path: root/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra')
2 files changed, 166 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Tests.hs b/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Tests.hs
index 7ecf812..96280fb 100644
--- a/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Tests.hs
+++ b/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Tests.hs
@@ -23,42 +23,174 @@ import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
23import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Instances 23import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Instances
24import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Properties 24import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Properties
25import Test.QuickCheck 25import Test.QuickCheck
26import Numeric.GSL(setErrorHandlerOff) 26import Test.HUnit hiding ((~:),test)
27import System.Info
28import Data.List(foldl1')
29import Numeric.GSL hiding (sin,cos,exp,choose)
27 30
28qCheck n = check defaultConfig {configSize = const n} 31qCheck n = check defaultConfig {configSize = const n}
29 32
33utest str b = TestCase $ assertBool str b
35feye n = flipud (ident n) :: Matrix Double
37detTest1 = det m == 26
38 && det mc == 38 :+ (-3)
39 && det (feye 2) == -1
40 where
41 m = (3><3)
42 [ 1, 2, 3
43 , 4, 5, 7
44 , 2, 8, 4 :: Double
45 ]
46 mc = (3><3)
47 [ 1, 2, 3
48 , 4, 5, 7
49 , 2, 8, i
50 ]
54polyEval cs x = foldr (\c ac->ac*x+c) 0 cs
56polySolveProp p = length p <2 || last p == 0|| 1E-8 > maximum (map magnitude $ map (polyEval (map (:+0) p)) (polySolve p))
60quad f a b = fst $ integrateQAGS 1E-9 100 f a b
62-- A multiple integral can be easily defined using partial application
63quad2 f a b g1 g2 = quad h a b
64 where h x = quad (f x) (g1 x) (g2 x)
66volSphere r = 8 * quad2 (\x y -> sqrt (r*r-x*x-y*y))
67 0 r (const 0) (\x->sqrt (r*r-x*x))
71besselTest = utest "bessel_J0_e" ( abs (r-expected) < e )
72 where (r,e) = bessel_J0_e 5.0
73 expected = -0.17759677131433830434739701
75exponentialTest = utest "exp_e10_e" ( abs (v*10^e - expected) < 4E-2 )
76 where (v,e,err) = exp_e10_e 30.0
77 expected = exp 30.0
81nd1 = (3><3) [ 1/2, 1/4, 1/4
82 , 0/1, 1/2, 1/4
83 , 1/2, 1/4, 1/2 :: Double]
85nd2 = (2><2) [1, 0, 1, 1:: Complex Double]
87expmTest1 = expm nd1 :~14~: (3><3)
88 [ 1.762110887278176
89 , 0.478085470590435
90 , 0.478085470590435
91 , 0.104719410945666
92 , 1.709751181805343
93 , 0.425725765117601
94 , 0.851451530235203
95 , 0.530445176063267
96 , 1.814470592751009 ]
98expmTest2 = expm nd2 :~15~: (2><2)
99 [ 2.718281828459045
100 , 0.000000000000000
101 , 2.718281828459045
102 , 2.718281828459045 ]
107rot :: Double -> Matrix Double
108rot a = (3><3) [ c,0,s
109 , 0,1,0
110 ,-s,0,c ]
111 where c = cos a
112 s = sin a
114rotTest = fun (10^5) :~12~: rot 5E4
115 where fun n = foldl1' (<>) (map rot angles)
116 where angles = toList $ linspace n (0,1)
30-- | It runs all the tests. 119-- | It runs all the tests.
31runTests :: Int -- ^ maximum dimension 120runTests :: Int -- ^ maximum dimension
32 -> IO () 121 -> IO ()
33runTests n = do 122runTests n = do
34 setErrorHandlerOff 123 setErrorHandlerOff
35 let test p = qCheck n p 124 let test p = qCheck n p
125 putStrLn "------ lu"
36 test (luProp . rM) 126 test (luProp . rM)
37 test (luProp . cM) 127 test (luProp . cM)
128 putStrLn "------ inv"
38 test (invProp . rSqWC) 129 test (invProp . rSqWC)
39 test (invProp . cSqWC) 130 test (invProp . cSqWC)
131 putStrLn "------ pinv"
40 test (pinvProp . rM) 132 test (pinvProp . rM)
41 test (pinvProp . cM) 133 if os == "mingw32"
134 then putStrLn "complex pinvTest skipped in this OS"
135 else test (pinvProp . cM)
136 putStrLn "------ det"
137 test (detProp . rSqWC)
42 test (detProp . cSqWC) 138 test (detProp . cSqWC)
139 putStrLn "------ svd"
43 test (svdProp1 . rM) 140 test (svdProp1 . rM)
44 test (svdProp1 . cM) 141 test (svdProp1 . cM)
45 test (svdProp2 . rM) 142 test (svdProp2 . rM)
46 test (svdProp2 . cM) 143 test (svdProp2 . cM)
144 putStrLn "------ eig"
47 test (eigSHProp . rHer) 145 test (eigSHProp . rHer)
48 test (eigSHProp . cHer) 146 test (eigSHProp . cHer)
49 test (eigProp . rSq) 147 test (eigProp . rSq)
50 test (eigProp . cSq) 148 test (eigProp . cSq)
149 putStrLn "------ nullSpace"
