path: root/PointPrimitiveRing.hs
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authorJoe Crayne <>2019-05-17 03:55:38 -0400
committerJoe Crayne <>2019-05-17 03:55:38 -0400
commitb5d68cc4aba82fec53e156a6c0c2d2726ee6ff46 (patch)
tree4fe1a29265412abc09dc20887a17d378322c08a2 /PointPrimitiveRing.hs
parentf5d4a74e9a4b23917b97f48bde529cb21e3ec152 (diff)
Point primitive stream based ring buffer.
Diffstat (limited to 'PointPrimitiveRing.hs')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PointPrimitiveRing.hs b/PointPrimitiveRing.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd9a15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PointPrimitiveRing.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards #-}
2module PointPrimitiveRing where
4import Control.Monad
5import Data.Foldable
6import Data.Int
7import Data.IORef
8import Data.Maybe
9import Data.Word
10import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
11import qualified Data.Vector as V
12 ;import Data.Vector as V ((!),(//))
13import Foreign.C.Types (CPtrdiff)
14import Foreign.Marshal
15import Foreign.Ptr
16import Foreign.Storable
18import LambdaCube.GL as LC
19import LambdaCube.GL.Data -- (uploadCubeMapToGPU,uploadTextureBufferToGPU,updateTextureBuffer)
20import LambdaCube.GL.Mesh as LC
21import LambdaCube.GL.Type
22import LambdaCube.IR as LC
23import LambdaCube.GL.Util
24import LambdaCube.GL.Input.Type
25import LambdaCube.GL.Input hiding (createObjectCommands)
27import Graphics.GL.Core33
29data Ring = Ring
30 { rBufferObject :: Word32
31 , rStorage :: GLStorage
32 , rObject :: Object
33 , rSize :: IORef CPtrdiff
34 , rStart :: IORef CPtrdiff
35 , ringCapacity :: CPtrdiff
36 }
38addToObjectArray :: GLStorage
39 -> String -- ^ Slot name for a PrimitiveStream.
40 -> [String] -- ^ Uniform names. IORefs will be put in 'objUniSetup'.
41 -> GPUData
42 -> IO Object
43addToObjectArray input slotName objUniNames (GPUData prim streams indices _) = do
44 let ObjectArraySchema _ slotStreams = fromMaybe (error $ "addMeshToObjectArray - missing object array: " ++ slotName)
45 $ Map.lookup slotName $! objectArrays $! schema input
46 addObject input slotName prim indices (Map.intersection streams slotStreams) objUniNames
48setUniformCommand :: (String -> GLUniform)
49 -> (String,GLint)
50 -> GLObjectCommand
51setUniformCommand ulookup (n,i) = GLSetUniform i (ulookup n)
53bindTextureCommand :: (String -> IORef GLint)
54 -> (String -> GLUniform)
55 -> String
56 -> GLObjectCommand
57bindTextureCommand tlookup ulookup n = GLBindTexture (inputTypeToTextureTarget $ uniInputType u) (tlookup n) u
58 where
59 u = ulookup n
60 uniInputType (GLTypedUniform ty _) = unwitnessType ty
61 uniInputType (GLUniform r) = objectType r
64lookupOrLookup :: (Ord k, Show k) => String -> Map.Map k a -> Map.Map k a -> k -> a
65lookupOrLookup callsite objUnis topUnis n = Map.findWithDefault (topUni n) n objUnis
66 where
67 topUni n = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "internal error ("++callsite++"): " ++ show n) n topUnis
70classifyStreamType :: StreamType -> ( GLint
71 , GLuint -> GLuint -> GLint -> GLenum -> Ptr () -> GLObjectCommand)
72classifyStreamType = \case
73 Attribute_Word -> ( 1 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray )
74 Attribute_V2U -> ( 2 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray )
75 Attribute_V3U -> ( 3 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray )
76 Attribute_V4U -> ( 4 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray )
77 Attribute_Int -> ( 1 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray )
78 Attribute_V2I -> ( 2 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray )
79 Attribute_V3I -> ( 3 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray )
