path: root/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs
diff options
authorAlberto Ruiz <>2014-05-16 20:10:57 +0200
committerAlberto Ruiz <>2014-05-16 20:10:57 +0200
commitd4d9082a8d7d3eed6cb5f188fc3b476847dcac27 (patch)
tree0a19bc18be429454fd59c16fd46e29e1e7bae722 /packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs
parent51f4cc7b4b301142b8df73568ffaa448f9e6dd50 (diff)
GSL.LinearAlgebra reorganized
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs b/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index bca074f..0000000
--- a/packages/hmatrix/src/Numeric/GSL/Vector.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
2-- |
3-- Module : Numeric.GSL.Vector
4-- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2007
5-- License : GPL
6-- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz
7-- Stability : provisional
9-- Low level interface to vector operations.
13module Numeric.GSL.Vector (
14 RandDist(..), randomVector,
15 saveMatrix,
16 fwriteVector, freadVector, fprintfVector, fscanfVector
17) where
19import Data.Packed
20import Numeric.GSL.Internal hiding (TV,TM,TCV,TCM)
22import Data.Complex
23import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc(free)
24import Foreign.Ptr(Ptr)
25import Foreign.C.Types
26import Foreign.C.String(newCString)
27import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
29fromei x = fromIntegral (fromEnum x) :: CInt
33data RandDist = Uniform -- ^ uniform distribution in [0,1)
34 | Gaussian -- ^ normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation one
35 deriving Enum
37-- | Obtains a vector of pseudorandom elements from the the mt19937 generator in GSL, with a given seed. Use randomIO to get a random seed.
38randomVector :: Int -- ^ seed
39 -> RandDist -- ^ distribution
40 -> Int -- ^ vector size
41 -> Vector Double
42randomVector seed dist n = unsafePerformIO $ do
43 r <- createVector n
44 app1 (c_random_vector (fi seed) ((fi.fromEnum) dist)) vec r "randomVector"
45 return r
47foreign import ccall unsafe "random_vector" c_random_vector :: CInt -> CInt -> TV
51-- | Saves a matrix as 2D ASCII table.
52saveMatrix :: FilePath
53 -> String -- ^ format (%f, %g, %e)
54 -> Matrix Double
55 -> IO ()
56saveMatrix filename fmt m = do
57 charname <- newCString filename
58 charfmt <- newCString fmt
59 let o = if orderOf m == RowMajor then 1 else 0
60 app1 (matrix_fprintf charname charfmt o) mat m "matrix_fprintf"
61 free charname
62 free charfmt
64foreign import ccall unsafe "matrix_fprintf" matrix_fprintf :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> CInt -> TM
68-- | Loads a vector from an ASCII file (the number of elements must be known in advance).
69fscanfVector :: FilePath -> Int -> IO (Vector Double)
70fscanfVector filename n = do
71 charname <- newCString filename
72 res <- createVector n
73 app1 (gsl_vector_fscanf charname) vec res "gsl_vector_fscanf"
74 free charname
75 return res
77foreign import ccall unsafe "vector_fscanf" gsl_vector_fscanf:: Ptr CChar -> TV
79-- | Saves the elements of a vector, with a given format (%f, %e, %g), to an ASCII file.
80fprintfVector :: FilePath -> String -> Vector Double -> IO ()
81fprintfVector filename fmt v = do
82 charname <- newCString filename
83 charfmt <- newCString fmt
84 app1 (gsl_vector_fprintf charname charfmt) vec v "gsl_vector_fprintf"
85 free charname
86 free charfmt
88foreign import ccall unsafe "vector_fprintf" gsl_vector_fprintf :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> TV
90-- | Loads a vector from a binary file (the number of elements must be known in advance).
91freadVector :: FilePath -> Int -> IO (Vector Double)
92freadVector filename n = do
93 charname <- newCString filename
94 res <- createVector n
95 app1 (gsl_vector_fread charname) vec res "gsl_vector_fread"
96 free charname
97 return res
99foreign import ccall unsafe "vector_fread" gsl_vector_fread:: Ptr CChar -> TV
101-- | Saves the elements of a vector to a binary file.
102fwriteVector :: FilePath -> Vector Double -> IO ()
103fwriteVector filename v = do
104 charname <- newCString filename
105 app1 (gsl_vector_fwrite charname) vec v "gsl_vector_fwrite"
106 free charname
108foreign import ccall unsafe "vector_fwrite" gsl_vector_fwrite :: Ptr CChar -> TV
110type PF = Ptr Float --
111type PD = Ptr Double --
112type PQ = Ptr (Complex Float) --
113type PC = Ptr (Complex Double) --
114type TF = CInt -> PF -> IO CInt --
115type TFF = CInt -> PF -> TF --
116type TFV = CInt -> PF -> TV --
117type TVF = CInt -> PD -> TF --
118type TFFF = CInt -> PF -> TFF --
119type TV = CInt -> PD -> IO CInt --
120type TVV = CInt -> PD -> TV --
121type TVVV = CInt -> PD -> TVV --
122type TFM = CInt -> CInt -> PF -> IO CInt --
123type TFMFM = CInt -> CInt -> PF -> TFM --
124type TFMFMFM = CInt -> CInt -> PF -> TFMFM --
125type TM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> IO CInt --
126type TMM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TM --
127type TVMM = CInt -> PD -> TMM --
128type TMVMM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TVMM --
129type TMMM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TMM --
130type TVM = CInt -> PD -> TM --
131type TVVM = CInt -> PD -> TVM --
132type TMV = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TV --
133type TMMV = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TMV --
134type TMVM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TVM --
135type TMMVM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TMVM --
136type TCM = CInt -> CInt -> PC -> IO CInt --
137type TCVCM = CInt -> PC -> TCM --
138type TCMCVCM = CInt -> CInt -> PC -> TCVCM --
139type TMCMCVCM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TCMCVCM --
140type TCMCMCVCM = CInt -> CInt -> PC -> TCMCVCM --
141type TCMCM = CInt -> CInt -> PC -> TCM --
142type TVCM = CInt -> PD -> TCM --
143type TCMVCM = CInt -> CInt -> PC -> TVCM --
144type TCMCMVCM = CInt -> CInt -> PC -> TCMVCM --
145type TCMCMCM = CInt -> CInt -> PC -> TCMCM --
146type TCV = CInt -> PC -> IO CInt --
147type TCVCV = CInt -> PC -> TCV --
148type TCVCVCV = CInt -> PC -> TCVCV --
149type TCVV = CInt -> PC -> TV --
150type TQV = CInt -> PQ -> IO CInt --
151type TQVQV = CInt -> PQ -> TQV --
152type TQVQVQV = CInt -> PQ -> TQVQV --
153type TQVF = CInt -> PQ -> TF --
154type TQM = CInt -> CInt -> PQ -> IO CInt --
155type TQMQM = CInt -> CInt -> PQ -> TQM --
156type TQMQMQM = CInt -> CInt -> PQ -> TQMQM --
157type TCMCV = CInt -> CInt -> PC -> TCV --
158type TVCV = CInt -> PD -> TCV --
159type TCVM = CInt -> PC -> TM --
160type TMCVM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TCVM --
161type TMMCVM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> TMCVM --