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authorJoe Crayne <>2019-06-02 22:20:21 -0400
committerJoe Crayne <>2019-06-02 22:20:21 -0400
commit7bc96f3d0f6192d2e7d8119892dd3148792ff88c (patch)
parent87249534efb636cc094d46a869c28c7269031223 (diff)
Module for subdividing bezier curves.
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bezier.hs b/Bezier.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed464d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bezier.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2module Bezier where
4import Data.List
5import Data.Ord
7import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
8import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
10type Plane = Vector Float
12ĵ :: Vector Float
13ĵ = fromList [0,1,0]
15type BufferID = Int
17data Polygonization = Polygonization
18 { curveBufferID :: BufferID
19 , curveStartIndex :: Int
20 , curveSegmentCount :: Int
21 }
23type AllocatedRange = Polygonization
25data Curve = Curve
26 { curvePlane :: Plane -- ^ Curve is embedded in this plane.
27 , curveA :: Vector Float -- ^ 3d start point.
28 , curveB :: Vector Float -- ^ 2nd 3d control point.
29 , curveC :: Vector Float -- ^ 3rd 3d control point.
30 , curveD :: Vector Float -- ^ 3d stop point.
31 , curveSegments :: Maybe Polygonization
32 }
34type StorePoint m = BufferID -> Int -> Vector Float {- 3d -} -> m ()
36xz :: Vector Float -> (Float,Float)
37xz v = (v!0, v!2)
39subdivideCurve :: Monad m => Float -> Curve -> AllocatedRange -> StorePoint m -> m Polygonization
40subdivideCurve δ curve range store = do
41 let ts = sort $ take (curveSegmentCount range - 2) $ sampleCurve δ curve
42 n <- (\f -> foldr f (return 0) (zip [0..] (0 : ts))) $ \(i,t) _ -> do
43 let v = bezierEval curve t
44 store (curveBufferID range) (curveStartIndex range + i) v
45 return i
46 let v = bezierEval curve 1.0
47 store (curveBufferID range) (curveStartIndex range + n + 1) v
48 return range { curveSegmentCount = n + 2 }
50-- | Return an unsorted list of curve parameter values to use as polygonization
51-- vertices. The first argument is a desired maximum error distance to the
52-- true curve.
54-- Note: Caller will likely want to sort and to augment the result with 0 and 1
55-- to sample the curve's end points.
57-- The technique used here is from "Sampling Planar Curves Using
58-- Curvature-Based Shape Analysis" by Tatiana and Vitaly Surazhsky. In a
59-- nutshell: we divide the half circle into n equal parts and sample the curve
60-- whenever the tangent line is at one of these angles to a fixed axis.
61sampleCurve :: Real a => a -> Curve -> [Float]
62sampleCurve δ curve | G.init (curvePlane curve) /= ĵ = error "TODO: arbitrary plane normal in sampleCurve"
63sampleCurve δ curve@Curve{curveA = a, curveB = b, curveC = c, curveD = d} = do
64 let (x0,y0) = xz a -- We assume the curve is embedded in the xz plane so that
65 (x1,y1) = xz b -- we can use a technique for 2 dimensional curves.
66 (x2,y2) = xz c -- TODO: Use the correct projection here for curves
67 (x3,y3) = xz d -- embedded in other planes.
68 -- This computation of n was not detailed in the paper, but I figure it
69 -- ought to be alright when δ is small relative to the curve's bounding
70 -- box. It was derived using the aproximation tan θ ≃ θ for small θ.
71 n = ceiling (pi/sqrt(2*realToFrac δ/dist))
72 dist = maximum [ norm_2 (curveA curve - x) | x <- [b,c,d]]
73 tx = x3 - x0
74 ty = y3 - y0
75 θ₀ = atan2 ty tx -- For our fixed axis, we use the line connecting the
76 -- curve's end points. This has the nice property
77 -- that the first two returned sample points will be
78 -- at the maximum distance the curve makes with its
79 -- straight line aproximation.
80 --
81 -- Idea: It occurs to me that we can extend the
82 -- Surazhsky method to 3 dimensions by obtaining a
83 -- parameterization using polar coordinates about this
84 -- axis. We might ignore curvature about this axis as
85 -- less important.
86 θ <- [ θ₀ + pi/fromIntegral n*fromIntegral i | i <- [ 0 .. n - 1 ] ]
87 tangents (cos θ) (sin θ) x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
89tangents :: (Ord a, Floating a) =>
90 a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> [a]
91tangents tx ty x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 = filter relevent $ quadraticRoot a b c
92 where
93 relevent x | x < 1e-12 = False
94 | 1 - x < 1e-12 = False
95 | otherwise = True
96 a = tx*((y3 - y0) + 3*(y1 - y2)) - ty*((x3 - x0) + 3*(x1 - x2))
97 b = 2*(tx*((y2 + y0) - 2*y1) - ty*((x2 + x0) - 2*x1))
98 c = tx*(y1 - y0) - ty*(x1 - x0)
100-- | @quadraticRoot a b c@ find the real roots of the quadratic equation
101-- @a x^2 + b x + c = 0@. It will return one, two or zero roots.
102quadraticRoot :: (Ord a, Floating a) => a -> a -> a -> [a]
103quadraticRoot a b c
104 | a == 0 && b == 0 = []
105 | a == 0 = [-c/b]
106 | otherwise = let d = b*b - 4*a*c
107 q | b < 0 = - (b - sqrt d) / 2
108 | otherwise = - (b + sqrt d) / 2
109 x1 = q/a
110 x2 = c/q
111 in case compare d 0 of
112 LT -> []
113 EQ -> [x1]
114 GT -> [x1,x2]
117bezierEval :: Curve -> Float -> Vector Float
118bezierEval Curve{curveA=a,curveB=b,curveC=c,curveD=d} t =
119 fromList [ bernsteinEval x t, bernsteinEval y t, bernsteinEval z t]
120 where
121 poly i = fromList [a!i,b!i,c!i,d!i]
122 x = poly 0
123 y = poly 1
124 z = poly 2
126-- | Evaluate the bernstein polynomial using the horner rule adapted
127-- for bernstein polynomials.
128bernsteinEval :: (G.Vector v a, Fractional a) => v a -> a -> a
129bernsteinEval v _
130 | G.length v == 0 = 0
131bernsteinEval v _
132 | G.length v == 1 = G.unsafeHead v
133bernsteinEval v t =
134 go t (fromIntegral n) (G.unsafeIndex v 0 * u) 1
135 where u = 1-t
136 n = fromIntegral $ G.length v - 1
137 go !tn !bc !tmp !i
138 | i == n = tmp + tn*G.unsafeIndex v n
139 | otherwise =
140 go (tn*t) -- tn
141 (bc*fromIntegral (n-i)/(fromIntegral i + 1)) -- bc
142 ((tmp + tn*bc*G.unsafeIndex v i)*u) -- tmp
143 (i+1) -- i