80 Attribute_V4I -> ( 4 , GLSetVertexAttribIArray )
81 Attribute_Float -> ( 1 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
82 Attribute_V2F -> ( 2 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
83 Attribute_V3F -> ( 3 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
84 Attribute_V4F -> ( 4 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
85 Attribute_M22F -> ( 4 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
86 Attribute_M23F -> ( 6 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
87 Attribute_M24F -> ( 8 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
88 Attribute_M32F -> ( 6 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
89 Attribute_M33F -> ( 9 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
90 Attribute_M34F -> ( 12 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
91 Attribute_M42F -> ( 8 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
92 Attribute_M43F -> ( 12 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
93 Attribute_M44F -> ( 16 , GLSetVertexAttribArray )
95drawElementsCommand :: GLenum -> IndexStream Buffer -> GLObjectCommand
96drawElementsCommand prim (IndexStream (Buffer arrs bo) arrIdx start idxCount)
97 = GLDrawElements prim (fromIntegral idxCount) idxType bo ptr
98 where
99 ArrayDesc arrType arrLen arrOffs arrSize = arrs ! arrIdx
100 idxType = arrayTypeToGLType arrType
101 ptr = intPtrToPtr $! fromIntegral (arrOffs + start * sizeOfArrayType arrType)
103objectDrawStyle :: (GLsizei -> [(GLint,GLsizei)]) -- ^ mask, normally \x -> [(0,x)]
104 -> Object
105 -> Either [(GLint,GLsizei)] (IndexStream Buffer)
106objectDrawStyle streamMask obj = case objIndices obj of
107 Nothing -> Left $ let cnt = head [c | Stream _ _ _ _ c <- Map.elems (objAttributes obj)]
108 in streamMask $ fromIntegral cnt
109 Just idxStream -> Right idxStream
112createObjectCommands :: Map.Map String (IORef GLint) -> Map.Map String GLUniform -> Object -> GLProgram -> [GLObjectCommand]
113createObjectCommands texUnitMap topUnis obj prg =
114 createObjectCommands_ (objectEnvironment texUnitMap topUnis obj (pure . ((,) 0))) prg
116createObjectCommands_ :: ObjectEnvironment -> GLProgram -> [GLObjectCommand]
117createObjectCommands_ ObjectEnvironment{..} prg = concat
118 [ map (setUniformCommand ulookup) $ Map.toList (inputUniforms prg)
119 , map (bindTextureCommand tlookup ulookup) $ toList (inputTextureUniforms prg)
120 , map (setVertexAttribCommmand alookup) $ Map.elems (inputStreams prg)
121 , case envDrawStyle of
122 Left ranges -> map (uncurry $ GLDrawArrays envPrim) ranges
123 Right indexed -> pure $ drawElementsCommand envPrim indexed
124 ]
126data ObjectEnvironment = ObjectEnvironment
127 { envPrim :: GLenum
128 , envDrawStyle :: Either [(GLint,GLsizei)] (IndexStream Buffer)
129 , tlookup :: String -> IORef GLint
130 , ulookup :: String -> GLUniform
131 , alookup :: String -> Stream Buffer
132 }
134objectEnvironment :: Map.Map String (IORef GLint)
135 -> Map.Map String GLUniform
136 -> Object
137 -> (GLsizei -> [(GLint, GLsizei)])
138 -> ObjectEnvironment
139objectEnvironment texUnitMap topUnis obj streamMask = ObjectEnvironment
140 { envPrim = primitiveToGLType $ objPrimitive obj
141 , envDrawStyle = objectDrawStyle streamMask obj
142 , tlookup = \n -> Map.findWithDefault (error $ "missing texture unit: " ++ show n) n texUnitMap
143 , ulookup = lookupOrLookup "missing uniform: " (objUniSetup obj) topUnis
144 , alookup = \n -> Map.findWithDefault (error $ "missing attribute: " ++ n) n $ objAttributes obj
145 }
148setVertexAttribCommmand :: (t -> Stream Buffer) -> (GLuint, t) -> GLObjectCommand
149setVertexAttribCommmand alookup (i,name) = case alookup name of
