (=='@') email
682 ( T.reverse -> topdomain,
683 T.reverse . T.drop 1 -> subdomain)
684 = T.break (=='.') . T.reverse $ hostname
686-- | resolveTransform
687resolveTransform :: Transform -> KeyRingRuntime -> KeyData -> [PacketUpdate]
688resolveTransform Autosign rt kd@(KeyData k ksigs umap submap) = ops
689 where
690 ops = map (\u -> InducerSignature u []) us
691 us = filter torStyle $ Map.keys umap
692 torStyle str = and [ uid_topdomain parsed == "onion"
693 , uid_realname parsed `elem` ["","Anonymous"]
694 , uid_user parsed == "root"
695 , fmap (match . fst) (lookup (packet k) torbindings)
696 == Just True ]
697 where parsed = parseUID str
698 match = (==subdom) . take (fromIntegral len)
699 subdom0 = L.fromChunks [encodeUtf8 (uid_subdomain parsed)]
700 subdom = Char8.unpack subdom0
701 len = T.length (uid_subdomain parsed)
702 torbindings = getTorKeys (map packet $ flattenTop "" True kd)
703 getTorKeys pub = do
704 xs <- groupBindings pub
705 (_,(top,sub),us,_,_) <- xs
706 guard ("tor" `elem` us)
707 let torhash = fromMaybe "" $ derToBase32 <$> derRSA sub
708 return (top,(torhash,sub))
710 groupBindings pub = gs
711 where (_,bindings) = getBindings pub
712 bindings' = accBindings bindings
713 code (c,(m,s),_,_,_) = (fingerprint_material m,-c)
714 ownerkey (_,(a,_),_,_,_) = a
715 sameMaster (ownerkey->a) (ownerkey->b)
716 = fingerprint_material a==fingerprint_material b
717 gs = groupBy sameMaster (sortBy (comparing code) bindings')
720-- (2 of 3) resolveTransform :: Transform -> KeyRingRuntime -> KeyData -> [PacketUpdate]
721resolveTransform (DeleteSubkeyByFingerprint fp) rt kd@(KeyData k ksigs umap submap) = fmap (SubKeyDeletion topk) subk
722 where
723 topk = keykey $ packet k -- key to master of key to be deleted
724 subk = do
725 (k,sub) <- Map.toList submap
726 guard (map toUpper fp == fingerprint (packet (subkeyMappedPacket sub)))
727 return k
729-- (3 of 3) resolveTransform :: Transform -> KeyRingRuntime -> KeyData -> [PacketUpdate]
730resolveTransform (DeleteSubkeyByUsage tag) rt kd@(KeyData k ksigs umap submap) = fmap (SubKeyDeletion topk) subk
731 where
732 topk = keykey $ packet k -- key to master of key to be deleted
733 subk = do
734 (k,SubKey p sigs) <- Map.toList submap
735 -- TODO: This should warn/fail when there are multiple matches.
736 take 1 $ filter (has_tag tag) $ map (packet . fst) sigs
737 return k