path: root/examples/HelloJson.hs
diff options
authorCsaba Hruska <>2016-01-14 13:08:28 +0100
committerCsaba Hruska <>2016-01-14 13:08:52 +0100
commite3780f65e84234ce8b8aa3569a0963a1637681af (patch)
tree3a0b62b9ee3eb236f9b2c760ba23686cdd1f02c4 /examples/HelloJson.hs
parent5d869d1da1add07d926c06f6729b2ac49ed215ff (diff)
update sample texture and add example to load a pipeline from json
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/HelloJson.hs')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/HelloJson.hs b/examples/HelloJson.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c8a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HelloJson.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings #-}
2import "GLFW-b" Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
3import qualified Data.Map as Map
4import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
6import "lambdacube-gl-ir" LambdaCube.GL as LambdaCubeGL -- renderer
7import "lambdacube-gl-ir" LambdaCube.GL.Mesh as LambdaCubeGL
9import Codec.Picture as Juicy
11import Data.Aeson
12import qualified Data.ByteString as SB
14main :: IO ()
15main = do
16 Just pipelineDesc <- decodeStrict <$> SB.readFile "hello.json"
18 win <- initWindow "LambdaCube 3D DSL Hello World" 640 640
20 -- setup render data
21 let inputSchema = makeSchema $ do
22 defObjectArray "objects" Triangles $ do
23 "position" @: Attribute_V2F
24 "uv" @: Attribute_V2F
25 defUniforms $ do
26 "time" @: Float
27 "diffuseTexture" @: FTexture2D
29 storage <- LambdaCubeGL.allocStorage inputSchema
31 -- upload geometry to GPU and add to pipeline input
32 LambdaCubeGL.uploadMeshToGPU triangleA >>= LambdaCubeGL.addMeshToObjectArray storage "objects" []
33 LambdaCubeGL.uploadMeshToGPU triangleB >>= LambdaCubeGL.addMeshToObjectArray storage "objects" []
35 -- load image and upload texture
36 Right img <- Juicy.readImage "logo.png"
37 textureData <- LambdaCubeGL.uploadTexture2DToGPU img
39 -- allocate GL pipeline
40 renderer <- LambdaCubeGL.allocRenderer pipelineDesc
41 LambdaCubeGL.setStorage renderer storage >>= \case -- check schema compatibility
42 Just err -> putStrLn err
43 Nothing -> loop
44 where loop = do
45 -- update graphics input
46 GLFW.getWindowSize win >>= \(w,h) -> LambdaCubeGL.setScreenSize storage (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
47 LambdaCubeGL.updateUniforms storage $ do
48 "diffuseTexture" @= return textureData
49 "time" @= do
50 Just t <- GLFW.getTime
51 return (realToFrac t :: Float)
52 -- render
53 LambdaCubeGL.renderFrame renderer
54 GLFW.swapBuffers win
55 GLFW.pollEvents
57 let keyIsPressed k = fmap (==KeyState'Pressed) $ GLFW.getKey win k
58 escape <- keyIsPressed Key'Escape
59 if escape then return () else loop
61 LambdaCubeGL.disposeRenderer renderer
62 LambdaCubeGL.disposeStorage storage
63 GLFW.destroyWindow win
64 GLFW.terminate
66-- geometry data: triangles
67triangleA :: LambdaCubeGL.Mesh
68triangleA = Mesh
69 { mAttributes = Map.fromList
70 [ ("position", A_V2F $ SV.fromList [V2 1 1, V2 1 (-1), V2 (-1) (-1)])
71 , ("uv", A_V2F $ SV.fromList [V2 1 1, V2 0 1, V2 0 0])
72 ]
73 , mPrimitive = P_Triangles
74 , mGPUData = Nothing
75 }
77triangleB :: LambdaCubeGL.Mesh
78triangleB = Mesh
79 { mAttributes = Map.fromList
80 [ ("position", A_V2F $ SV.fromList [V2 1 1, V2 (-1) (-1), V2 (-1) 1])
81 , ("uv", A_V2F $ SV.fromList [V2 1 1, V2 0 0, V2 1 0])
82 ]
83 , mPrimitive = P_Triangles
84 , mGPUData = Nothing
85 }
87initWindow :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO Window
88initWindow title width height = do
89 GLFW.init
90 GLFW.defaultWindowHints
91 mapM_ GLFW.windowHint
92 [ WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 3
93 , WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 3
94 , WindowHint'OpenGLProfile OpenGLProfile'Core
95 , WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat True
96 ]
97 Just win <- GLFW.createWindow width height title Nothing Nothing
98 GLFW.makeContextCurrent $ Just win
99 return win