150 Stream ty (Buffer arrs bo) arrIdx start len -> mkAttrCmd i bo n (arrayTypeToGLType arrType) (intPtrToPtr $! offset)
151 where
152 (n, mkAttrCmd) = classifyStreamType ty
153 ArrayDesc arrType arrLen arrOffs arrSize = arrs ! arrIdx
154 offset = fromIntegral (arrOffs + start * fromIntegral n * sizeOfArrayType arrType)
156 -- constant generic attribute
157 constAttr -> GLSetVertexAttrib i constAttr
159updateCommands :: GLStorage
160 -> Object
161 -> (GLsizei -> [(GLint,GLsizei)])
162 -> IO Object
163updateCommands input obj mask = do
164 let cmdsRef = objCommands obj :: IORef (V.Vector (V.Vector [GLObjectCommand]))
165 slotIdx = objSlot obj :: Int
166 ppls <- readIORef $ pipelines input
167 cmds <- V.forM (ppls :: V.Vector (Maybe GLRenderer)) $ \mp -> case mp of
168 Nothing -> return V.empty
169 Just p -> do
170 let env = objectEnvironment (glTexUnitMapping p) (uniformSetup input) obj mask
171 Just ic <- readIORef $ glInput p
172 case icSlotMapInputToPipeline ic ! slotIdx of
173 Nothing -> return V.empty -- this slot is not used in that pipeline
174 Just pSlotIdx -> do
175 let emptyV = V.replicate (V.length $ glPrograms p) []
176 return $ emptyV // [(prgIdx,createObjectCommands_ env (glPrograms p ! prgIdx))
177 | prgIdx <- glSlotPrograms p ! pSlotIdx]
178 writeIORef cmdsRef cmds
179 return obj
181newRing :: GLStorage -> Int -> IO Ring
182newRing storage sz = do
183 bo <- alloca $! \pbo -> glGenBuffers 1 pbo >> peek pbo
184 glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER bo
185 let bufsize = 3 * fromIntegral sz
186 byteCount = 4 * bufsize
187 glBufferData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER byteCount nullPtr GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW
188 glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0
189 startRef <- newIORef 0
190 sizeRef <- newIORef 0
191 let buffer = Buffer (V.singleton $ ArrayDesc ArrFloat (fromIntegral bufsize) 0 (fromIntegral byteCount))
192 bo
193 gd = GPUData PointList (Map.singleton "position" $ Stream Attribute_V3F buffer 0 0 sz) Nothing [buffer]
194 obj <- addToObjectArray storage "Points" [] gd
195 readIORef (objCommands obj) >>= mapM_ print
196 -- [[GLSetUniform 0 GLUniform M44F,GLSetVertexAttribArray 0 5 3 5126 0x0000000000000000,GLDrawArrays 0 0 1],[],[],[]]
197 let r = Ring
198 { rBufferObject = bo
199 , rStorage = storage
200 , rObject = obj
201 , rSize = sizeRef
202 , rStart = startRef
203 , ringCapacity = bufsize
204 }
205 updateRingCommands r
206 return r
208updateRingCommands :: Ring -> IO ()
209updateRingCommands r = do
210 start <- fmap (fromIntegral . (`div` 3)) $ readIORef $ rStart r
211 size <- fmap (fromIntegral . (`div` 3)) $ readIORef $ rSize r
212 let mask 0 = []
213 mask cnt = if start + size < cnt
214 then [(start,size)]
215 else [(0,start + size - cnt), (start,cnt-start)]
216 updateCommands (rStorage r) (rObject r) mask
217 readIORef (objCommands $ rObject r) >>= mapM_ print
218 return ()
220pushBack :: Ring -> Float -> Float -> Float -> IO ()
221pushBack r x y z = allocaArray 3 $ \ptr -> do
222 pokeElemOff ptr 0 x
223 pokeElemOff ptr 1 y
224 pokeElemOff ptr 2 z
225 start <- readIORef $ rStart r
226 writeIORef (rStart r) (mod (start + 3) (ringCapacity r))
227 glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (rBufferObject r)
228 glBufferSubData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (4*start) (4*3) ptr
229 glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0
230 glFlush
231 glFinish
232 sz <- readIORef (rSize r)
233 putStrLn $ "pushBack "++show (sz,start,(x,y,z))
234 when (sz < ringCapacity r) $ do
235 writeIORef (rSize r) (sz + 3)
236 updateRingCommands r
238updateRingUniforms :: GLStorage -> Ring -> IO ()
239updateRingUniforms _ _ = return ()