path: root/lib/Numeric/GSL/gsl-aux.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-04-06some changes in GSL.FittingAlberto Ruiz
2010-03-27interface to Levenberg-MarquardtAlberto Ruiz
2010-02-07added odeSolveAlberto Ruiz
2009-11-14randomVectorAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-18saveMatrixAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-17vector fread/fwrite, fscanf/fprinfAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-12minimize and root maxiter fixedAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-11check multimin iterate statusAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-10check gsl versionAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-09exprel_n_CF_e not exportedAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-08auxiliary functions moved to Numeric.GSL.InternalAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-08included all GSL minimization methodsAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-07root finding with jacobianAlberto Ruiz
2009-06-04added some root finding algorithmsAlberto Ruiz
2009-04-18added minimizeVectorBFGS2Alberto Ruiz
2008-10-17acknowledgement to Dylan Simon, updated readme and fixed mapCAuxAlberto Ruiz
2008-10-02alternative multiply versionsAlberto Ruiz
2007-10-15some windows supportAlberto Ruiz
2007-10-02lapack real and complex unpacked QRAlberto Ruiz
2007-10-01LinearAlgebra and GSL moved to NumericAlberto Ruiz