path: root/Data/OpenPGP/Util/Decrypt.hs
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authorJoe Crayne <>2019-11-14 19:04:32 -0500
committerJoe Crayne <>2019-11-14 19:04:32 -0500
commit713295a4ac808cc4bb1eb1f7be78d79d70dc6cd1 (patch)
tree1c58ede41f76f295a42b6da431443bfb36e39e61 /Data/OpenPGP/Util/Decrypt.hs
parent6252bdbd0531feaa6ac9e881dffe5c92b8b40197 (diff)
Enable generating cv25519 keys.
Diffstat (limited to 'Data/OpenPGP/Util/Decrypt.hs')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Data/OpenPGP/Util/Decrypt.hs b/Data/OpenPGP/Util/Decrypt.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84bead5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/OpenPGP/Util/Decrypt.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, CPP #-}
2module Data.OpenPGP.Util.Decrypt where
4import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LZ
5import Crypto.Error
6import qualified Crypto.Cipher.AES as Vincent
7import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish as Vincent
8import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Types as Vincent
9import Crypto.Cipher.Cast5 (CAST5_128)
10import Crypto.Cipher.ThomasToVincent
11import qualified Data.OpenPGP as OpenPGP
12import Data.OpenPGP.Util.Base
15-- decryption codec for withS2K
16simpleUnCFB :: (Vincent.BlockCipher k) => k -> Vincent.IV k -> LZ.ByteString -> LZ.ByteString
17simpleUnCFB k iv = padThenUnpad k (toLazyBS . Vincent.cfbDecrypt k iv . toStrictBS)
19withS2K' :: OpenPGP.SymmetricAlgorithm -> Maybe OpenPGP.S2K -> LZ.ByteString
20 -> (forall b. Vincent.BlockCipher b => b -> x) -> x
21withS2K' OpenPGP.AES128 s2k s f = f (string2key s2k s :: Vincent.AES128)
22withS2K' OpenPGP.AES192 s2k s f = f (string2key s2k s :: Vincent.AES192)
23withS2K' OpenPGP.AES256 s2k s f = f (string2key s2k s :: Vincent.AES256)
24withS2K' OpenPGP.Blowfish s2k s f = f (string2key s2k s :: Vincent.Blowfish128)
25withS2K' OpenPGP.CAST5 s2k s f = f (string2key s2k s :: ThomasToVincent CAST5_128)
27string2key :: (Vincent.BlockCipher k) => Maybe OpenPGP.S2K -> LZ.ByteString -> k
28string2key ms2k s = cipher
29 where
30#if defined(VERSION_cryptonite)
31 CryptoPassed cipher = Vincent.cipherInit k
32 k = toStrictBS $ LZ.take ksize $ maybe s (\s2k -> OpenPGP.string2key hashBySymbol s2k s) ms2k
34 cipher = Vincent.cipherInit k
35 Right k = Vincent.makeKey $ toStrictBS $
36 LZ.take ksize $ maybe s (\s2k -> OpenPGP.string2key hashBySymbol s2k s) ms2k
38 ksize = case Vincent.cipherKeySize cipher of
39 Vincent.KeySizeFixed n -> fromIntegral n
40 Vincent.KeySizeEnum xs -> error $ "Unknown key size in string2key"
41 Vincent.KeySizeRange min max -> error $ "Unknown key size range in string2key"
43-- Apply a function f to a zero-padded bytestring s to a multiple
44-- of the blocksize for cyper k.
45-- Then drop the same number of bytes from the result of f.
46padThenUnpad :: (Vincent.BlockCipher k) => k -> (LZ.ByteString -> LZ.ByteString) -> LZ.ByteString -> LZ.ByteString
47padThenUnpad k f s = dropPadEnd (f padded)
48 where
49 dropPadEnd s = LZ.take (LZ.length s - padAmount) s
50 padded = s `LZ.append` LZ.replicate padAmount 0
51 padAmount = blksize - (LZ.length s `mod` blksize)
52 blksize = fromIntegral $ Vincent.blockSize k