51 test (nullspaceProp . rM) 150 test (nullspaceProp . rM)
52 test (nullspaceProp . cM) 151 test (nullspaceProp . cM)
152 putStrLn "------ qr"
53 test (qrProp . rM) 153 test (qrProp . rM)
54 test (qrProp . cM) 154 test (qrProp . cM)
155 putStrLn "------ hess"
55 test (hessProp . rSq) 156 test (hessProp . rSq)
56 test (hessProp . cSq) 157 test (hessProp . cSq)
158 putStrLn "------ schur"
57 test (schurProp2 . rSq) 159 test (schurProp2 . rSq)
58 test (schurProp1 . cSq) 160 if os == "mingw32"
161 then putStrLn "complex schur skipped in this OS"
162 else test (schurProp1 . cSq)
163 putStrLn "------ chol"
59 test (cholProp . rPosDef) 164 test (cholProp . rPosDef)
60 test (cholProp . cPosDef) 165 test (cholProp . cPosDef)
166 putStrLn "------ expm"
167 test (expmDiagProp . rSqWC)
168 test (expmDiagProp . cSqWC)
169 putStrLn "------ fft"
170 test (\v -> ifft (fft v) |~| v)
171 putStrLn "------ vector operations"
172 test (\u -> sin u ^ 2 + cos u ^ 2 |~| (1::RM))
173 test (\u -> sin u ** 2 + cos u ** 2 |~| (1::RM))
174 test (\u -> cos u * tan u |~| sin (u::RM))
175 test (\u -> (cos u * tan u) |~| sin (u::CM))
176 putStrLn "------ some unit tests"
177 runTestTT $ TestList
178 [ utest "1E5 rots" rotTest
179 , utest "det1" detTest1
180 , utest "expm1" (expmTest1)
181 , utest "expm2" (expmTest2)
182 , utest "arith1" $ ((ones (100,100) * 5 + 2)/0.5 - 7)**2 |~| (49 :: RM)
183 , utest "arith2" $ (((1+i) .* ones (100,100) * 5 + 2)/0.5 - 7)**2 |~| ( (140*i-51).*1 :: CM)
184 , utest "arith3" $ exp (i.*ones(10,10)*pi) + 1 |~| 0
185 , utest "<\\>" $ (3><2) [2,0,0,3,1,1::Double] <\> 3|>[4,9,5] |~| 2|>[2,3]
186 , utest "gamma" (gamma 5 == 24.0)
187 , besselTest
188 , exponentialTest
189 , utest "integrate" (abs (volSphere 2.5 - 4/3*pi*2.5^3) < 1E-8)
190 , utest "polySolve" (polySolveProp [1,2,3,4])
191 ]
192 return ()
61 193
62-- | Some additional tests on big matrices. They take a few minutes. 194-- -- | Some additional tests on big matrices. They take a few minutes.
63runBigTests :: IO () 195-- runBigTests :: IO ()
64runBigTests = undefined 196-- runBigTests = undefined
diff --git a/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Tests/Properties.hs b/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Tests/Properties.hs
index 0317469..0563e62 100644
--- a/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/lib/Numeric/LinearAlgebra/Tests/Properties.hs
@@ -9,13 +9,33 @@ Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz (aruiz at um dot es)
9Stability : provisional 9Stability : provisional
10Portability : portable 10Portability : portable
11 11
12Arbitrary instances for vectors, matrices. 12Testing properties.
13 13
14-} 14-}
15 15
16module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Properties 16module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Properties (
17 17 dist, (|~|), (~:), Aprox((:~)),
18where 18 zeros, ones,
19 square,
20 unitary,
21 hermitian,
22 wellCond,
23 positiveDefinite,
24 upperTriang,
25 upperHessenberg,
26 luProp,
27 invProp,
28 pinvProp,
29 detProp,
30 nullspaceProp,
31 svdProp1, svdProp2,
32 eigProp, eigSHProp,
33 qrProp,
34 hessProp,
35 schurProp1, schurProp2,
36 cholProp,
37 expmDiagProp
38) where
19 39
20import Numeric.LinearAlgebra 40import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
21import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Instances(Sq(..),Her(..),Rot(..)) 41import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Instances(Sq(..),Her(..),Rot(..))
@@ -50,8 +70,6 @@ unitary m = square m && m <> ctrans m |~| ident (rows m)
50 70
51hermitian m = square m && m |~| ctrans m 71hermitian m = square m && m |~| ctrans m
52 72
53degenerate m = rank m < min (rows m) (cols m)
55wellCond m = rcond m > 1/100 73wellCond m = rcond m > 1/100
56 74
57positiveDefinite m = minimum (toList e) > 0 75positiveDefinite m = minimum (toList e) > 0
@@ -125,3 +143,7 @@ schurProp2 m = m |~| u <> s <> ctrans u && unitary u && upperHessenberg s -- fix
125cholProp m = m |~| ctrans c <> c && upperTriang c 143cholProp m = m |~| ctrans c <> c && upperTriang c
126 where c = chol m 144 where c = chol m
127 pos = positiveDefinite m 145 pos = positiveDefinite m
147expmDiagProp m = expm (logm m) |~| complex m
148 where logm m = matFunc log m